61 Year Old Squats 700 Pounds for Three (with David Ricks)
BarBend Podcast
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BarBend Podcast
61 Year Old Squats 700 Pounds for Three (with David Ricks)
Oct 26, 2020
David Ricks

Today we're talking to powerlifting legend David Ricks. David has been in the sport for nearly 40 years, with a competition history dating all the way back to 1981. Throughout that time, he’s won numerous national, world, and invitational championships, earning him the nickname “Superman.” After a brief hiatus in the sport in his mid-50s, David came roaring back to compete at a high level in his late 50s. And in 2017, at 58 years old, he broke an OPEN world record in the squat, sinking 325kg at the Arnold Sports Festival. Now 61 years old, Ricks is still competing — and often winning — against lifters of all ages. We discuss his training mindset and some serious wisdom after an unparalleled career in the sport.