Restoring the Soul with Michael John Cusick

Episode 129 - Michael John Cusick, "5 Ways Shame Fuels Addiction: Introduction”

May 22, 2020 Michael John Cusick

On this edition of Restoring the Soul, Michael kicks off a 6-part series (including this episode as the Introduction) on the debilitating effects of shame and what the path to true freedom looks like.

Shame is a judgement upon ourselves that is an experience within but is also put upon us from the outside. Shame also says, “I am not good.” But we need to remember the promise from Paul in Galatians 5:1 that says, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.”

It is our hope that through this exploration into the relationship between shame and addiction, you will learn to live loved and free.

In this podcast, we hope you will discover:

  • What it is about shame that relates to addiction.
  • Why this an important conversation to have.
  • How shame fuels addiction.

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