The Wild Within

Synchronicity, Intuition, and Surrendering to the Flow of Life

Kristen Yates Season 1 Episode 6

Ep. 6: Have you ever experienced a state of pure flow, where life seems to unfold beyond your mind's perceived possibilities? In this solo episode, I dive into how synchronicity, intuition, and surrender have served as the foundations for my spiritual and nomadic journey – sharing bits and pieces of lessons learned in my last 10 years of traveling, dancing through ideas including: 

  • The difficulties of living in a cerebral-based society (and how to cope) 
  • What actually helps build intuition
  • Why I moved abroad, and how I kept taking bigger leaps
  • The importance of embodiment for living intuitively
  • Why living boldly doesn't mean we need to plan out the end game 
  • Ways the mind can get in the way of life guiding us on our true path
  • How to play "games" with the universe and develop a relationship with life energy
  • What synchronicity is, and how we can use it as a guide
  • How to surrender and release attachment to future outcomes (and why it's important!) 
  • Why life often does not go according to plan (and why this is a great thing!) 

Resources mentioned:

The Surrender Experiment (Michael Singer)

E Squared: Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality (Pam Grout)

Synchronicity: The Art of Coincidence, Choice, and Unlocking Your Mind (Dr. Kirby Surprise)