Restoring the Soul with Michael John Cusick

Episode 194 - Brad Jersak, "IN: Incarnation, Inclusion, Abba & Lamb"

September 24, 2021 Brad Jersak Season 8 Episode 194

The higher your Christology, the wider you see Abba’s love to be.” - Brad Jersak

Brad Jersak is Michael’s guest on today’s podcast. Their conversation centers around how Christ-followers might hold the tension of two abiding and complementary truths: 
- Christ’s one-of-a-kind revelation
- Abba’s all-inclusive love. 

IN: Incarnation, Inclusion = Abba & Lamb.

Brad lays out biblical and experiential evidence for integrating and celebrating both these truths together, espousing the beautiful gospel of Christ’s unique revelation of Abba’s all-inclusive love. 

Brad Jersak is an author and teacher based in Abbotsford, BC. He serves as a reader and monastery preacher at All Saints of North America Orthodox Monastery. Through his books and seminars, Brad shares the good news that God is Love, perfectly revealed in Jesus Christ. He teaches others how to encounter God through the practice of ”listening prayer,” through which God’s love heals wounded hearts and empowers us to heal this broken world.

In this podcast, we hope you will discover:

  • The importance of knowing God the Father as Abba.
  • The Lamb is the revelation of the nature of God
  • The main point and purpose of the incarnation

Episode 50 - Brad Jersak, "A More Beautiful Gospel, Part 1"
Episode 51 - Brad Jersak, "A More Beautiful Gospel, Part 2"

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