Restoring the Soul with Michael John Cusick

Episode 118 - Peter Zaremba, "Centering Prayer, Part 2"

Season 6 Episode 118

“The desire for centering prayer is to connect with God and to put ourselves in a position that offers the least resistance to encounter His love.” - Peter Zaremba

On today’s podcast, our host Michael John Cusick is continuing his conversation about centering prayer. In this episode, he will be speaking with Peter Zaremba about the benefits of centering prayer. You’ll want  to pay close attention to this discussion. We’d even encourage taking some good notes from their conversation.

Centering prayer allows you to rest deeply in God in silence and to let go of the thoughts, emotions, memories, images or even sensations that will inevitably come into awareness during prayer. Based on Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, centering prayer can be tied directly to chapter 4 verses 22 to 24 where Paul says, “put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.”

In this podcast, we hope you will discover:

  • Centering prayer is a practice.
  • Centering prayer teaches us that everything we need is in every moment.
  • Centering prayer is a posture of our heart that allows us to manifest what’s already true inside of us.

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