Squelch! A (Mostly) Indie Video Game Podcast!

Is it really cheating if Blizzard wants you to cheat?

Dan0, McGootch, Enthralimund, and Fred the Squelch Dragon Episode 13

Dan0, McGootch, and Enthralimund talk for far too long about the end of season 2 of Grandmasters, Darroch Brown's Twitter game, and the five cards they expect to impact Standard the most. Loremaster Aegon provided us with some serious information about Sylvanas that seemed to mostly go over the heads of our co-hosts. This weeks quest was suggested by Bob - just Bob (@thefinalrefuge). Check out the show notes at https://1drv.ms/w/s!ArsKP1mXTAVuhpxHP6ZJDa4-R0TFew

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Welcome back to Squelch. I'm Dan0,


I'm Enthralimund,


and I'm McGooch and we're here to remind everyone that Hearthstone is a game and games are supposed to be fun.


So yes Enthralimund is joining us again this week. I, yes, very excited. I asked him to join us this week because I wasn't feeling particularly funny. Uh, my grandma is really sick and doesn't have a lot of time left. So I spent the last few days with her and her room. Uh, so lots of, lots of feels and then so thanks to Enthralimund for kind of coming off and coming on and I'm just kind of joining McGootch and me on the show. Not that McGootch isn't enough. That's what it's all been said before the show. Definitely enough. But I thought like somebody else there in case like I just kind of like stop being interesting to listen to. It might be helpful.


So just a few times and then never leave. And we'll have a three tr three host show.


It sounds great because this is getting expensive.


Yeah, I was wondering, you hadn't gotten back to me about the bill, but it's funny.


All right.


Yeah. Thanks for having me.


Yeah, you're very welcome. Uh, so what's your favorite Hearthstone card? We didn't interview you last time.


What's my favorite Hearthstone card? I think like, we're, yeah, uh, it's a really hard answer and, and I think maybe I do have to go with Cho. I mean, uh, Laura Walker Cho was my favorite card for years. I put him in everything I was 100% convinced in the days of, uh, of uh, Oh man. Why can I even think of a no, the days of what was the, uh, the warlock, uh, deal three damage to everything. Spell a.




in the days of like Hellfire that worked like burn. Like so many of the board clears were we're totally usable by, um, by decks that like to go wide. And, uh, uh, I was always like, yeah, thanks for your cards. I'll, I'll use those against you. Uh, and uh, and, and when you play Cho, like everybody wouldn't leave it alone and not know what to do.


It's so funny. It's one of those things that just makes you not want to be like, well I don't want to give him a copy of this, but it somehow negates the value that I just go. Just definitely not right.


Oh, totally. And playing it the ranks, I was playing it, but like then it would be like you played show and people would be like, well I don't want to play my Frostbolt so I'll do nothing for three turns. You're like, sweet. Um, yeah, no, but, uh, I, I mean I have to give a a second place now on Yogg cause I just, I love Yogg.


Yup. Yeah. Yogg is good.


Anyway, there you go. Yeah.


Hello old friend, let's meet for tea after the match, shall we?


So it is time for Tea with Finlay. This is the part of the show where we talk about what we did this week in Hearthstone. Do you want to get us started, McGootch?


Absolutely. Um, so I played a little bit of the tombs of terror, but I got sidetracked. Uh, seeing Crip go infinite on a Hearthstone escaping to back to the Tavern. You get the, the VIP Tavern and just kept cycling through, escaping back, getting all these puffs to the point where he had like a 14, 14 CAD Gar in his deck and he was trying to cycle through to get the Bob deck. And he's like, well, at this point my text is way better than his. And I was like, how did he even do this? I want to go back and find out, you know, you just get VIP and get super lucky, but when you get, um, the junior tomb diver that or senior team diver, um, that turns your hero power into the discover a treasure, you can play extra copies of it and find heart stone in that treasures and then leave the Tavern again, which is your runs never going to end.

Speaker 5:

But uh, that looked like insane amounts of fun. So I got sidetracked trying to chase that down myself. But also I spent way too much time in this brawl because this was one of those dumb ones that I got to play a stupid road deck that I love that I'm sure everybody hates me for. Just don't understand. Play the brawl more than like twice will. If you get dry X cards, play X spells play meanings. The costs two or less or 12 or more. So the deck I was playing was giants rogue, which is backstab counterfeit coin preparation, weasel tunnel or unstable element and arcane giant. Yeah. So you play, you put it, it is, it's like the only way to disrupt because the when the, when you draw through your deck reset. So you keep putting weasels in their deck and they don't get through it to get more cotton they need. But you can go on the coin turn one. You go prep or I mean you go coin. Yeah. Not prep coin.[inaudible] coin coin, counterfeit coin prep.[inaudible] and draw. And when you draw out at refills your deck, so you fill your hand and you can usually coin one or two weasels and backstab them in that same turn. The whole point is to discount your arcane giants. So pretty reliably that turn three you can put four or five arcane giants on the board and a lot of the times they just concede the only problem, the only[inaudible] you'd know that, right? Oh absolutely. But the only daily I had a hard time completing was deal 65 damage because different one could see when I put all that power. So I never actually got to hit face with it, but beautiful. I started playing only two or three attorney to not have legal so I could actually

Speaker 6:

smack on in the face a couple times just to clear that daily. But that's why I loved it. It was, although there was some serious competition, there's a priest one that does almost the same thing where you play the elemental that discounts or spells and then don't say no, but it played. You play test subjects and then you play discounted a power word shield. And then you give it reborn and um, topsy turvy and then you get all these copies back in your hands. So it's pretty much the same thing, but you're doing it with grave horrors, which in the mirror, because they're seven, eight, not eight, seven, you sometimes can keep a couple of giants on board and get through, but sometimes they can make a lot more than you can. So it was actually an interesting struggle, uh, with, with priests in particular. But I appreciate the thought you put into that. I was like, Hmm, how do I kill them? Oh, I know. I'll just put a bunch of mechs together and smash them in the face. That's what I did. Just magnetize magnetizing magnetized face done. I had a couple people try that then, then they get you to like 18 and I'm like, here's 50 power on the board. Can you win next turn? And often the tie, the answer is now. Then I went and that's wonderful. Before they're just like, screw this and concede and leave.


I have to say I was, I was definitely laughing like straight up out loud when I jumped into our leg social chat, uh, at this week after work one day and I went on and dad's got three, four or five different posts about Hearthstone and a couple more maybe for Matt or Aegon and that I looked down and[inaudible] response. Like, I don't know about any of that. I've been in[inaudible]

Speaker 6:

bro. All I have cried some cold on my other regions. I'm going to clear dailies. This is one of those like gifts to me where I'm just going to like start, start tanking up for the next release where I actually not be super far behind on EU and Asia. So nice. And start writing letters to team five saying to keep this broad. Oh no, absolutely not. I would definitely get bored of it, but I just want to make as many people hate me as possible. I think you did a good job of that. If I had to guess, how about you and thrall in mind?


Uh, man, like I said last week, I've been playing a lots of times only tog waggle and all tog waggle all the time. Yeah. I a I crafted SnipSnap by, uh, I destined congratulations. Thanks. I dusted my golden Malakai's I got in a pack and uh, say goodbye to the ability to, uh, play my opening hand again. Although I don't know how sad I am about that. Um, I don't worry about it. Yeah. But you know what though? Like I think it's mutual. He says this, right? Like it's hard to dust cards that give you more golden cards.

Speaker 6:

Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. And a golden mal across the, I mean, unless those cards were already golden, then you could play the one non bullet bell across and get the gold cards back, I think. Yeah. I have


no Ram cards, but I don't, I don't keep golden cards mostly. So unless it's a legendary, I craft. Okay. This is getting nitpicky, but I craft it every time I do something in the game I'm proud of, I'll craft like a golden heart from that deck. So I have a golden group food. Awesome. I love that deck from a hitting legend with the, like a hybrid, um, uh, dyno size Paladin that I kind of built and hit legend with. So that was weird. And I've got a golden[inaudible] favorite deck I've ever seen. You play by the way, cause it, yeah, that was cool. So that was thing. Yeah, that was like a riff on some other decks I had seen. But it, it was the first time I had like kind of constructed a big chunk of a deck, it would take an to legend. So I was excited about that. And then, uh, I have a golden stargazer Luna from a boom's day when I made my own tempo MEJ deck when everyone said it was terrible and got to top hundred lighten and yeah. What else do I have gotten of how much? So yeah, but anyway, um, yeah, no, I finally crafted SnipSnap and uh, and then I played some more solo content and, uh, that was fun. So I'm just waiting to have enough gold to pay for the last week.


Um, how about you Dan? So I hit rank five with, uh, temple Highlander. Warrior deck is just super good, like it has a game against everything, uh, and it's a ton of fun. And that there are some lists out there that are running brawl and stuff. And I know that that was done. I think Eddie did that in GM and I guess I can understand why, but it's one of those decks where it has a purpose and the purpose is generally control the board until you can go face. Right? And so the brawl is, is don't think it's necessarily the right play at least for ladder because more often that you want that card, that card slot for temple purposes. So I did see a, um, a warpath recently and that's, uh, I think it's a super good idea, right? Because it's can activate your minions but also use work as a board clear. So I think if I was going to add a board clear to the deck, that's probably what I would do is do something like that. So you have another way to kind of get your minions injured so you can bump them up with, um, a couple of cards in the deck. But, but yeah, so that's, I buy a ton of fun with that. I wanted to hit rank five before the new cards came out because the med is going to be all sorts of weird and when the meta gets weird I have to play really dumb things and playing dumb things at five is just the best thing to do in Hearthstone. So I'm looking forward to that. I also finished the normal tombs of terror, so I finished all four wings and uh, TACAN uh, the last two, so TACAN and wing four, I one shot it with Findlay. So I felt pretty good about myself doing that by playing. Yeah, play friendly throughout the whole run basically. So I had like all of this treasurers and stuff, so it was a nice, yeah. So that was a lot of fun. So then with TACAN you gotta use all of his treasures and that was a lot of fun. So I enjoyed that. I thought the like the, like the, the bosses were fun, the boss fights were fun. I enjoyed that. There weren't many puzzles and it just kinda felt like if you put your time in eventually you would have a good enough hero where you didn't have to think too much about the bosses. So I know like heroic is there and if I want to go back and get challenged I can play in Geraldo cause that's fine. I wasn't the, I thought that like the challenge was just about right for what it was. Where I was, where I was super disappointed was there was like a complete and total lack of story. So this was like the first solo content I'd ever purchased a cause that's not normally been my thing, but like the story of like these four heroes kind of like getting the band back together and like fighting evil with like, I was so excited about it. Like just like that's stupid little song they put out for this uh, expansion. And then like the little, like the, just the, like the cartoon that like introduced the solo content. I was like, ah, I love these characters. I want to get to know them more if I, I like pulling up a 20 bucks just for like that story and there was zero story like there all the story was just in that song and in that cartoon and that really disappointed me. I thought there was going to be like, Hey, here's what they were doing. I didn't even remember it was called tombs of terror. I thought it just all took place in the desert because there's that one boss fight where Findlay or like where you fight them or locks carrying water. So you're still not watching that card reveal? Yes, it's possible. Uh, but so that I thought there were going to, I thought it was going to be story content. I didn't expect them to be much, but maybe something in between like each like boss fight or something or just there to be some more to it. I did also think that there would be a little more kind of like, Hey, let's see what, like what's the league doing is they're getting back together and they're going to see, we'll do them, but how or what? Yeah, I didn't like, I like an idea of the stitched together story. I just don't know that it's PO wasn't a story like, yeah, like, I mean I guess we were fighting the plagues, but why were they plagues and they were plagues of things, but like why and to what extent and who freed them and where did they come from? Like what's in the meal? Well, yeah, right. You know what? Why don't they regenerate? Like


it actually reminded me a lot of playing war craft, one way dealer a little bit behind what everybody else is doing and they're like, let's just get through this as fast as we can. And I'm like, who are we fighting? And they're like, who cares? There's a good drop here. Come on. I want to know where I am. That reminded me of playing Warcraft a little bit where it was like, you know, I played two years of Warcraft and I don't know, I didn't understand half of where we were half the time, you know?


Yeah. So I thought they were gonna kind of give us a bit of uh, I w I'm fair. I'm actually just very disappointed there wasn't anything at all. So I'm so optimistic they're still kind of figuring all this stuff out. So hopefully next when we better. I think the game play is great though. The power level is great. The like the, the fun way of like upgrading your deck and upgrading the heroes was super interesting. I loved all of that. Would, I would just kind of missed was, was the story like why was TACAN doing that?

Speaker 5:

And to be fair that the mechanical aspect is probably much more important than the actual way that the storytelling is provided through that. So I'm sure this is not the last time they'll do a story arc and they'll get better at that part. So if it's between the two, I'm glad that the focus was on the mechanics and balance and, and fun. And maybe they'll just get better at the storytelling part, you know, as they do it more.




tasting my brains. So let's enjoy a tasting Naga sandwich. The Naga sandwich is the compliment sandwich of entrees. It is two good ingredients sandwich. You can good ingredient. What's your first good ingredient

Speaker 5:

boot Shaku the collector couldn't find. Yeah, you guys talked last week about the 23 card injection that standard's getting and Shaka who was one of my favorite cards because of the rogue, because I remember playing playing games with the thrall and on discord back in the day and like no attack with that first. Like you always want that card in your hand, hit this guy, ping it first, and who cares if it dies. Um, and it's too slow for wild. So it's a card that I definitely miss. Um, and I'm also not just looking forward to the initial shakeup of introducing these new cards in the standard, but then I'm also hoping that this, uh, kickstarts maybe some deck building ideas or some new brewing and then when they go away it won't just be a street reversion back to the, the metal that we have now that maybe we'll have some other stuff that's popped up that what hasn't been seen yet. We'll see the expansion, right? The new expansion, is it, does it stay in right until right up until, Oh, well, I mean that's still good. I'm a little disappointed that we don't have, um, a little bit of time to see if it kind of gets any brainstorming happening. But regardless, it's great to see different kinds of shakeups and I love that they're experimenting with the Metta in this kind of way.


Oh, I agree. And I think they'll, I think we'll probably see the same thing that we saw with the buffed cards. Right? Like if something is too good, I imagine they'll just rotate it back to a wild.

Speaker 5:

Can you imagine? Like day three. They're like, yeah, never mind. This is why they were free and we didn't make you craft them


are bad and just act like it never happened. Like you're just logging in. Y'all are[inaudible] cards y'all but y'all liars too. But I would love to see this kind of thing happen like now and again back, Hey, here's a special week, we're going to add five cards in the metaphor. Oh two weeks or something like that. Like[inaudible] I think this is what we're, I think this is kind of what we can expect for our content cycle, right? Like so we saw this with the same time last expansion as well, where they buffed the cards where they just tried to like, you know, once the Metta gets kind of solved they, it's an injection of, of new cards either via buffs or rotating from wild. I love it. I love you too. And I think that's an interesting way to tackle what other games handle as bands or you know, seeing them do different things to shake up the meta in at this, on this timeline is super cool.


Yeah. And using the digital platform in a way that you can use the digital platform. Well, right. And like we, like they talked about this on podcast and streams forever and we talked about it where it's like, don't be afraid to nurse stuff. You can move it back. Like don't be afraid to buff stuff. Like don't be afraid to play league. Just give us something fun. I dunno. We've all remembered those Meadows. I remember I loved the um, the minute after, uh, after the Medina expansion, sorry, what's it called? Uh, Carson cares and cares and, and like I love that expansion, but like Sharman was way too good and he already shot me. Right. I love Shawn and Shawn was like one of my favorite classes and I was not playing Sean and I'm such a harsh hipster like I was, you know, but that needed to be nerfed like months before I got nerfed late. Let's not do that ever again. Let's let, it was an amazing time for miracle rogue too. And I miss, I miss old school. Mayor rogue so much. You're wrong. Death rattle.


Can y'all talk about be secured again for 10 more minutes. Get go. All right. So what's your first good ingredient on for all the money?


Do you actually know what I wrote down when you guys invited me on before I saw the show notes? I haven't really big letters here. Shocker. Yeah.


Really. Hey, high five. I was trying so hard, hard


not to bring it up before the show. I saw you had it, but uh, no, I I wrote something else. Ah, playing games that don't matter. It's fine for a school. You know, I was, I was high enough in legend, right? That I didn't want to play. Just weird fun stuff. I was wanting to be competitive last month and uh, Oh man, like just trying every toggle build I can afford to make a right now has been a blast. I'm just loving it. And, um, for that matter rank floor, you know, I think I hadn't thought about the rank floor being a new thing and so long, but coming back and remembering the days when I'd be at like rank four and I'd be so scared of like slipping back to rank nine. Yup. Oh absolutely. Yeah. You know the rank floor, that was an awesome thing that they put in. It's fantastic.


Well, do you remember, Joel, do you remember that? The end of that month where I decided to teach myself, frees my age. I was like, right, I remember that. I was like rank for something like that. I'm like, you know what I they say frequent. She was really good. I dropped a like 15 in an afternoon for Rudel. I've almost got this, it's still good. It's still good. It was just like, at a certain point it was just pure stubbornness where it was like, yeah, I don't care how far I drop is, Oh, it was so bad. Oh, that's harsh. But yeah, that was right. Floors are fantastic. So, um, yeah also gone are the days of like you can't play in the first three days of the new season because everyone from legend tanks down to 16 or something and you're just like, yeah, I'm going to wait three days for all of them to get back up and not, not deal with that meta. That's a great thing that I forgot how much I hate it because it's gone.


Yeah. Oh and my to do list for the week is uh, 30 wins with warrior and warlocks. I was going to hit you up for a good a agro warrior or in that case like hybrid, a warrior list and cause I need to get my warlock and my warrior. When I was checking like where my classes were at for the second hero portrait, I was really excited about that. And a Warrior's at nine 70 and I looked over at warlock. It is also at exactly nine 70. So I gotta get those. I gotta get those up. So maybe some zoo, but I don't have the best zoo cards, so I gotta figure that out.


The zoo is, yeah, solarium is like a requirement in zoo right now. Ah, maybe I need to dust my snips that uh, yeah. So I feel the longest time I didn't play zoo because I just didn't want to craft solarium. Yeah. By just finally got around to doing it. The cup Bob, about a month or so ago. Totally worth it. I just haven't so much fun with zoo, uh, the past three weeks, four weeks. So, uh, but my first good ingredient is Derek Brown's Twitter game. It's just like you have to follow him cause it is just dopey nerdy Hearthstone means like all day long. It is. You Pope will you put this in the show notes? I saw something, he tweeted that day and I was like, Oh it's so good. And I forgot what it was now because there's just been so much other good stuff. Oh he just, you have to go and follow him. It's just like, it's lighthearted but then also kind of poignant because he's, you know, kind of very involved with like GM and that kind of stuff. So he, you have to go follow them. It's just wonderful. It's super funny. Uh, yeah, just Derek Brown, his Twitter game kind of made my week. He's a clever guy. Yup. Yes. So, uh, what's your not so good ingredient? Magoo.[inaudible] all right. So, okay, go a little deep in here and hopefully we won't get kicked off the internet too. But, uh, after the, um, APEC GM, uh, blitz had his

Speaker 5:

interview and taking a non negligible amount of personal risks had liberate Hong Kong revolution of our age, blizzard Taiwan has not only removed the interview, but the VOD for the entire day, and it should be noted that, uh, in e-sports at least Taiwan is referred to as Chinese Taipei, and they can't even use the Taiwan flag for their icon. So it's, uh, unfortunate to see someone speaking out, uh, be literally removed from the, from the internet at least in that area. Um, so there've been times where people use their, their power of their celebrity to be vocal about stuff, which is something we've seen very, very recently with Colin Kaepernick. But looking back further, uh, 1969 in Olympics, Tommy Smith and John Carlos raised their fists, uh, and in what they described as a human rights salute, uh, were vilified and basically almost destroyed and it took 51 years. This year they are being inducted to the hall of fame, uh, in the Olympics. And it's way too deep to go on and do it. It could be it's own its own podcast. Um, it could be its own series of podcasts, but I think we uplifted on some, some serious respect for taking, uh, taking action at a severe risk of personal detriment and, uh, you know, way way to go for him.


Yup. Very impressive. And yeah, it'd be, could go off on a whole other tangent on like the businesses and companies that do kind of just, you know, couches.

Speaker 5:

He was an MBA thing going on also right now that I don't know enough detail to go into. Other than that, it's been plastered all over Twitter, but you know, yeah.


But anyways, yeah, just keeping it to blitz. Chung, I think. Yeah, like very impressive. Right. And that was super brave. And I'm very, yeah. Couldn't be happier to be in part of my car Hearthstone scene. So


yeah, I can't imagine, like I don't, I think I can probably speak for all three of us when I say that. I can't imagine being in a situation like that where it would be so scary to say something you believe in. And that's, that's pretty crazy. Absolutely crazy to see. It's good.


Yeah. So what's your, uh, not so good ingredient and throw them on?


Oh man. Okay. Uh, thrown avail. Drain is out in MTG so I went, I missed pre-release. It's, it's not my favorite set art wise, wiser theme wise, but I mean, there's always so many good, so much good art and MTG um, I went and did a, I miss the prerelease, but I did a draft this week and uh, Oh, log back into Hearthstone and that little dinger starts going off. Oh, your buddy just finished a Rena run Volvo, blah. And I'm just sitting there thinking like, how have they not got multiple forms of limited and Hearthstone yet? Like, Oh, I mean, so my bad is limited in Hearthstone. Um, uh, draft is so much fun. Um, sealed is so hot. We used to play CEO's through the, what was it, the tempo storm thing or whatever we used to do all that was so much fun. It would take[inaudible] word you build three Dax and you had to have a really good collection to pull it off. But man, that was some of the rink halfway through. Yeah.

Speaker 5:

And now that you can do deck sharing things to it, you know, you just have to have one person who could have the stuff to make all that. Like it could technically be better in Hearthstone now.


Well I guess too, like if you had a friend who had all the decks or whatever, you could just borrow the deck and play them on the right as long as each one of the opponents had the guards. But um, come on. Can we not get sealed? Can we not get like a real draft? Uh, something that we use in Hearthstone for sure. I can't believe arena has been the same for how many years is harsh to me.

Speaker 5:

How many? Five. Oh was the hat thing came out in 2015, four, 14, so five years. Yeah. And arena being added has only had, it's like a buckets and it's appearance rates and that kind of what sets are involved kind of changing. But the, the base mechanical, uh, one of three cards. Yeah. And you know, the year 12 wins and whatever, there's no[inaudible]


and this is, this is nothing new. It's been hurt in the, in the scene a lot. But again, I know I keep saying this, but coming back to the game after being gone for a while, it's just one of those things where it's like really like really like can we not,

Speaker 5:

I don't know, whatever, I'm sorry. I don't know. Like a strong limited game like does hone your deck building abilities. Right. And like what makes a good deck? I, I do think like being able to like put your on deck together with like just these X, Y and Z cards does make you a better deck builder. And I think Hearthstone as a game in general would, could benefit from more people being able to, to kind of be able to theory craft around their own collections without having just go to, to net decking every time they wanted to play something new. So yeah, I think one thing I'd love to see in arena would be some kind of table where six or eight or however many people see the same pool of cards and that informs your draft as well because that's a unique aspect of paper magic draft that you kind of can't really capture an arena because you could play anyone of, you know, you can make a deck and sit on it for two weeks and play and no one that you're playing against is, you know, has a deck that's older than a couple of hours. Yup. So you're not playing like within that pool. And that information doesn't mean anything if not even not the same kind of stuff. So yeah, I want a Cuban Hartson that's what I want. I want a Hearthstone.


That would be so good to add. I know. Oh, so you made me, you just made me hate her. I don't hate her. You know, I used to live in joy arena and I just can't do it anymore. I'm just, I, I'm finding that standard play. I'd rather be in Hearthstone unlimited. I'd rather be a magic, like that's just what I'm feeling

Speaker 5:

whenever we all hang out together. Just remind me to bring my,


yeah, please be fun. Oh kidding. All right, so my not so good ingredient this week is giving the GMs and unfair advantage in Bucharest. Give me a break with that. So like we talked about last week and enthralled by one, it's like, yeah, I just, I agree. Both kind of agreed that Hearthstone, e-sports is kind of dumb enough to do something like that. And then for lack of a better word, it like, what are you thinking? Like it'd be one thing if they're, if I say boot crash was like months away. Right. And it was just for the next couple, like, you know, for the next month, the only real competitive like major money thing going on is going to be, you know, the GM. Yeah, totally fine. Because the metal's going to chef and you want to give them a heads up. I get that. I totally fine. But GM like just ended. So what was the purpose of giving the GMs those cars? Like why, what did they, what did they need them for?[inaudible] in the assumption that GM players, you know, cause they all have all gold cards that they're playing God accounts or something, right? They are, yeah. So East soul player has given a God account. But then here, why does this 23 card bonus have to even apply to GM? Like why don't they, they could have it ladder that's not affected by this where it doesn't matter where, you know this, this injection is something for purely for ladder players to spice it up a little bit. But the tournament Metro that's different maybe doesn't need this. It doesn't, GM is over. Pool play is over, right.


The playoffs, excuse me for being ignorant to like what the next step is. Like what's the schedule? When are the players?


Yeah, so the playoffs are next, right. But I mean our play is over. So like the people who are relegated, what did they need the cards for that budded, but are the playoffs next week? Like are they after the, when are they,


I don't know. Like if they're next week I could see them thinking and I'm not saying this is right, but I could see like, we don't want them like, like a weekend to try to figure out which deck is the best. We want our players to be playing at the top level. Like fully understanding the Metta, which I say I say sucks too. You're fully understanding. I love to see a prose going at it when no one quite understands what's good yet. That's, that's like the best time to watch.


Oh. Like I would love to see competitive Hearthstone where they just like, look, we changed the discover pool today. That, that be no watch[inaudible] terrible for them. Where they watch it would be exciting. I love watching the first big tournament.


I have a, I have a meta right? Like that's the most fun time to come in and watch. So, um, I, I could see maybe sort of what they're thinking, but Holy, is that an overlook of, of


just what's fair to everybody? Yeah. I,

Speaker 4:

so I just Googled it and, uh, that playoffs begin on Friday, October 11th. So yeah. So there you go. So this next project, I mean a week, but so that's why I clearly, at least that's why, right. We gotta assume they just wanted them to have a couple of weeks to that's gotta be it, right? Yeah. But I mean, part of the good show is like, let's see how you can build the decks. Let's see if they can figure out whether or not as Arthur rag or any good, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, yeah, I guess that's just my, like, I get that you, I get that GM is your baby and that you want all the grandmaster's stuff to be at top notch, whatever. But I think that the grandmasters have proven over the past seven weeks that it's not always their highest priority. So I think making that like, you know, yeah, you have a week to do it, or you know what, why make us wait if you argue the cards just released to everybody at the same time, two weeks ago. Yeah, that's, that's a really good point. I was thinking that this week actually. I don't know why they didn't do that. Yeah.

Speaker 5:

A tension between the professional player community and the everyone else community. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

We'd all be just as excited about those 23 cards if it were happening two weeks from now as if it were happening three days, eh, if you're gonna, if you need to give it to part of the community, give it to all the community because it's the internet and nothing stays secret on the internet. It's just naive. It's just actual, it's just actually naive and guarantee. You might not

Speaker 5:

in practice time with that list before it was verified and whatever leg up that people would have had on, on the Metta going into this is now a limited group of people who took it seriously and ran with it and have put in the practice in wild and whatever. And yeah, you know, now, now there is a disparity.

Speaker 4:

Well, the GMs already knew those were, that was real. Right? And so now, which is the people who are taking a flyer on Yaba, we have to assume that leak is real because I'm, I have to get my decks ready for Bucharest. Right. Or so they may have you who are like, it's too dumb not to be true. So why don't I just assume this is the correct information? And that was my argument. No, I think I was right. I listened when I wasn't here. Well, you got that sick download number check. All right. Uh, so what's your best good ingredient?

Speaker 5:

Um, mine is aZ lays post-game interview after his match with race, u h, for relegation. U h, it was a seriously big m oments. I think the interview was, u m, people think it's like uncharacteristic of, of Z illow to kind of, u h, w here h is h eart o n h is s leeve and show s ome emotion. But I think his talking points were particularly potent and talking about, u h, needing more positivity and people that are negative in the game k ind o f need to grow up a little bit. And i n, you know, fro D an's response, it drives home some of these points that are kind of related to what you guys w ere talking about. U h, last week when it comes to friend requests. Like, you know, it's really easy to forget that there's a person on the other side of that screen from you. And it's a, what I think is a much needed dose of empathy into the community that I, I really hope people will take to heart. Cause I think it's nice to see that other side of people. Um, a lot of times when you have a, a big character, you get to be a character. Um, but you know, at the end of the day, these are all people and they have a lot of stuff on the line. And for him to, I don't know, a lot of, a lot of his response just felt really, um, it was really heartfelt, you know, that, that he felt bad knocking race out cause they both put a lot into it that he felt like he, he maybe did a disservice by not putting in as much effort as he intended to. And, uh, I think it really humanized people, um, that people forget, you know, so I, sorry, go ahead. No, no, no. Please interject. Uh, so yeah, it's that it's that, you know,

Speaker 4:

the difference between being a content creator and just being a tournament player, right. I think there's always kind of been that disparity and Hearthstone ever since. Probably, I mean, at the beginning there was just, there, there wasn't much of a difference right there. The streamers and the really top notch streamers, sometimes Vago players, but now you, you do have content creators who they're their full time streamers and they're very good at the game, but they don't have, they don't put the time into the practice schedule because they have other priorities. Um, and then there are the people who like their priority is the game, right. And they put in that practice on to be great at the game. And I think that, I honestly believe that made that, made the grand masters tournament more interesting. I think if it were just one or the other, it wouldn't have been quite as interesting. Absolutely. I think

Speaker 5:

character story is something that's kind of been missing from Hearthstone competition and uh, yeah, it's, it's a good dimension to add to it.

Speaker 4:

And I honestly believe in, I'll, we'll get more into this certain salty, but, um, just having the one relegation to happen at the end of two seasons and only one player and having it being so difficult to get back into GM actually makes the relegation more difficult because, I mean, I honestly believe race in orange and patho and everyone else, they probably believe and believe correctly, they're not going to get back into GM. It's just too difficult to get back in. It's like they had their shot and the, I mean, they're only being what, two spots per region for people to get in. That's, that's insane. And only happening once per year. That's insane. Yeah. Like it's, it's actually an impossibility if you like, if you were invited as the initial group, like use your chance of staying in. It's so, so good. And your chance of getting back in is almost nothing. Right. So yeah, I just, they would be doing the whole scene in, they'll be doing everyone kind of maybe doing a better job of that. People will be less, you know, stressed. If there was that opportunity to get back in if they didn't think, Oh, my shot has gone, I blew at my East ports, career is over. Right.


Well I think one of the really interesting things is they tell me if I'm wrong again because I'm not the most UpToDate person on this stuff, but, um, when they chose people for GM, they chose a range of people based on like what they brought to the community and some of that was who they were in their stream or who they were in the beginnings of Hearthstone. Like, um, or, or just how good they been over the years. And, uh, but the grand masters qualifier event is like a one winner take all kind of attorney to get in. Like is that, it's not a combo. It's not like, like a, like a compiled score of the year. Like that's weird to me. Like w like shouldn't it be a Pilate late?

Speaker 4:

It is a compiled score of the year, but it's just like if you win like a masters qualify or tournament that you get a huge number of points. I don't have it in front of me.

Speaker 7:

Don't overthink it guys. This is blizzard we are talking about here. The only thing that matters toward promotion into grand masters is how much money you made during the three master's to our competitions. This is what we like to call in the biz on brand.


All right. Um, so I need to learn more about that. Can I, it my, my piece that I thought was really interesting about what delay said if you don't mind is, um, yeah, uh, when he made a point that to single out, uh, that race bringing his agro warrior was a really good idea and going out of his way to make sure that, uh, people understood that he thought it was an intelligent decision. Um, I thought that was really respectful of his opponent.

Speaker 4:

Oh, hugely. With that on the line in regards to that specific matchup, looking ahead to results of that game. Yeah, it is incredible. And yeah, it's, it's good. It's good story too.


And, and you know, what was really interesting to me is him and purple, like I watched them quite a bit and I think they're pretty funny, but also that they handle a little intense sometimes when they're like putting down plays from their opponents. And um, later last night I missed most of the jams on the weekend, but later last night I had purple stream on for like 20 minutes. That was it. And I caught one one match where he's playing it rank one as a potent mix of play. And he said, uh, all right. And he'd been talking through plays a whole bunch with his chat. He says, okay, because of that play, what I know about my opponent now based on that decision is that, uh, they would like to stay at rank one and never hit legend. It was like,


it's just me. And he goes, he goes on[inaudible]


and plays the whole game, any wins? And uh, or no, he loses at the end. And, uh, and there's all this talk in the chat about like, Oh, how'd you lose to that guy who was so bad? And he took a second and actually said, actually, my opponent played really well. It was just one play that was really bad and blah, blah, blah. And I've never heard purple say that before. And I, or, or quite something like that. Maybe I'm crazy and saying never, but I don't like it. Not often. And I, I wondered to myself a little bit,




if, if maybe the day's news had some heat on that, but that's, that should be the talk. Like when you hear guys making memes like that or jokes like that, um, there needs to be a step back and like, Hey, that's a person like

Speaker 5:

chill out. You know, I do think it's important, but I also think it's important because chat finds lethal 95% of the time when it's not there. So, you know, you have to, you have to give credit to because yeah, what you're seeing and what you're thinking is not always as one of those things they tell you to do for getting better as watch streamers play. Think through your turns, maybe with them on mute or pause it and then listen to their line of reasoning. And w w did they do what you were going to do and why was it for the same reason? And yeah.


Well bunny hopper was in chat too and bunny hopper was like, I failed to see why you made this play. And purples, like, uh, you know, I realized I should be talking through all my plays because if I have to explain why I did something to bunny app hopper isn't like funny.




Clearly I'm going to need to explain some stuff for some of you other guys about why I'm doing things is pretty[inaudible].


Yeah. And you know what, and I'm going to great purple. I think bunny hoppers probably smarter than most of us. Like, like he seems bright, so he's top of it. He's top of his game right now. Oh. And then just see, finish his PhD while also doing GM. Oh yeah, no problem. Yeah, we'll play. Yeah. Oh, easy enough. Yeah, no big deal. Yeah. Where's your PhD? Probably in a garbage can. So while I'm waiting for you to be like, I have one, Nope, not even close. Speaking of speaking of a garbage cans, like how, how dumb do you have to feel now that a GM is a thing and throwing up the trophy into the garbage pan has kept you out of it? Ouch. Decisions were made. Um, I'm just thinking back to a, what's his name? Um, the second, the second, uh, world champion, I'm forgetting his name. It's not Kaka I was[inaudible] yeah. He made that meme of, uh, throwing it into the, Oh, I don't remember that. Yeah. He threw the trophy into the trash can after you want it to go picture of it and put it on Twitter. I just think of the cheese cake. What does that of the feast card?


Whenever I thought. Yep, yep, yep. Yeah. So, uh, what's your best good on for all of mine? Oh, mine was, uh, playing with my son. Uh, you know, I was talking about last week, my son's getting a bit older and, and we play quite a bit of magic and, and other games. And, uh, uh, only just got him started on Hearthstone a bit, but on a Sunday, you know, we'd been out as a family and, and done kind of the things we were doing and came back. I was like, you know, mid to late afternoon and everyone's really tired after a long week. And, uh, I just wanted to crash and, and, uh, play some solo content and he chilled beside me and we just ran through it together for, for a good long while. And, uh, we're just talking through turns with them and explaining why we were doing stuff and asking them when he would do. And, uh, man, he, his reaction to plays in the game is just like so good. It's the best thing about having kids, right? It's like everything's more fun, right? Like going home, going to look at an animal is so much fun, like going and putting your feet in the water is like so much fun. I love that stuff. Anyway,

Speaker 6:

next to a firetruck. Gigantic is fun because sewed,


uh, we don't play a lot of video games like with the kids in the house, but, um, a couple of times a week w uh, I let him jump on and, and I play a little bit with him and, and uh, he's taken on like, his favorite thing is, uh, I was talking cause you know, uh, historically I've not been a big fan of control warrior. It's not my favorite archetype, so I feel good when I beat it. And I was like, Oh, this is the evil control warrior.

Speaker 6:

And um,


and uh, and so he's taken to whatever dr broom is the hero portrait. And, and I, when, which he's only watched it a few times, but if it blows up, he goes, doctor[inaudible].

Speaker 6:

Oh, that's awesome. That's so good. I'm looking forward to the days when I get to break out my, my less expensive duel decks and stuff and play some magic with the little guy. Yeah. Not a, you know, we have a common room. I dual lands, but let's play some precautions. That's what you meant by dual Dax or no, that's your, that's your, no, the dual lands are the college funds. Well, maybe I can partner with them and we'll slide college fun for my PhD. I long past that up. If I'd kept the cards I had in 94, I've, well, I'd probably have a house instead of a degree, but still


painful looking back at, at what my collection would have been worth. It's so Hertz,

Speaker 6:

I don't want to talk about it. Yeah, no, let's not also[inaudible] so why don't you talk about your best good then Dan. So my best good is nightmare amalgam, which I know sounds like a weird best gut, but that sounds weird. It's not pantries but just a spider tank. Thank you very much. But um, so nightmare amalgam. So, uh, HS replay posted a list of the top six or eight or whatever it was most played, most


played elementals and in that list wasn't listed nightmare amalgam. And so mad at arm's got on Twitter and was like, Hey, what about nightmare out of them? And I was like, yeah, what about nightmare Maga? That should be on this list somewhere. So I went on to HS replay and I sorted by the most played, uh, most played, uh, elementals all the way from like, you know, the most being X Zephyrus to the least, the second least being magma ranger. So somehow that is played in, what's the latest that I don't, I don't remember. It's a, I don't, I asked her, I remember with the car, uh, Bagby ring true cause it just mega Rachel's played like 0.01% of decks or something and the deck win rate is like 18% but he's so interesting. It's looting that test report, 18% win rate deck 10%. Anyway, nightmare amalgam wasn't on the list anywhere. And so I was like, wait a minute. So I tweeted back at HS replay, it's like, Hey, nightmare Maga was not even considered a, uh, an elemental. And we kind of got a laugh out of it and then I kind of moved on with my life and then like yesterday morning or this morning, like somewhat dude from HS replay responded and said, Hey, we fixed the glitch. Nightmare Montgomery's weird, but we list as the elemental now it was like sweet. Was it listed as all instead of elements over the says nothing. So it didn't, it wasn't anything at all. So it wasn't less as an elemental or a Mac or in anything. So it just didn't exist basically. And like the list of like, you know, those kind of cards. Yeah, tribal. Yeah, the tribal tag had to them. Right. So, yeah. So our stupid little like, you know, joke for, you know, having a five minute laugh, like they fixed it and I'm like, cool. It never happened before. I'm kinda good about myself. So Dan's best is the time that he saved HS replay. Yes. I'm glad you understand for all of us, for our children's children. And to be fair, it was really mad at arms that did the saving. I just like went on and saw that mag prayed. Oh this guy's on a really cool podcast. We should probably listen to him. Yeah, that's exactly it. They were like, Oh this is squelch. This is a big deal. This is the Danno with a zero because he's cool. So. Alright. Alright, so one day I'll be a real night. Wait, let me, cause I'm tasting my blades. Like that's not fair. Um, I don't think we, did we have anything for filthy casuals? A sweet girl. What? I was going to delete it, but I, it would trip you if I just took it straight out and gone. All right. I'm talking about something. But I think it was the same something that we were going to talk about on the rope. Yup. Yup. That's what I was, I was looking at it too. I was like, wait, it's here. But we, there's no way we S we didn't, we're going to do it. So we talk about a rank between one and this week. So salty instead, just a page. I love how much you loved it kind of brings joy to my heart. Oh, it's wonderful. It's so sad. I'm making your laugh. My ring tone. I don't know why I find it also, so this week for, uh, so why so salty? We're not actually going to be salted. So normally each week we start Friday to accept friend requests, the yada, yada, yada. A, so this week instead we're gonna talk about, uh, GM basically, I don't want to call any single person out necessarily about what they said on Twitter because a number of like pros and content creators kind of chimed in on the same thing. And it was about relegation and about the tie breaker in a specifically how it wasn't fair for, you know, orange to be relegated based on a tie breaker score even though he had the same number of wins, uh, as other players in his group. So well I thought we could discuss instead was there tie breaker process and whether it's good, bad or indifferent. And so I looked up their tiebreaker process and by by me I said, Hey Matt at arms, do you know what the tiebreaker processes? And he said, yeah, go to this PDF and look at what it says under 4.3. So I did that. Um, and so what they do is they use something from chess, a modified Sanborn Berger score. Ah, the[inaudible] score, non bug. This guy, I don't know, I'm not knowing this dot all the other, the other guy. Yeah. Anyway, I'm like, come on, open his eyes out and then going, Oh no, it was my ears. Where's my so, so if it were a, if it were a tie between two players, it would just be that who won between the, the head to head and because it was more than two that had to had his dropped out and then it's just based on um, this, this chest thing from the 18 hundreds. I'm not kidding, it's still using chest today from what I can tell. And derivatives are commonly used on lots of competitive. Yeah. And they have this kind of layout. Yeah. And this, this will, this wasn't something that they just like picked up out of the blue and said, well if I think of three people or Ty, we should do this thing here and we should just like make this up. It was something they obviously put thought into and, and I think to be completely honest, I thought it was fair. I get that like orange being relegated sucks, orange is super good and that he got relegated because of, you know, the tie breaker stuff. Yeah. That sucks too. But that's the process. And I go back to what we said earlier. What sucks about it is that we're probably not going to see orange and GM again. That's what sucks about it. Yeah. It's not that he was relegated because of a tie breaker system. It was, it sucks that the, it's going to be, it's so limited in how you can get back into GM that even though a player as good as orange is, it's probably just not gonna be able to get back in. That's what I think sucks the most. So, and on the other side, the benefit is going to tiebreakers because there is not a clear winner. Uh, ho hopefully generally isn't ticketed of, of pretty fierce competition. Some close games, uh, generally not widespread field where, you know, there are only so many people that can win and somebody has to lose. And it's, it's unfortunate, but there you have to find a way to put someone in that, in that spot. So, and it hurts. But you know, I think you made it very indicative of a really good season.


Yeah. And I think you made a great point. Like, I think orange, I don't know how you guys feel. I man orange is eminently likable. Like,


Oh, absolutely. I love what Josh, I've picked him for, um, for your chicken packs. I'm a couple times and you know, definitely a fan that'd be PAX as Pablo got me. But you know, probably not.


What a nice man, you know, and like and, and uh, interesting and cool and smart and uh, and articulate and it's just like dang it, that stinks. And I wonder if it would have been one of the kind of less popular competitors if we would have seen such a big uproar about it.


You know, and I don't know either, but I think at the end of the day, you know, people, they wanted, you know, the tournaments to matter, they wanted, you know, this kind of league to matter. And I think at the end of the day you have to say, yeah, this was successful. That's the whole point of having relegation right. Is there are stakes to this really enjoyed someone and someone that you really like and someone you've got to know over, like during the last, like, you know, the two seasons or one season, whoever it might've been, you know, they're now out of, out of the grand masters tournament or the league. Right. And that stinks and you are rooting for them. And now, you know, what would be nice to go back to a previous point is if you could continue to follow them as they try to get back into grandmasters. That's what's fun about relegation and promotion is there is a way back in. Yeah. So, um, how realistic that pathway

Speaker 6:

is. And additionally, you know, you look at whoever, whoever happens to be on the bottom of the standings, uh, you have to keep in mind that this is an elite class and a poor performance on a series like this is not indicative of a poor player. It's indicative of extremely strong, extremely intelligent field


and a little bit orangy. Yes. You know? Yeah. I feel like we saw that with Panther, right? That's like this. Exactly. What else? Good player. Like incredible. Good player. You're an idiot. And she had a, she had a run. It's unfortunate. But is she got the level of some of the other players in grandmasters? No, no she isn't and wasn't like kind of Bray for her to kind of step into that ring and to compete against them. Yeah. It really was like I like my hat is off to her doing against her and get crushed repeatedly. No, but, but like I think it takes courage to go in there and it takes courage to like put up with the garbage she put up with because people were being state straight garbage to her and to kind of do all of the smile and as I like just a professional like I thought that was just incredible. And like my, my hat is off because it was a whole nother conversation as well. Well yeah, absolutely. It's actually something I had written


noun with the LA thing too actually when it came up that I didn't say, but it really bothers me, which is like, I think we all have to talk more often about how disgusting gamer culture is and can be. And um, it's talked about a lot, but it needs to be brought up all the time. It's, it's not normal for people who


I love, uh, like, uh, a thing to, to be[inaudible]


this awful two people involved in it. It's just

Speaker 6:

Oh, absolutely. We had a couple of weeks ago a a best good was the a K APAC put a female into there, into their GM contention. And the fact that that's news on its face is just sad.


China, right? It was China, was it China? Yeah. Yup, yup, yup.


It's, but like never nevermind representation, but like, just what happens when there is representation is it's disgusting. Like it shouldn't happen. And um, it's, it's amazing. Oh, it's just Twitch chat. Like when I hear that right


kind of stuff. And that's, I thought about that a lot too. People who see it

Speaker 6:

basement when they have unfortunately adorned physical magic cards. And I'm sure you've seen the kind of places that were like, I wouldn't, I wouldn't bring kids here. I wouldn't bring my friends here. I don't want to be seen with people here because of the nature of this. This I inherently unfortunately toxic culture that is super pervasive and yeah, I absolutely agree. It's not a,


yeah. Yeah. So she was brave. She set up and then fought it straight on and, and


yeah, I don't really need to talk much more about it, but um, yeah, and man talk about like, uh, her tweet the other day about leaving and, and, and her talking through, uh, injuries and stuff. I mean, she handled the whole thing with so much class school.

Speaker 6:

Oh yes. So much more than I would have. I would have just shut down and bent. Just, yeah. Super impressive. So cool. But yeah, moving on. So it's one page toenails, a Loris for nerds work, a couple of[inaudible], three nerds, but the nerdiest of us all as Laura master ego Hunter. So we're gonna thank him for this week's breakdown. Uh, all right, so checking in this week with one of our new special guests, Silvana S the proverbial middle child, the younger sister of Elyria and older sister of Barisa wind runner. I think that's right. It could be backwards. I guess that cards that had no idea they were like related to Silvana. So, well, O'Leary is a hero, not a card. Oh my bad. And which one's Elyria? The Hunter. The paid Hunter alt[inaudible] the first three. Yeah. Okay, sure. So Silvana SA she died, died, quote unquote defending her home. Kelly loss from Prince Arthus invading scorch during the second war. Arthus at this point, a full servant of the Lich King was thought to a near standstill by Safari before ultimately slang here. Uh, as a punishment for her impertinence he severed her soul from her body, turning her into a banshee as a punishment as one does. Oh, dare you fighting. Uh, so as, as as artists, I'm just gonna take, Oh, I'm just gonna kill all of your people and turn them into undead zombies. Well, you gotta to be a jerk about it. God as, as art, this was ultimately weakened. Savannah's free herself from this control, cool lead forming that she indeed has no time for games. That the tread that that's the part of the story. I know the Ross Varun THRASS to her well, uh, and, but this help manage to recapture the ruins of Lord are on for herself and ultimately her subjects the forsaken za, the half zombie Lich things. Um, she remained loyal to calculus and the blood elves offering them troops and supplies and military support since the blood elves join the hoard extensively around the time of the burning crusade. Um, but her hoard relationship or her, her relationship with her leadership has always been kind of icy. Um, and and often appears is little more than a marriage of convenience. However, a nearly overthrown by grand apothecary futurist and is the wrath of the Lich King, which came to a head at the battle for an[inaudible] or at the wrath Gates where putus dropped a newly developed plague. I wonder if that's what the plague Lords are T on about, uh, on the forces of the horde. Amiel I wouldn't know. They didn't give us any stories leading to the death of thousands, including Alliance hero Boulevard for dragon once ever. That's like, that's, that's the credit card. But really like two credit cards in your hand. It feels the heels were defeated in the battle for the under city and Silvana it was restored to her throne. Restored with throne. Oh, I'm under city. Yeah. Okay.[inaudible] over during the cataclysm, she let it forests, uh, attempted to take[inaudible], which is the last human kingdom in the Northern half of the Eastern kingdom. So get out your maps and do your own tiering homework from, uh, in a critical battle. She fired a poisoned arrow at Ken gray. Maine would kill this son Liam instead, because she has no time. Timeframe. That's princely am I assume, right? And not another card. Yes. Princely in, I don't know what the card is, but make all your one drop spells. Legendaries all your one, one broad core cards. Yeah. All cards are not just smells. Okay. One drops super good. We know exactly what he does and such, such precise blast points. No one has aim like sculpture, like a storm trooper. Just soon thereafter, a recently resurrected Lord Godfrey successfully killed her again or for the first time, which she was resurrected again. This is where it gets gray because death and, and uh, as Roth is like a really icky noncommittal thing, much like in a game like Hearthstone where your Sovos dies and you take the opponent so far and then they, and they're so about a ties. It takes years. So how would that work with Godfrey? Right. So if Godfrey kills Silvana and then you take Godfrey, as long as Godfrey didn't kill your own thing too. We're making the sound way more complicated than anyway. Anyway. I know. Resurrected yet again resurrected by her VOC. Your servants convincing her that the volcano represented the future of the, of course they can. She took no bat, no part in the paddle for the fire lands. Oh, can you imagine? I can. You know why I, I can read it most of the next decade, rooting, talking down to adventures being just kinda gnarly and crappy to people really only showing up when like absolutely necessary. Gotta get out of bed today. Uh, interdimensional travel became a thing in a bigger element of cannon and her, um, her like really tower persona would have fit right in and London, but no time for Tams already understands, cares about probably a dying Volusion spoke to the LOA and named her war chief moments before his death in Legion. And since then she's become the million dollar man, Ted DVRC level of feel. If you get that tweet in the wrestling joke, right? Yeah, I know, but they performing germination aside, it tells herself, Oh, that was a bad time to make a joke. Destroying the understanding. Multiple assassination attempts against friends and foes, friends, what kind of friends, including nearly executing Bain blood, Huff blame pain, David Blaine, but blood Hough. It's a four or five. She kept rooted her Epic. He'll turn by using a cheat code during the maca Gora against high Lord SAR Fang to slay him and admitting to everyone she didn't really even care about the heart anymore and turned it into a cloud of black smoke. Let the monster from lost apparently and flying away cause it doesn't make sense here either. That's, that's it. I guess that's the end. It was so good. Just like lost just the end. That's it. No time for dad. I was the fast one in the whole thing. I'm say, Oh I love that fuse thing.

Speaker 4:

All right, so time for the rope. This week we are going to each name our favorite five cards coming back on this standard and why they are our favorite five cards in 75 seconds or less. And because in thrall a month is our guest. He gets to start first.

Speaker 6:



Oh, all right. So, um, I misunderstood. I thought it was gonna see what would see the most play. Um, so I wrote a list of what would seem most played well. The other one's more fun, but I didn't make that list. So, too bad. Uh, so I started with, of course I started with a[inaudible].

Speaker 6:

I said this timer reset is timer. No, I can't. I started with ASCO, a


communion because of course, no, I didn't call it the wild call or the wild with us little Jen is going to be so good. A M gang boss goes right into the zoo and it's just so good and it's right there. Uh, blood Huff, brave for obvious reasons. Um, and I was looking and I thought like Silvana stores on there. It's not, no, obviously Amazon is going to be stupid, especially with cartoon defender. And then the last one I put in was actually Kim. I actually think Kuhn in, um, in, uh, like a, uh, Questrom without uh, uh, without Molokos, uh, could be really good. Um, so that was my fifth one.


Yeah, the two I'm excited about Chaco

Speaker 8:

flame Laker. That's what I can't wait for. Yeah, you're wrong. They might drift off though.


The problem is right now I don't have the right cards to place. I close in age, so can I borrow your account? Yes. Yes you can. That not against terms of service. Oh yeah. She's, no one knows. Listening call tech sharing guys. It's a whole thing. I'll just play down over and over with the player. It'll work. Trust me. You'll feel real good about yourself.[inaudible] all right.[inaudible] you ready? Oh yeah. All right, go.

Speaker 5:

All right. So the, the super obvious ones are Regnerus because Ragnar OS, I mean we got Jayna we got, you got two rags. There's gotta be a way to put them both on board.[inaudible] I'm going to play stupid death rattle rogue. I don't care if it's good. Dissolve is like the ha the marquee card here. Uh, I have to agree flame Laker because cyclin may age and it's going to be ridiculous and stupid. Um, I wouldn't say renounce warlock because discount or, yeah, a discounts are always good and it's too fun not to play something stupid, especially when you don't know your deck either.


Luck is like the most

Speaker 5:

evolve might actually be okay with like lackeys and overload tokens. There might be enough of a board to put, you know, it's not going to be a huge thing like the um, the old three to two is for seven manna. It's, you know, it's not that good, but there is that Omega guy that you might be able to, um,


well you always like, you have like the one man, the, the one one health, one attack and then like, you know,

Speaker 8:

you're blessing my turn for that. Could see it.


It's wasted the rest of it laughing. I'm sorry. I was trying to remember his line because the line always makes me fun. Make it makes me laugh. Float like a butterfly. Float like a butter.[inaudible] whenever I just makes me giggle whenever I get the to sing like a BS, it just, I don't know. I don't even play that deck really, but it just makes me giggle. All right. Is that how you sleeping, you know, play that champion to do shopping? Yeah, I was just bugging you. Yeah. Um, so my best slash most car fun, most excited about cards start first one is called the wild. I really liked called the wild when it was at of eight manna and it was a total bummer when it became nine men and just stopped being good. So the act I think with xoJane call the wild could be super good again. I'd hopefully not too broken. It's just a fun card. I just really want that to be good again. I'm kind of excited Shaku because Shaq was just a solid card. Like it's fun. It's gonna be great in the thief rogue if the fro ever comes up again. I dusted my golden test so I kind of don't want fee frog to be good cause I feel really bad about that. But you know, it is what it is. Uh, M gang boss for obvious reasons. Some gay gang bosses. Just a good sweetheart. Yeah. And zoos already kinda good. So I think you add them gang boss that just do gets better. The curator because you're going to see Reno like, yeah, like the curator like as was, but keeping underestimated card.

Speaker 8:

Like I think they got the curators just underestimated all the time. I think it would be good again, if it draws powerful cards. Yeah. And then regular out does


Ragnar curator dress Findley drives Finley. What else does it draw right now that you want to draw whatever you want to draw. Whatever you want. Doesn't matter. Oh my[inaudible] separate. It does not dry elemental, unfortunately. No. But like sand binder and which would Piper to draw your Sephora. So we really don't like it. Another term, being able to tutor out those kinds of cars and having them be powerful cards like Finley, FNI, Findlay or, or other like, it just, it's just an and that it has taught right. And that people kind of forget how important taught was to a car like the curator. So you're able to kind of draw some important gas and also keep yourself alive on turn seven. It's a good car. Does the ever underrated mechanic and hard Todd, this cheat cheat and it's never, it's never very good until it happens to you. And then you're like, taught is cheap man. I said cheap. I meant cheese. Sorry. It's been a long couple of days. Give me a break. Um, Oh, it'll be a quest. If you want to give us a quest, you can tweet it, the show@squelchcastorsendanemailtothedragonboxatsquelchpastatgmail.com. This quest is from Bob, just Bob on Twitter. Uh, he wants us, I assume a he to play a deck, uh, play a deck with only minions of the same stat line. So I E eight or three fours or one ones or two twos, whatever. You know, you get the idea. When I read eights, I thought you were talking about like square, you know, like say empower toughness. But this is actually super interesting. Yeah. Right. So like all two fours are all,


do you know what to, okay, so we have a holiday like may long weekend in Canada is commonly referred to as may two, four cause it happens in the 24th. You get a flat of beer. No, never mind. Never mind. That's a lot of beer. You call it a two for nevermind 24 beers. Why? All right. Oh, I, I get it. Like a two by four, like a piece of wood. 24 24 and also that and weird Spears


beer, like a normal person. Ah, nevermind. A four by six.


But then we're bringing math into it. And I know a lot of people get mad at that. So you're playing the wrong Katie and you're mad about math. All right.




maybe we should be taking out part of this. All right, let's get back to Bob stack and what a great idea. What a great idea. I love that. It really isn't like I'm, I'm


you get, so I know that like my heart of our rule of this is to always do it in standard, but I kind of feel like this might be one where we want to expand into wild just because of like the limited number of cards. But that's, can you cram in one deck? And it was called Wagga giants and it got nerfed. That's too funny. So I mean actually that wild


in the deck with these rules. I'm a, I'm a[inaudible] excited and my first thought is like, okay, zoo. And then I'm like, nah, that's a CAPA. That's a capo. What am I going to do? I don't know. I'm going to have a look. I'm gonna. I want to, I'm gonna put 21 threes and a bunch of buffs. One.


I'm just going to go play spell. It's going to be a spell Hunter and she's going to be[inaudible].


Oh, you can do, I mean, you could just do one three's and just have acolyte and a, and a, what's her? Oh, that's terrible. Um, you just wait. Anyways. Ecolate cleric. Um, the R the[inaudible] arm. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And that's it. There's two bad ones that we don't know what they're called. So we think of standard or wild standard. I'm going to do standard or whatever. I'll try to do standard and then I'll try and do wild and then I'll do it at all. And then you'll just play for all of them.


Exactly. I missed you the quest, but I like, you know, had to pee like 15 hours. The brawl. Listen, listening and no, no to the shell. Oh, I don't even know. All right. Going home. Yep. All right, so that's it for this week. If you like what you're listening to like we, maybe you do, I hope you do. Tell a friend, share the pod on a social or a disco or like discard or like put like a post it note on a public bulletin board somewhere. That's cool too. Stickers. Yeah. Stickers. Create your own stickers on the show and then like, you know, send them to us. Then we can be super impressed by them, uh, ever. Great. Thank you. We appreciate those stickers you're going to send us. If you love us, like we love you and you know we do. I hope you know we do give us that sweet, sweet five star rating on iTunes and anywhere else you can. So a huge thank you to enthrall the money. Thank you for showing up again on short notice and then also and for putting together the art for this show, the future art that you're going to put together. What's it going to be? Sure. It's the a Naga selfish. I got to do something about the taste, the Naga, whatever the Naga Corsair like mash up. Maybe we'll just, maybe we'll just do Fred wearing a Naga Coursera and sandwich costume at the same time. Nice. I like it. Uh, uh, you can follow the show on Twitter at squelch. Gast you can follow me on Twitter at Daniel play. They O is a zero because I'm cool. You can follow me on Twitter at underscore, but Gooch[inaudible] you could follow me at enthrall. I'm on one or my old, but I don't suggest it seeing as, I don't tweet or retweet this last week didn't show. I know I commented on a couple of things. I think mostly because you caught, but yeah, maybe I did. Did I retweet something? I don't know. I feel like you retweeted like the episode announcement and then also the little video snippet thing that I put together every week. I think about how bad the Canucks are this season. The who never mind hockey team. I don't know really. Uh, you can email the dragon box@squelchcastatgmail.com uh, w Oh, you put that thing in? Yeah. You can give us a quest by, uh, paying attention and sending us[inaudible] with the show, unlike me. Uh, do you think you can do a better job of announcing Dan verse Magoo, which probably because we forgot to do it again this week. Um, but if you send it to us, we'll put it in the show promises. You can just scream into the mic and send it to us. Usually do that anyway. It'll be fun. Yeah, that sounds great. I'll listen to them all so that you won't put a name with them through it. Cool. And thanks again guys for having me on. It's fun. No problem. Thank you all very much. And remember, this is a game and games are supposed to be fun.

Speaker 9:


Speaker 10:



I remember[inaudible] set up or not even waited a second thing.