Sit Down With Suzanne 🎤

The Strong Black Woman Trope

• Suzanne Graham Anderson • Season 3 • Episode 3

On this episode I talk about how we have to redefine the way we think of the word strong, being labeled as a Strong Black Women can sometimes stop us from taking care of ourselves. We have to redefine the way we think of strong and realize that taking care of our physical, emotional, and mental health is not a sign of weakness.

I am posting this episode knowing that I said Sandra Fulton instead of Sybrina Fulton, I was thinking of another black woman Sandra Bland and said Sandra instead of Sybrina, I didn't realize my mistake until after I ended recording but upon listening, I liked the episode, so I did not want to rerecord it. Sandra Bland is a black woman who we lost, and Sybrina Fulton is a mother who lost her son, both victims of racism.

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