The Wild Within

Fixed vs. Growth Mindset - Which is Yours?

Kristen Yates Season 1 Episode 4

Ep. 4: Do you believe that your intelligence, skills, and talents are static and fixed – or do you perceive your abilities in a growth-oriented, dynamic way?

Today's episode is all about the beliefs we hold about ourselves and our minds - and how this not only impacts, but directly creates our experience of life! 

In this solo show, I discuss: 

  • The difference between fixed and growth mindset, and qualities of each
  • How our beliefs about ourselves directly affect our experience
  • How each mindset type deals with challenges and obstacles
  • Relationships through the lens of each mindset type
  • Tools and actions steps to begin embodying a growth mindset

Resources from today's episode:

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck

The Brain That Changes Itself by Norman Doidge