The Wild Within

Shamanic Tantra as a Path to Inner Liberation (Our ISTA Experience) w/ Kacper Postawski

Kristen Yates Season 1 Episode 13

Ep. 13: Today's episode is a peek behind the scenes at my experience with ISTA – the International School of Temple Arts – immersing in a weeklong Shamanic Tantra and Sacred Sexuality training. I recorded this with Kacper, a soul brother I met on the ISTA journey, shortly after our training completed.

I love this episode, because it's such an raw view into our experience in this sacred sexuality immersion, and the insights and transformations we received on all things shadow work, healing shame, emotional processing, and creating authentic intimacy with ourselves and others.

We jam on all things:

  • What ISTA, sacred sexuality and the temple arts are all about
  • Our intentions coming in, and how they shifted through the process
  • Going through death and rebirth in the transformation process
  • How ISTA helped us bring up and heal our shame around sexuality
  • What shame really is, and why we have to move through it to release it
  • Why tantra is so much about intimate connection with self 
  • Dealing with massive triggers in an intimate container 
  • What is "the shadow", and how to integrate with it to become more whole
  • Becoming resilient to the daggers, thorns, and shadows we face in life
  • Dealing with projections that others put onto us
  • The power of emotional release 
  • How others can be our mirror for shadows in relationships 
  • Healing shadows from childhood trauma 
  • Uncovering the shadow of "unworthiness" in relationships
  • Understanding the masculine/feminine dynamics of polarity 
  • What’s behind “White knight” syndrome 
  • Finding the distinction between authentic love and the need for validation
  • Processing the toxic patterns behind a breakup 
  • Bringing our anxiety up from the unconscious to conscious to transmute and transform

Resources from this episode:

ISTA (International School of Temple Arts)