Libya Matters

18: Art in Conflict with Hadia Gana

Lawyers for Justice in Libya Season 2

What is art? What is culture? And what role do they play in Libya today? We’re delighted to reflect on Libya’s conflict in a very different way with one of the country’s best-known artists, Hadia Gana. Hadia has worked with ceramics and glass and produced many fascinating installations, and as a leading advocate for cultural heritage, recently founded Libya’s first art museum. Discussing the link between art and justice brings to mind our conversations with the great Justice Albie Sachs, who, when appointed to the Constitutional Court of South Africa by Nelson Mandela, realised that art played an essential role in dealing with the ghosts of the country's Apartheid past. A powerful reminder of the vital link between art and justice! 

You can find Hadia on Facebook at

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