Restoring the Soul with Michael John Cusick

Episode 187 - Michael John Cusick, "Surfing for God, Part 13: Understanding Freedom, Part 1"

Michael John Cusick

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” - 2 Cor. 3:17

On this edition of Restoring the Soul, Michael continues his in-depth look at Surfing for God and unpacks Chapter 13, “Freedom to Live.”

God’s love kneels down to us, wherever we are. And as He does, He urges us to bare ourselves before Him. Why? Because in seeing our naked selves in the light of God’s love, we make two discoveries. First, we discover more clearly who God is. All of the brokenness in our world and in our lives calls into question God’s goodness. Can we trust Him? Is He really enough? In our nakedness, there is no pretense of earning or obtaining His love. It’s a gift that makes the gospel more real.

The Apprentice Gathering
The Apprentice Institute for Spiritual Formation
September 23-25
Wichita, KS

Previous podcasts that address “shame”
Episode 173 - "Surfing for God, Part 5: Shame and Core Beliefs"
Episode 133 - “5 Ways Shame Fuels Addiction, Part 1
Episode 134 - “5 Ways Shame Fuels Addiction, Part 2
Episode 137 - “5 Ways Shame Fuels Addiction, Part 3
Episode 138 - “5 Ways Shame Fuels Addiction, Part 4

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