Restoring the Soul with Michael John Cusick

Episode 215 - Brian Boecker, "The Awakening: A Move Toward Wholeness"

Brian Boecker Season 9 Episode 215

Sometimes God cruelly puts me in places of exposure because He wants to bring healing to things that I have covered over.” - Brian Boecker

On this episode, Michael welcomes another member of the Restoring the Soul team for an opportunity for you to get to know them better. Today, we welcome Brian Boecker. 

With over ten years of working with individuals and couples, Brian specializes in counseling pastors, missionaries, and other Christian leaders. For 27 years he served with CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ) in a variety of leadership capacities primarily throughout Southeast Asia. He has also served with multiple ministries and currently trains graduate students at Denver Seminary. 

In today’s conversation, Brian recounts the pivotal story in which a counselor exposed him to the reality of what was taking place in his marriage. As you will hear, this “awakening” reset the trajectory of his relationship with his wife and changed their lives forever. Consequently, learning and understanding his own story has served as the foundation of how he approaches his vocation as an Intensive Clinical Soul Care Specialist.

Brian has a deep love of entering the stories of people in ways that move them toward restoration, healing, and wholeness.

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