Squelch! A (Mostly) Indie Video Game Podcast!


Dan0 and Enthralimund Episode 30

Dan0 and Enthralimund break down Enthralimund's critical thinking skills, some orc on human action, and talk about Donde from THL a little more than is probably healthy. Show notes: Show notes: https://1drv.ms/w/s!ArsKP1mXTAVuhrV-A80fa6nTYpEIwQ?e=igKhhp   

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spk_1:   0:07
Welcome back to squelch Im Dano

spk_0:   0:09
and I'm in thrall. Ammen. And we're here to remind everyone that Har Stone his game and that games are meant to be fun

spk_1:   0:16
If you like what you hear today head overto apple podcasts and give us a five star rating and a quick review. Those ratings and reviews really help other people find this dopey kind of stupid show.

spk_0:   0:26
Yeah, Speaking of dopey and stupid No, I mean, I'm sorry, but good. Help it, man. You're not gov and stupid. You're fantastic. Wonderful. Jill, you're in fine. Yeah, Analytical. And I hear the best

spk_1:   0:46
man. Yeah, easy. The best voice of the podcast by far, like, not even close.

spk_0:   0:52
No, not even close. My Gooch is sick this week. So I'm stuck with Danno all by my lonesome. Please send your thoughts and prayers and your lasagnas.

spk_1:   1:01
Sonya there can't see her can to dairy anymore. So, like, we don't gotta eat lasagne. You're really like there's like, do like fake cheeses on you, but it's not the same. It's hard to make like it's hard to make, like a split lasagna. I'm telling you, like

spk_0:   1:16
when you when you get into the world of, like, different kinds of lasagnas to There's a big party to be had there, but yeah, yeah, we can talk about class rolls on another podcast casserole for every occasion. And

spk_1:   1:29
castor casserole cast the Minnesota, uh, Castor cap. It's a girl. I think I think we have a winner here on. That's it for squelch. You confined us on Castrol every every Wednesday.

spk_0:   1:51
Let's get hungry. Hey, here we go. Hello, old friend. Let's meet

spk_1:   2:00
for tea after the match. Every right throttle, man. What'd you do this weekend, hearthstone?

spk_0:   2:05
Oh, man, It was a busy week. I played a lot. Um, first thing I did was ah, three days after because I didn't I didn't play a lot on the weekend. So, like, three days after it came out, I tried to make fi knows quest Gallagher on shaman work for, like, 4 to 5 days.

spk_1:   2:24
So and, um, not just be clear, this is so three days after Fi knows quest, shaman galley shopping would have been two days after everybody realized that this was not a viable deck.

spk_0:   2:35
Apparently, I didn't. So, um, so I logged in and I played three games with it. And I won three games in a row and it wasn't even close. Like I just won going away. And I was like, This deck is stupid. It's fantastic. I immediately put in my decks for th Ellis week

spk_1:   2:52
without really consulting everyone, which I know real, real good while done.

spk_0:   2:57
Uh, well, I don't know eso los like seven or eight in a row. And I was like, uh and then Matt was like, Yeah, that deck is hot garbage. Go. Uh, so I worked on playing that for, like, 4 to 5 days so I could get good enoughto like bring it, um, And at the last minute, like an hour before my match, I decided to finally check what my opponent is bringing. Yeah, I'm sorry. And I don't have a ton of Fred. And I saw his glasses and I was like, Well, these they're going to kill me before I do anything. I guess I'll bring mur lock shaman. So I did 1 80 after practicing with terrible deck for 4 to 5 and losing like 1000 ranks on legend letter, which isn't a big deal, but I was in the top like 302 100 or 304 100 ranks. Uh, I'm stuck down over 1000. Yeah, I decided to do it. What? 80 and bring a totally different deck, which I won a game within my only game. Uh, so I lost my given th other night. I always get like, I feel so frustrated with myself in the moment. But I felt better after listening to coin concede this week because Dante was on and he was my opponent on. They broke down like his prep like like a bunch of, like, what he does for prep and how into preparation is he's like, I find preparation. Like, as fun is playing are more fun than playing like I don't think you do it. I was like, Oh, I feel a lot better about losing to him because because when I want those three games with, like, Gallic Ron Shaman, that was my prep and I was in the bath, so I'm like,

spk_1:   4:40
metaphorical bath like this, You know, it's like, you know, I took a bath on that,

spk_0:   4:44
but you, like, literally we're taking a little in the bath, like falling asleep between turns like kind of waking up trying not to drop my phone into the bath water. Okay, s so I was like, I felt a lot better about it. I got to bring some better next next week, so yeah, I'm not gonna talk. About what? On here. Maybe. I don't know. I don't care. I want to bring major. Sure. Highlander, Dex. They're so much fun. But they are. I wish Highlander Rogue was still kind of viable. It doesn't feel like it right now. And that makes me sad because I love I like Highlander rogue. A law I find out a lot more fun than gala Crown drug. I find gal crown drugs. Uh, I don't know.

spk_1:   5:23
It's my current problem with rogues. What gala crowd? Rogue is right now, which is like it's like the rogue puzzle like, taken to, like, the worst possible degree. Yeah, that's

spk_0:   5:35
not even hard, but there's no puzzle. It's more like if your if your puzzle was just a like Kraft dinner recipe. Kraft

spk_1:   5:47
dinner. Like the Kraft dinner is a legitimately wonderful meal.

spk_0:   5:51
Yeah, but like, Okay, And this is really funny, because I really I wish I like cooking. I love eating. I don't like cooking, but enough. The difference between making homemade Mac and cheese and or like, making crop Generally crap. Dinner's fine if you want Kraft dinner.

spk_1:   6:03
If you're macking with. Oftentimes the Kraft dinner is the superior. Mac and cheese.

spk_0:   6:08
Ah, homemade mac and cheese. You can't even touch that with crap dinner, man. Oh, so good. Oh, any way we can stop talking about that? So, yeah, I've also been playing more hunter and warrior on letter, and I want to start playing warm age because I do really enjoy the Highlander, major. But, um, and you'd like 125 more Hunter wins and they call me, so I keep perfect

spk_1:   6:29
time to get them. Why have you not just grinded those out yet?

spk_0:   6:33
I have, man. It's 100 metre like, Yeah, but I've played over. I've won over 100 games of Hunter this month like that.

spk_1:   6:39
Oh, well, that's actually really good. I have I have one 13 games this month. Wow. No, that's not No, that's not right. That's all right. I have one 18 games this month. It's been busy, man like I only we

spk_0:   6:55
know. So Okay, what else over doing? I've been really enjoying battle grounds. I feel really weird, like I've gotten really into playing it again. I don't know a lot about it. I totally suck at it. But I love the matter. Andi. It feels like you can build in any direction, so I totally suck at it. But I like it that way. So here's the deal. When I'm playing battle grounds, I often see the right play and don't do it then. That's really exciting to me because, like I stress my way through turns on ladder, I play quick and stress over what I did wrong. And but there's this, like pride or like certain level of just like I don't want to be terrible. There is something I feel like I'm good at playing Har Stone. So like it, I'm gonna feel bad if I play bad. But in battle grounds, if I play bad, like going for these big home run like kind of plays, I don't feel bad when it goes wrong, like I just and it's so much more fun than like Well, the safe play is to take the 45 that buffs the taunts attack even if it's not fun or flashy. But it's stats and I'm like, Heck, no, I'm to do the terrible play and take the one to merlot that I could maybe give Divine Geo five turns from now and take like, 15 damage trying to get like like that Sze just a different way of playing And it's fun for me. So last night I'm in bed and I'm, like, again I'm literally, like falling asleep with the phone in my hand. And just like suddenly, I really realized that Curtis Lor was like an awesome guy. Yeah, who we know from From, like, the deal's community back in the day. Oh, he's so funny. He sell awesome, super nice guy. Yeah, and, uh, man, I miss chatting with him in streams and stuff. Just a beautiful human being. So he, uh he's like, spec ing me. I'm suddenly like, why is Curtis Peck a I don't like I better like starting attention. So, like sit up in bed and, like, try to wake up And, uh, he's, like, watching and like, at one point, I just like I did one of those turns where you just cycle cycle cycle cycle Any stop and you're like, I guess I should buy this thing and start like, selling things and buying this and okay, I see a line. I could take this turn and I look and there's, like, 30 seconds left and I'm on my mobile like client in bed, like, half asleep. And I'm like, that's a lot of work cycle. I finish my turn will, like 10 10 Mana or like, 10 coins not doing anything. And he sends me, uh, he sends me a comet. It's like, Hey, should you maybe have done this other line? They're like buying Some of them were locks and just like cycling the ones in your hand and like playing your buffs and I, like, wrote back and I was like, Yeah, I thought about that, but then I didn't do it. Give me with, like, a law, that's all. So I was like, Don't worry about it. And, uh, so we played around together, and that was pretty fun last night, so it was fun to see him again, But yeah, I'm just enjoying logging in them in general, like I'm actually really just like I'm excited to log into our star. That's awesome. Man rate. I know there's lots of times over the past years where I've just logged in because it's just what I do. Or I didn't know what else to do. We're just out of boredom, and I have lots to do. Like I do a lot of things in my life. But I'm glad I'm not in that space anymore. It's like if I don't want to play, I generally don't open it. And if I do that, I do. That's cool. Okay? Last thing my son is up to rank 23. He's about to get tau rank 20 ladder. What do I do to prepare him for a rank 20 ladder? My eight year old son,

spk_1:   10:41
You delete his account. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's over. Get out 50. That's yes, sort of. Forget about 50. Um, also, uh, get him signed up for thl cause we need some subs. I'm just saying so, uh, almost used him last week. Couldn't I wasn't It would have been amazing. I feel like it was a missed opportunity for everybody.

spk_0:   11:14
Yeah, it would. You know what? I didn't really fire. He would He was I showed him the message of you asking him to play, and he was really flattered. He was excited about it. That's awesome. That's all Of'em. He's not. He's not. He's not Ah, shrimp nights. He's like, I like I watch him. Andi, like you know, it's Yeah, someone played hearthstone for five years. It's really hard to watch. Other people would not be like a what? What you doing there? Uh, hey, Hey, like maybe you know what my favorite is when you spectate your friends too, and you see their most hover over a card and and on their client, they've, like, passed over it three seconds ago. But into your client, you're afraid they're gonna play it. Isn't that the funniest thing? When you're speculating and everybody goes No, no. Don't think what happens is after a while, you stop saying that because you realize, Oh, they're just hovering. And then they go to play that card and you don't say anything, and then they do play at one time, and you're like, What do you do? You know,

spk_1:   12:12
just like every time you spectate me is what you base to do.

spk_0:   12:15
It's like Wait, what you doing?

spk_1:   12:16
Oh, no, it's It's cool. I I was just clicked. I wasn't gonna play.

spk_0:   12:21
Hey, no, I'm good with Mei. I'm good with that. I don't I don't Uh, yeah, it's buddy, but, uh, I sit and I watched him a couple times, and he's like, he he knows he knows what's up most of the time. Like we played on a bit of magic, though, until like, yeah, getting a value trade is pretty clear to him, So yeah, it's pretty cool. Pretty cool to watch you

spk_1:   12:46
like graft, grasp of the value trade. That's a huge deal, right? It's like two things. Can you grasp the value trade and understand that you can preserve your board by using your face?

spk_0:   12:58
Yeah. Yeah. So he's pretty good at those things. The thing that like things that, like completely escape him are like, Should I be at this point, like switching and going for lethal over two turns?

spk_1:   13:09
Oh, yeah. Trying to figure out when you're the beat down

spk_0:   13:11
like, yeah, like he's pretty good at math. But he's not like figuring out my half like a turn or two ahead or anything. And I'm curious when that's gonna come. I'm really curious. I kind of like I explained things. Sometimes when I watch him, I try not to teach too much. I try to just let him, like, have fun. Yeah, but I'm really curious. Like I kind of want to let him start picking that stuff up on his own a little bit.

spk_1:   13:32
And some of that will be just, like, feel to or it's like, Okay, like, I need to go now because it's just not gonna happen. Like I could math it out. Or I could sit here and go, Yeah, I need to just actually decide it's time to turn and go face because, most likely, this isn't the last number three or four turns. So,

spk_0:   13:53
like, I've definitely walked up and seeing him like playing a control like bored, centric like strategy and being like, you have one card in your opponent has eight cards. Hunter thing. Yeah,

spk_1:   14:09
that magic button there.

spk_0:   14:10
That's what I always say. Push to see that, but try and hit that every turn. It's not like that any more than 100 you know, it's not used to um but yeah, it's pretty fun to watch. Yeah, he gets his stuff done when he gets home from school. Like he's playing a lot of in the neighborhood and stuff. But like if he's no out, if there's no friends around or there's other things like, he'll get us homework down and do some reading and just so he can get on and play half an hour before dinner Sprinkle. I don't know. Maybe it's not. Maybe I started him on my terrible addiction. I don't know.

spk_1:   14:44
It's cool. Car gains are cool.

spk_0:   14:47
Yeah, yeah. So I think he loves Hunter. So I think I'm going to see, like, I haven't looked at card costs for like, I thought like Dragon Hunter would be really cool or, um, just face onto her. But I think, like,

spk_1:   14:58
does he have the adventure?

spk_0:   15:00
No, he does not.

spk_1:   15:02
So he couldn't do the Dragon Hunter, then.

spk_0:   15:04
Oh, are the cards from the adventure? Yeah. Yeah,

spk_1:   15:06
that, uh, the top craft it. Uh, no, I don't think maybe you can, but I don't even know. I mean, I Well,

spk_0:   15:22
that's the thing I was thinking too. I was like, Oh, man, like the next lake rotation happens at his birthday. Like, do I get, like, a the pre purchase. And I'm like, Oh, God, I'm gonna be like I'm gonna be paying for, like, magic, the gathering and hearthstone for 20! Oh, like they're way too expensive for me. Like I spend too much money on that stuff already. Like what? No magic.

spk_1:   15:50
He's young enough. We can if we can trade that play, right. Like he doesn't want to be, like, grinding out to, like, rank five and legendary.

spk_0:   15:56
No, no, but it be fun to get him a few more cards

spk_1:   15:59
off course, Like buying like a $25 partners up them for pax toe men just, like, say, happy birthday or some such, You know? Well,

spk_0:   16:07
yeah, like next time they have one of those. The last deal they had on that was really good for the that raised money? Yeah, for the competitors. And then raised a lot of money for blizzard. A

spk_1:   16:18
lot of money for blizzard, a whole bunch of money from blizzard like money for other competitors in a lot of money for blizzard.

spk_0:   16:27
Well, you know, you know what they say was it needs a lot of ponytail, wax. Hey, I'd like to believe that's a thing e

spk_1:   16:38
If you look at him and he just I I'm not gonna talk about it. I'm

spk_0:   16:42
a big fan of, like, guys with ponytails and they're fantastic.

spk_1:   16:45
What about the shooter? Like, you know, the dude or the guy in charge of blizzard now, like, yeah, yeah, yeah, It's a big

spk_0:   16:51
fan, man. Be different

spk_1:   16:52
If you were looking dude, like

spk_0:   16:54
just a little bit weird is Erica

spk_1:   16:57
made? Choices were made.

spk_0:   16:59
It won't be weird like it.

spk_1:   17:01
Ah, he's not weird, though. He's like he's a corporate like he's like, I'm I'm I'm like I'm on edge, Lord, cause I have long hair. It's like, Not like

spk_0:   17:10
you could you are going to something that you could totally see him in Like the show Silicon Valley years only. I haven't watched fast a second season. You could totally see him. Yeah,

spk_1:   17:21
yeah, he's like, just like the most buttoned up like corporate dweeb, right? But he has. He has long hair, so he's like, feels like he's super edgy. Cool. He's still understand what it's like, you know, a simple developer, you know, he's one of the guys that's totally

spk_0:   17:37
the team from the Simpsons when whoever goes

spk_1:   17:41
and he does think of as one of the guys, too, because he still believes that, like, you know, computers are the realm of men working on the assume based on decisions made. So it's my turn to talk about what I did this week in Hearthstone. So I finally hit rate five. So game Ah, long week. A long month from you, just like I didn't I just been so busy between work like work has been just insanely busy. So I get home and it's like I have I don't even want to, like, do anything but just sit on my my But to be completely honest with you, um, and turn off,

spk_0:   18:18
I don't know what else you would sit on.

spk_1:   18:20
Um, like with heart stone, you can't like, turn off your brain and play well and I need it. I come home, I want to drop my brain. So, like what I've been doing is, like, I'll just, like, hang out with Dean a little bit and then I, like, prep for whatever podcast, whatever, and then like, I'll go and I'll play fallout for like, for like half an hour, 45 minutes and I want to play the game. I'll just, like, play like the town building aspect of it. So I was like, half an hour like building a new building. And then I go to bat like it's just like where I've been like its entire month because, like, I've been just so crazy busy anyways, so Ah, what an 11 and one run with Gala Kron. Raz priest is so much fun. The deck is just a blast. So it's a total troll deck. And I'm sure like loving it makes me a bad person. It does. I am okay with it. I'm completely okay with it. Um, it wasn't even my choice to play it. It was just like all the people playing drew it. And I was like, I need to punish this. And so I started playing that deck, and it was just couldn't have worked better. So, like, if you're looking for advice, I'll put the debt correctly. Uh, here it is. It's very simple. Ask yourself if the card you're about to play is gonna make your opponent hate you a little bit more than they already do. If the answer is Yes, it is probably the right place. And

spk_0:   19:41
if if the answer is no than just do nothing, just heal your face and a vote.

spk_1:   19:47
Honestly, gal, I could just tell your face where you heal their minion. If it's already up full health and Europe, full health,

spk_0:   19:53
my favourite there it, or if they're at lower health in full health, you just heal them anyways because their health doesn't really matter.

spk_1:   19:59
It's not that. The goal, I think, by my favorite part of priest right now is is the people who are playing the Quest priests and don't play the quest on one in order, like fake you out into thinking that you're not playing the quest and select a lot like you attack them in him for one or two. We're never gonna play the Quest healer facing the gotcha, which is so stupid like, don't do that, I don't know. But that has turned into this weird like counter effect were people will not attack you even though you haven't played the quest because they are assuming that you're waiting for the quest. So it's like mad. It's like this weird little like arms, race of stupidity and it is so much fun. It's

spk_0:   20:46
so that's the perfect way to put it. It's an arms race and stupidity. It's just okay. It just joy to my heart ons my brain. Hey, people out there hit the priest in the face. That's how they die.

spk_1:   21:03
Yeah, if they played the quest don't mean, I don't know, make a decision, right? With him for two. And they kill your face, their face, they don't do anything else, But, um,

spk_0:   21:12
sure, don't hit him for two unturned to Yeah, but if they played the quest, if they don't play the quest, hit them, hit them just

spk_1:   21:20
Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's the answer.

spk_0:   21:24
They don't want you to hit them. That's how they die. They die by getting hit early in the game. You wait to hit them. You just losing. There's

spk_1:   21:32
not because there's not a lot of hell in that deck. There's just so there's like the 55 water bearer, right? That's kind of a feeling you have, like, the six drops the three fours, But like if you're in a bad spot early, yeah, does matter. Um, anyways ah, speaking of playing don Day, I am playing donde this week in legacy.

spk_0:   21:52
So wait, Did we both mentioned you think

spk_1:   21:56
Dante's is? It's looking like Gandhi cast. So I get to play Don this week in th l. So if you listen to corn, concede ah, are just listen and throwing money About five minutes ago, Donnelly goes, like, really quite in depth about how he preps for show. And I thought it was kind of unfair for me to get, like, the inside scoop on How Dante Preps without me, given the anti scoop on how I prep. So Don Day, if you're listening, which I assume you obviously are, because how could you ever missed episode of Squelch? Um, here is how here's Ali

spk_0:   22:31
said. He said he does a research on his opponents. He looks where you like posting what kind of deck c e. I was like, Oh, I don't feel bad Tow losing Thio. I felt bad if I had one

spk_1:   22:51
s So so Here's how my prep my prep goes in that show. So Monday nights are settled for squelch. And then we were court squelch. Um, so this week I worked about 9 p.m. Tonight and then and then I remembered for squelch, so I was pretty sweet. So nope, no prep. Ah, Tuesday's THL power, which is the power from podcast mad arms I do about THL, is an insane amount of fun. I love doing it. It's about 20 minutes long. It's may buy part of my favorite part of my week. It's like a solid two and 1/2 hours of prep, at least. So that there, that's my Tuesday Wednesdays. I feel really guilty about not having prepped it all. And so I will play like a little bit on ladder and be like, Ah, cried like what? My doing. And so then I go out, look at going look at HS replay and, like, V ASAP. Okay, which of these 32 viable hunter Dex make me feel really like what I feel in my soul hunter? My this week? Um,

spk_0:   23:55
which one of these 3200. Next time, I'm gonna accuse others.

spk_1:   24:03
So that's that's That's Wednesday Thursdays Tavern talk an absolute crazy about a fund as well. Um, talk about every team on legacy now, which is completely awesome. And then I play on Thursdays or Fridays or response Saturdays and then. I've been losing a lot this season, and I just I don't have any idea why. Because I've been doing a lot of hearthstone stuff, so I just don't understand how come I'm losing THL. Um,

spk_0:   24:28
well, I think it's honestly, I think we can really pinpoint it. I think it's too much time with family. I think you need to cut down your family. That's that's sarcasm.

spk_1:   24:38
I get e. I get time with my son, Um, and my my wife and my sister in law and my sister in law's boyfriend. And baby K is turning into a real baby, which makes me feel better. So not the perfect child. For the first couple of weeks, he was the perfect child, and it was kind of intimidating. But now he cries, and he's a perfectly fine baby on. So it makes you feel better as a parent because that's that's what parenting is like. Yeah, you know better at this, and I Hey,

spk_0:   25:14
that's that. Is parenting,

spk_1:   25:17
all right? I'm kind of hungry, so I think we should enjoy a tasty Naga sandwich paste my blades. I appreciate that. You still love that.

spk_0:   25:30
So good, so good huh? All right, I believe you.

spk_1:   25:38
All right. What's our our first good ingredient this week?

spk_0:   25:41
Hey, Streaming ice cream for the first time last weekend. That was kind of cool in the evenings. Um yeah, like, man, I got like, a terrible old computer and it doesn't do very well. I think it was probably clipping a bit in terms of the visual. Probably lagging a bit. I didn't have any video or anything, but I just had some tunes on playing. Some are stone and that was kinda cool. Couple people came and watched, and one or two people interacted. One, including you. Yeah, but we also got to stream together on your stream this weekend. We played some, some of that priest tech, and I felt really uncomfortable and sad, and you were laughing maniacally the whole time

spk_1:   26:17
so much. But if you are not laughing maniacally while playing that debt you are playing, hearts don't wrong. Like it's just like the gold of Hearthstone is to make your point. It uncomfortable. And the only thing that deck does is make your opponent uncomfortable. It is

spk_0:   26:30
that that's like saying like, you just want your opponent uncomfortable and Dan walks in with a pillow and start suffocating. No, no, not murder. Dan, not murder. Dan, you're not a murderer. This is a game. Games. They're supposed to be fun.

spk_1:   26:48
And I had fun. I had a lot of fun. I have

spk_0:   26:51
ah, you kept, like throughout the whole street. We strictly get our half hours. I think you can't be like this is fun, right? And I was like, What do you want me to say?

spk_1:   27:01
The answer is yes, because I have so much fun.

spk_0:   27:04
Isn't fun playing with you. Well, you're laughing. Sure is the deck fund. No, it's evil. I think the

spk_1:   27:11
deck isn't it. It's It's It's Honestly, though, I would say it's hands down and not even close to my favorite actor playwright. Now

spk_0:   27:18
that sauce of the you're amazing. But you won every game you played on that street, like seven or eight when

spk_1:   27:25
I was 10. I know it was nine in a row when I know that

spk_0:   27:30
Look, we didn't play eight hours for all those priests. No snow. It takes forever too. Hey, but yeah, that's been fun. So I might do a little bit more of that in the future. So probably not. Not a lot this week, but, like, I'm kind of interested in getting that going. I don't know if I want to put my face on there, get really into it, but, like, especially just I don't know. It's kind of fun just having it up there in case someone wants a watch and it's kind of cool. I never thought about doing it before, so

spk_1:   27:58
yeah, you call both of us, actually. Thrall of Monday, is it? Just twist dot tv slash in thrall a month? I think so. Yeah. And then twist our TV sash. Daniel, play the O is zero because I'm cool. Um,

spk_0:   28:11
we're not on very often. Especially Come on.

spk_1:   28:13
I try to get on like, one so weak fish and turns out to be more like once every two weeks or so. Um, February has been just a brutal month, and I'm just I was just excited to get the card back. Like Friday. February is one of the worst months at work for like, just like business. And so And like, I'm busy at work like it is just stressful on tomorrow's gonna be bonkers or tomorrow the minutes of the Supreme Court Court of Appeals coming in for a lunch than a program. And then, like that afternoon, we also have, like the Minnesota State Bar Association coming in for, like, meet the bar type of event and, like, it's just it's just so

spk_0:   28:48
weird. I have the Minnesota Bar Association coming into my work tomorrow. Thio,

spk_1:   28:54
um and so just like a ton of work. And it's just like, you know, it's all worth it. It's all great, and I just love having them come into the building and stuff. But, um, like the victim prep before that, like the amount of like stuff that goes into, like the back end of making us all like run smoothly is just insane. Um, but that is neither here nor there or anywhere near kind of casserole. So

spk_0:   29:20
no, it's not. Um, here is good as Castor

spk_1:   29:25
casserole is probably better than we deserve, actually So But which? That's Thea, That's the That's what drives here. Hold on its cast.

spk_0:   29:35
Isn't there like motor oil called Castro? Sure, whatever. Nobody knows about them. We're gonna be big stuff, all right? I also have them not so good Yeah,

spk_1:   29:48
I would not like to actually to, um

spk_0:   29:50
Well, yours mine. I don't remember much about the adventure anymore, and I'm not sure how interested people are in us talking about it.

spk_1:   29:56
I remember that Reno was a dragon, and that was, like our first Loris for nerds. And so that was a big hunk and deal for me. And it was wonderful and awesome and funny as all get out. And I think he forgot that he's a dragon, which is sort of funny and sort of a bummer. Um, just I love the adventure I've been harping for, like, story. I don't That's all the story I really want. I don't know, like a deep in depth story. Um, like, I'll fistfight. Anyone who disagrees. Like I thought it was fun. I liked it. It was enjoyable. It's okay for it to be kind of forgettable. I don't play hearthstone for that. The story necessarily, like I think that the bits they put into it is kind of good and good enough, right? So

spk_0:   30:39
I I wish it had been a little like, more thought out for me. The big thing that could have made it better was like when they had the little painting at the end that you got when you beat it is like maybe have the painting be a bit of an epilogue, like show where they went after what they're doing after like just But instead, it was just like an action shot of the battle. Yeah,

spk_1:   31:01
yeah, I've been kind of cool. Just a just a quick wearing, out type thing because

spk_0:   31:06
I was just like, man like is someone who, like, just perhaps even like D and D I'm like I put war Thought it like, you know, what they could feel it could be more and then beat. And then Rick, you're honest interview hearing the interview afterward. They were like, Well, we started The year is like a continuous thing, but we way kind of just did this story after we heard people really liked it. And I was like, they

spk_1:   31:30
were obviously squelch. Don't complain. We love get thank you.

spk_0:   31:34
But I thought I thought that was the whole idea from the beginning of the year is that they were all gonna be tied together in a big story. But it turns out that they were just tying the expansions together, but not like some sort of a narrative that I was really weird to me.

spk_1:   31:45
I don't know. You know, it's easy to kind of forget that they're kind of new at this, which is weird, right? Like, you wouldn't think you're crafting a story. But, like, I get the impression that, like, I don't think Blizzard is like a real well connected. Like, I think it's silos like that. There was movement between the different like titles, but I don't know that, like the different titles we share a lot of like best practices stuff as like, you can tell from patch notes, Um, but so I don't know. I'm not gonna hold against them. I thought I enjoyed it. I'm kind of bummed not doing it next year. Actually, I thought it was a really thought. It was actually really neat, and I would like to have seen them like, try and do it again next year and make it better. But, hey, that's just sad. So, yeah, I

spk_0:   32:31
really agree with that. But I hope like if they're not doing this next year like, tell me why and what you're doing that's different and better. It would be nice. And it sounds like maybe there is with all that talk about the

spk_1:   32:45
oh, man, I don't even know about that. Like, that's just like that. I follow. I try to follow E sports like in general ea Sports, like as a capital. Like, you know, I felt like legal legend, and I follow over watch, just like tangentially. I don't watch TV. I watch some of it. And, like just two weeks before, was the Overwatch stomach, and it was the same stopping tweeted out by people. Oh, I was super worried about what was gonna happen to the Overwatch league. But I even more excited now than I ever have been. It's like, Oh, it's like when, like the heart, some stuff came out like

spk_0:   33:19
they Kool Aid. They served us was delicious.

spk_1:   33:22
Yeah, like when the heart stops talking about two weeks later, my eyes couldn't have rolled further back into my head. I was like, Oh, this is just anything there. No, onto the floor. It was like I was like, Okay, yeah. I think if I hadn't seen the Overwatch stuff like before that I would have been maybe less jaded about the hearthstone stuff. But

spk_0:   33:42
wait for it. Who was like So don't Don't worry. They still care about the game. You know what?

spk_1:   33:47
Okay, Like I mentioned on two remarkable times, like our discourse over and over again. But that is ah concerning comment. Like, what is what is sort of fraud and think they don't care. Like Holy smokes like nothing about that made me feel better about the game. It made me feel like one of the brand ambassador of the face of the game doesn't believe the developers care, which I'm sure he didn't mean. But like hold,

spk_0:   34:14
he was speaking more to people complaining on the Internets. But it didn't sound good. Wait. When did when did the people who make Harston stuff can butters like? People

spk_1:   34:27
are paying them a bunch of money. They should just care because of that. Just go out there on a limb here and say a just Carol and I. And never for a moment do I believe that the developers don't care. Like if nothing else, it's obvious they still care. Like and I don't want that to be the narrative that people get from this was that like, Oh, the developers don't care. Because if you don't think they do, you're you're just not paying attention because they obviously really, really care. Um, it was just like the tone of, like, froze attends

spk_0:   34:58
tweet, which I thought was I thought it was funny. I would have just glazed over that tweet. The fact that you pointed it out, maybe laugh. It was like I wouldn't have even thought twice about it. But after you pointed it out, I was like, I was laughing pretty hard.

spk_1:   35:11
I get the best good this week and the best good this week is coin. Concede it's a podcast. Um, it's an amazing podcast. If you're not listening to coin conceding, you listen to us like

spk_0:   35:24
we owe. Yeah, this is much West. Stop listening to squelch a podcast right

spk_1:   35:41
now. Go back and listen to the last two hours of the last two episodes of coin concede and then come back and tell us what you've learned. It would have been a lot. Um, Theo. Past two episodes have been really great. I love corn. Concede I don't get it. Let's do it as much as I want you to be honest, but I I've made a pointillist in the last two weeks and ah, holy smokes. I always forget. How does amazing those guys are, like, just that Their way that they're able to like. I just want to know how they pay attention like that. Like, oh, are the new segment like the top of the news? Oh, yeah, that did happen, didn't it? I

spk_0:   36:20
should hold, like, if we were recording squelch, like, early in the morning and not after, like, eight hours of work and, like, four hours of parenting, like sure, maybe over and held off the top of, like had and, like, click, but being the amount of just, like information that they get right and the it's amazing, But there's a

spk_1:   36:43
level of organization there that, like I can't even, like, begin to comprehend. Really? That, um yeah, that. But I mean, I'm sure same level s squelch, though, cause we are if nothing. Oh, yeah. Zoom

spk_0:   36:57
for organized. That's why we have started way definitely started our show notes more than an hour way

spk_1:   37:05
Did I started them on Sunday, Thank you very much. And I typed up like, Yeah, I I started them, and then I came up with the idea for lower. And then I I actually

spk_0:   37:15
know that because I'm so organized. Yep. Yep. OK, so what other things I wanted to say about coin conceived for us all like the first? The all three of them really want to be there at, uh and, uh, and they enjoy each other's company and, like, got to me is like number one for broadcast. It's not. It doesn't happen on everything. Like, authentically what I do. Enjoy it. Um, yeah. I really like how real they are. Like, they kind of think they kind of talk about the game really officially. And they get their news right, and they get things. But the don't shy away from opinions and emotions and real life stuff, too. And they're struggling. They sometimes shared on the cast and talk about all sorts of issues. Um, and their

spk_1:   37:58
their takes on, like, different, like things that are going on in the game and different Dex is it's insane. How they kind of get it right all the time, A little bit frustrating, get it wrong, a little bit better about myself. So there were guys, but I'm

spk_0:   38:12
going to say about that, Is there? They're all really, like, convincing. So whenever they have an opinion or something, they believe in they're all really good at, like, organizing their thoughts and like clearly articulating them overall, like a long explanation. Um and, ah, like I think I think they could probably start a cult. And I got my joined, like if they explained it well enough, but they're just like, Well, you know, you could continue to support your family with that money. Or you could smooth start supporting the cult of what? Elliot. They might just be able to convince me that they convinced me of a lot of things. But the other thing I was gonna say is like Like I'm I'm sorry. The hat. He's commissioner of the THL. Yeah, he's doesn't like 18 podcasts a week. He's, um, around there. Yeah, like, he just hey, want to do a podcast? Sure. Huh? Like that guy. I believe that like, pretty soon he's gonna attain singularity by, like, merging with the hearthstone. Like I think that's like a couple days from lake him and hearthstone being one kind

spk_1:   39:24
of funny and sad for hacks. I mean, then he'd be, like, stuck in a game, which I mean I mean, it's a great game, but, like, I mean, what kind of shelf life is gonna have, Really? I mean, you probably like that. Well, it's hats in charge. It's true. Very accurate statement. Yeah. No, take a point.

spk_0:   39:40
I had I hope you don't get trapped in a computer anytime soon. I don't mean unless you want to be. Then I would. I wish it. Okay, let's move on. We are moving on. Go Listen to me.

spk_1:   39:54
Yes, Do that, please. Uh, let's get

spk_0:   39:58
so hey, all right. This week, Salt comes from the comments of the gala Cron's Awakening Overview video from last month, and we think it aged. Really, really well,

spk_1:   40:10
him blizzard. It's quite disappointing that priest decks are still trash as it a lot had already said that the game is merely a disaster. I have watched his life stripping for years and he spared no effort to build a fund Priest deck. Yeah, it turned out failing every time. Please help yourself. Blizzard Thegame has no fun anymore.

spk_0:   40:42
He laughed so hard when I read in the paper. This, like the person is like I have watched lots live screaming for years. He spared no effort to build upon pre stick. Yet it turned out failing every which way. I mean, why were you watching his stream if it failed? Welcome

spk_1:   41:09
back to that. A lot stream. I'm gonna try. Make a pre step, but you ain't gonna be all that much fun. Priest Whoa, whoa,

spk_0:   41:22
whoa! And I've watched like her eyes. That a lot. Yeah, Apparently he's switching over during terror. Which kind of stinks. Yeah, he's great. I mean, that's great. Enjoy return. And if it's not jamming your jazz anymore like, yeah, I got it. That's totally fine. I'm sad. If he wasn't enjoying it the last while because in general he would come on. And that was a guy who just love to chill out and make weird stuff and play it. Yes, it was always fun watching him. So it's weird for me, and then he would make, like, these terrible decks, and he's very much like a P X, right? Like we're just like he's like, Oh, great 300 legend with this awful priest or don't do it right 10 more. Some of

spk_1:   42:02
that right. It's like a pinch hit rank three with his taxes and unintelligible by anyone other than me. But rank three.

spk_0:   42:12
Yeah, yeah, but anyway, I watched the streets from years and he failed every time. You maybe need There might be a little hyperbole in that in that, especially because there's been

spk_1:   42:29
like some pretty solid priests going on like we had Combo priest, That's a Longbow which dominated the meta and

spk_0:   42:36
then in Raza Priest was like, Not you're right this point. It was really fun to play. It wasn't good for the mid. I didn't like it, but it was really fun to play. It was bonkers fund. So, like, uh, yeah,

spk_1:   42:51
yeah, The problem with Priest is we can go in here right now probably priests that just doesn't have, like, a strong core, and so, like they have to print broken things for it until it's good. And then it just becomes broken because you have just, like, hit that, like that threshold of Brokenness to make it playable. It's kind of like

spk_0:   43:09
shaman, shaman and priest or that way where he they're different because the classic cards aren't good enough. So they they have to work extra hard to balance. Priest and shaman, right? Yeah. Andi, it's really funny because they haven't been afraid to make shaman like crazy strong at times. But with priests, they're like, Ah, I think

spk_1:   43:34
they're afraid of the hero power. I'll be completely honest with you, I think, Yes. I think the priest here power could be is just

spk_0:   43:42
will value trades or so

spk_1:   43:43
sure is aboard such a game. The ability to, like, kill back up your own minions. Like I think they're afraid of the priest here. Power? That's my assumption. I don't know. I'm sure hat will tell me later on while um

spk_0:   43:54
uh, just get let's get Let's get hat, too. You tell us why we're wrong, and then we'll re record this part of the podcast. In fact, let's start doing that every no

spk_1:   44:05
hat doesn't always say why were wrong. You were right. I appreciate that. I

spk_0:   44:09
didn't say he's always says that I'm just a thing to start doing. You know, I'm not criticizing hat just saying Back off. Get your own hat. Uh, e All right. I think that's good.

spk_1:   44:25
Anyways, pre, She's fun, right? now, uh, slow down and Purify was one of the best card ever printed, and I loved it. And I got so angry about it. And then I was so wrong, and it led to maybe one of my top my top lip fever ducks. So, Loris for nerds. And nothing is nerdier than heart stone podcast. Mmm

spk_0:   44:41
mmm, mmm mmm. It's one's a real page turner.

spk_1:   44:45
So I've got something really special for all of you. So this is going to be and I did not ask Makuch or enthrall them before I made this decision. I just did it because I thought I'd be kind of fun. It is gonna be our first multipart lore. Okay? Yeah, Yeah, I got to thinking right when I was done with this that this actually might not be our first multipart lower. Um, but I've forgotten if it wasn't so don't tell me otherwise. So, uh, without any further

spk_0:   45:17
ado, that's a question for our historian. Good things here. Good

spk_1:   45:22
things here. Yeah,

spk_0:   45:23
Yeah. Oh, miss me, mooch And I just want you to know that

spk_1:   45:29
Ah, sorry, Makuch, We have to move on. So a present for you The first war gonna go into the first wars like Warcraft. Like the video game, A cure of Warcraft. The original Warcraft. Like the first war That, like everything is kind of based on

spk_0:   45:47
Did you play that?

spk_1:   45:49
There was no war craft know a ton of Warcraft too, though, So, Yeah, I'm aware of, like, this general story of, like, the Original Warcraft, like my art CSC edgy stuff was like put a ton of Warcraft two, and then a lot of Starcraft and a lot of like a o e too. Age of Empires to That's kind of where I was our T s. I never played a lot of Warcraft Warcraft three, but

spk_0:   46:13
I remember when Warcraft came out and, like the like, three D animated like the C G. I like cut scenes were, like, so exciting and I should go back and watch them now. I'm sure they're terrible.

spk_1:   46:24
Yeah, but I was like starcraft, right? Starcraft like blue. Like, blew my mind. Um, so anyways, back we're talking about first war part one, so you might not know this, but orcs are totally not from Asa Roth. So you probably like no doy Danno there from Callum door, So Okay. Yeah, you're right. But they aren't from the subcontinent of as are off or the planet of as a rock because they named their planet after a specific would be like if we were, like the planet of India, right, Which would be totally cool and fine. It would just be confusing. So they're not from the sub content of as Roth Oil Planet as our off they are from the planet drain or I'm not sure how that's pronounced. Don't don't think its trainer drainer left drainer as the dark portal which is located Lake, located in the southeastern part of the subconscious as a Roth, which is also the southeastern part of the world. Lazar off. But if I said that, I'd probably confused you, so I'm not going to say that. So everything was perfect in the human land of storm wind, like, totally 100% perfect. It says so on. Bye week, Um and then and then made Eve, who is a super powerful major guy. We all know who he is. Was got possessed by the dark. Titans are generous.

spk_0:   47:41
Oh, no.

spk_1:   47:43
Yeah, exactly. So possessed. But Eve opened the dark portal Let the orchestra roared through into the world of as are off and the Yorks were also corrupted. But we could talk about that later or not. But it was also like a dark figure with Jake. So anyway, doesn't matter this candle to thingamajig. So the Yorkshire Nazar off.

spk_0:   48:04
Oh, no.

spk_1:   48:06
Next job. So King Lane of Storm Wind hears about the super cool dudes hanging out near the black morass and sends Anduin Lothar to see what is up.

spk_0:   48:16
Are they all wearing like leather jackets? Or they Of course, it was like, Yeah, like the motorcycle gang from the new star, you know, and

spk_1:   48:26
all that. Well, yes, but no more with the motorcycle gang from Ah, that means there's a gadget san, right? The 33 biker dudes. Yeah, someone like them, Probably

spk_0:   48:40
just, you know.

spk_1:   48:41
Yeah, just chilling. You have cigarettes. So Sarandon, Lothar like one a little bit. But they were like super hard victories because orcs were like Opie A f please nerve. Ah, so low for ren aerated way to tell King Lame that things were not so great in that storm wind needed to be prepared for total war

spk_0:   49:03
Oh, no.

spk_1:   49:06
And that's We'll pick up next time. So to recap. Ah, Storm and was great. Ah, And then Mady View did a thing. And then the Orcs came through and made it super cool. And then they fought. And then the orcs. One but kind of loss. But like, just lost because of people, I guess. And then now storm wind is prepared to fight

spk_0:   49:30
downtown, huh? Oh,

spk_1:   49:37
I love that Hughes thing. Time for the rope. Ah, so we have some. So aim, age in discord brought this up about, like, what's gonna be Hall of Fame this next season, or what's gonna be? Ah, coming. You're the ex. I thought that was a really great idea for some content. I'm going to steal that from you. Thank you. Content.

spk_0:   49:59
And also, it should be noted that MMA Gooch, the the Grinch of the Rope, is not here to enforce. Diffuse through. We're

spk_1:   50:09
gonna go use list because you know who isn't here. So we can just like party.

spk_0:   50:15
Mom and Dad are at it. Get ready for a two hour body. Weighs hat coming on again. We're getting no Klink and seat up in drop some knowledge and good takes of time.

spk_1:   50:33
Uh, so I thought I'd be kind of financial asking questions like, uh, written down here. But if you have any ideas, like just like Bob, ask them. So first things first. I want to know what you think the upcoming year of the Blank is going to be. So as a reminder, we have the year of the crack in which I guess was like cocoon. Maybe at the old gods worked the year, the cracking.

spk_0:   50:58
But it's also fun to say the word cracking. But it's also fun to just say cracking.

spk_1:   51:03
Oh, cracking the Superfund word. And then we're in the year of the dragon now, presumably because, yes. So what

spk_0:   51:11
do you like know dragons your way? In the end, we're killing. You've wiped the worst metal, which is the year of the mammoth from your memory now doesn't doesn't exist to me the year of the what Now, what was even

spk_1:   51:28
though you're the man with about it was like about really unbalanced expansions.

spk_0:   51:34
Yeah. Then they have the death knight things. It was all like on like ice. Those cars were so much like mammoth death knight cards

spk_1:   51:47
Ah, all right. So what do you think? That what you think it's gonna be on What is the year

spk_0:   51:52
of what? So the first guess is actually my most realistic guess, and that's the year of the mur lock.

spk_1:   51:58
Oh, can I help? Right?

spk_0:   52:02
You've got to do it at some point, right? Like, why wouldn't they? Well,

spk_1:   52:07
yeah, Um, it's a little too perfect.

spk_0:   52:10
Uh, I'd like I was thinking about like, Well, what did I see a lot of, like playing World of Warcraft. And I immediately thought of like, Year of the tree. I'm running around a lot and there's a lot of trees here. The blue just treat it like just a tree. It's like Stanford Stanford trio. They could do the world tree, I guess, actually, right. Just so they could do that would be kind of cool. I have your of the custodian, but that was just a stupid like year of the saber. Can't mount. I don't know. And then lastly editor were Yeah, No. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know. What else? What do you got?

spk_1:   52:52
Oh, I have nothing. I just I just want to hear what you had Yeah, I have no idea what it's like. What year of the Bigfoot? I don't know. I think typically were things right.

spk_0:   53:02
They do fix of weird things. Uh, so was this the 1st 1?

spk_1:   53:07
Apparently had dragons in It's like, Well, there were no

spk_0:   53:11
death wing three point. 00 yeah.

spk_1:   53:13
Oh, yeah. Year zero Stepping again

spk_0:   53:16
Because what I've learned about her stuff is when you're like, they're gonna come up with a new idea. You're like, Oh, they're just doing this old like, hey, get to their fourth year. They totally do like a callback episode. You're crackin. I have here the raven and they're to my crazy man. We're missing out.

spk_1:   53:37
Did we have a year? Is this for we had our fourth year of

spk_0:   53:40
something 50 year. This will be our 50. What? How is

spk_1:   53:44
that even possible? I've been for all those years. You're the eight. Raven was MacGyver, right?

spk_0:   53:52
Yeah. I was in that one also, Which would know.

spk_1:   53:58
Yeah. So, lifers. Yeah. I mean, so it's also a year of the elemental right? Likes, like, year of fire. So

spk_0:   54:07
what part of the year of the elemental of it? Cool.

spk_1:   54:14
Yeah, right. and obviously had nothing to do with elemental zit All. So you like a pirate? A pirate themed one.

spk_0:   54:20
And then at the end of the year, they'll be like, they're awesome. Elemental is in there

spk_1:   54:25
year of and win. And it could be just like a warrior meta, um, s so you know, there's also, like, you know, how come we like they're all about the cross. Like, you know, I'd like to use, like, the blizzard clients, like like pimps from the other, like Nam Blizzard games, and so are, like, you know, years like Thea using the hearthstone game like intro game client. So I talk about the O W. Well, so, like, Year of the owl, I'll just be a whole bunch of, like, decried giveaways to go play over watch.

spk_0:   54:59
Oh, that would be a year

spk_1:   55:02
of the atomic. You have the automatic weapon, not go by your place. Other game. That's also on her client for some weird reason. All right, so I just

spk_0:   55:18
kind of makes it I was gonna make some jokes, but it's a little hard. I was here with the pointy tail. Yeah, no, I was gonna go there, but that I was gonna go. No, I'm not going to do that was great,

spk_1:   55:31
right? Yep. So, uh, so what do you think we'll get a hall of fame this year?

spk_0:   55:35
Okay. I went through the classic set. Um, I can't think of the top of my head. So I obviously just came back and like, August. So I'm not the best person to talk to about, like, the past year of what's driving people crazy because I'm not really sick of anything, but I was going through the clients accept and like, the things that pop out to the year, like the same thing that pop out to a lot of people. Um uh, you know what my number one pick always is Alec here? Uh, Noah students there. I I hate Doom's there. I want to get rid of Doom's there. But here's the thing. Doomsayer sucks now because there are, like, 1,000,000 rush minions. Yes, in the game, the matter. But

spk_1:   56:19
Russia, Most of the rush minions are rotating, though,

spk_0:   56:22
are there? Yep. Yet, boobs, they're hitting you. So Yeah, I would love to see doing Sarah gone, because if we had an aggro tool that was that strong, it wouldn't be gone.

spk_1:   56:33
I mean, his name is Leroy Jenkins.

spk_0:   56:36
Yeah, he's not that strong, Lee waiting strong

spk_1:   56:39
play playing aggro duck without Leroy Jenkins.

spk_0:   56:42
That's not play control deck without Doom's. They're back.

spk_1:   56:45
You play that their slate like the major Dex, right? I don't play in the priest I

spk_0:   56:50
created. Some people play it, but then they can't because of the rush. Millions. Yeah. Yeah, Edwin. Everyone's talking about replacing Edwin. I would be really sad. No, no, they would have to replace it, though.

spk_1:   57:01
Yeah, you would obvious. Replace it.

spk_0:   57:03
Um, mind control tech. A lot of people are really sick of that. I like that. That's a tech card. You know,

spk_1:   57:12
my control Tech is kind of a frustrating tech car because it just punishes people who don't play enough to realize that my control tech is back in the meta. So, like the only only people that get like punish from my control tech are people who are newest to the game. And, you know, we're still kind of like learning about, like how my control tech and kind of like, you know, thinking about what your opponent's game plan is, and then people who just don't play enough to realize that my control tech is back on the meta and that they have to, like, play around my control. Tak

spk_0:   57:44
like there's also something to be said for a lake. This is the same thing as the not hitting the priest in the face, which is like, there are points in your game where you just have to load up some junkie minions along with your good.

spk_1:   57:55
Well, of course there

spk_0:   57:56
are the lake. You have it like if you and even if you get one of my junk, you mean Ian's I'm still gonna kill you. It's just gonna be another, um, I I love the playing in and around it. It feels, um, yeah, it does feel bad sometimes, but I don't I don't know. It's never been like a part of the metaphor, very long unless it was for the six more of the year I wasn't playing last year. No, I don't I don't know that it's always felt like a tech card to me. And I don't think we need to rotate tech cards like

spk_1:   58:25
No, I don't think my stuff needs get rotated at all. I'm just saying that's my opinion. Who was punished by his people who just are playing casually or or you are going back to the game? Um,

spk_0:   58:35
they're probably in the bath, you know? Yep.

spk_1:   58:38
Exactly. Selling the crown should have dropped her phone in 100

spk_0:   58:41
percent. You believe I shared that?

spk_1:   58:45
Really finding, By the way, I really appreciate that I'm really into bats. Oh, no, I'm a big fan of baths. No, I'm on your side. Yeah. Babish. We

spk_0:   58:54
should do the casserole podcast. The lasagna podcast from the tub? Yeah, each we're weirdly actually. Yeah, take a piece. A slice of Who am I kidding? A couple slices of way set up in the tub. We put our recording equipment up, and then we jam some hearthstone eat lasagna and talk about casseroles.

spk_1:   59:14
Yeah, so a powerful, powerful classic, you know? So you think of like Savannah's Ragin Rossmann. Like, you know, you think about the third holy Trinity Park, right? It's Leroy Jenkins, right? So people would know about Leroy. Time for Leroy to rotate with. I

spk_0:   59:29
have Leroy question Mark, but yeah. Sorry. You continue your thought. I'm sorry.

spk_1:   59:33
I don't see how you can rotate Leroy Jenkins and keep aggro as a viable option, because the right Jake is integral to how Agron ex players. That's the only way to believe. Get anything a burst down right,

spk_0:   59:46
and it gives a bunch of decks that don't have burst burst. But Leroy's a terrible card. It's a really bad car. It's does at best. It's five minutes, six to face. It's totally inflexible.

spk_1:   59:58
Well, I mean, you home fastest. It's every step six to face

spk_0:   1:0:02
now. It's really like it's really good in the warrior that because you play it when you have those bomb ladies on board and then you run into the little minions, you get more. Bob's pretty cool. Yes, so, like I play it in there without killing people. But in general, that is just like a really bad card that when you need it, it's fantastic. And when you don't need it, it's awful. It's I love how that card is balanced. I don't want to see it go, I think

spk_1:   1:0:27
No, no, I don't think it's to go, either. I think the biggest probably right now, is just rogue and the fact that row gets a bunch of free showers that also balances all those free cards.

spk_0:   1:0:37
Yeah. Shadow step is brutal, cause that's eight Mana. Two cards. 12 damage is pretty hot. Um,

spk_1:   1:0:44
well, you get a free off of one of your like as one of your seven free cards that you get every game. Um,

spk_0:   1:0:49
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. So the two that I seriously have circled here, though, are Alex O'Malley. Um

spk_1:   1:0:57
oh, that's interesting. You think Mala ghost, huh?

spk_0:   1:1:00
Yeah. I don't want Mala goes to go again. I think it's hard to make Molly work. And I think Mala ghost x are really hard to play, I think. Malli Rogue. Molly Druid. Any Mela ghost Dex we've had over the years, they've all been, like, pretty hard to play. There. It's It's the cargo card right there. Gigaba Index, You know, their decks that, like Hatton, Bacchus and, uh, optical could play. Yeah, s over way. Don't we play Leroy Jenkins? Hey, my finisher Andrew is chef. Know me who? I just play for turns, and sometimes I still screw it up pretty good. And now it's great, man. Uh um,

spk_1:   1:1:46
yeah, So I think I I think I would like to see some manner of rogue stuff. Just rotate like I'm kind of tired of the month. Check nursing road cards. You have to bite the bullet and just admit that that it's time to kind of get some of these cards.

spk_0:   1:2:04
But then they're gonna like, So they're gonna They're gonna go back, and they're gonna nerve. Like, you know, they are the nerve prep. So next year what? We're going to get this. We're gonna get better prep because I got a better fighter. Wild growth. Yeah. Now we have better wild growth. You know, they're gonna be like, if you have a dragon in your hand, your next eight spells cost six. What? Like why? You're just gonna put six dragons in your deck, and then you got better prep?

spk_1:   1:2:33
Uh, you know, I don't have a buy figs, but Edward fell, and it's I'm It's to the point where I just I'm just super tired of it. I'm just like it's become a feel bad card. Like I just don't I just don't like to see it come down. It's not fun anymore. I don't find it particularly interesting. I just I'm I'm really over it. When you see we see a rogue start doing something weird and stupid You're like, Oh, here comes a big Edwin. I'll have an answer for it. I guess the news

spk_0:   1:3:03
Isn't it so good? What they're doing really weird on their stupid on their turn. And you're like, especially when they have a bunch of zero cost cards in hand. You're like, Oh, God, Oh, no. Oh, this is gonna be awful. Oh, this is gonna hurt. And then they pass, turn, And you're like, Wait, wait, That always happens to me. I'm like, What? Did you forget your place way? What happened? You're supposed to kill me, and I'm supposed to just sit here. That's that's Yeah. Yeah, I'm

spk_1:   1:3:31
just gonna wait. Then you punched in the face. That's gonna go, co pilot. It's gonna be a good job. Good job. I'm impressed.

spk_0:   1:3:37
I I think Malli and Alex are really well balanced just cause they're cost, you know, the cost is so kind of like, yeah, make drawing them so obtuse. Like it makes it playing so hard to play them. Um, that

spk_1:   1:3:50
figure a good card, I I think I will be disappointed if Alex Trouser rotated. Um, because again, it's kind of like a finisher, right? Like, And

spk_0:   1:4:05
it, like it is mostly a finisher. It's not the best toe lake Help you survive when someone's hitting you in the field.

spk_1:   1:4:10
But, like, sometimes it does just that, right? It's that you need to get, like, to that turn where you could just put the board.

spk_0:   1:4:18
Yeah, well, like, 10% of the time in those situations you might live, but most the time. You just die anyway. But But it is cool. That is flexible. I like that.

spk_1:   1:4:28
Yeah, I think Mala ghosts. Um, you know, the Harper Mao grosses at nine Mana. It's really hard to do any of the combos and that eight manner, it will be broken and awful because it be so darn good. Um

spk_0:   1:4:41
oh, hang on. Before we go any further, my favorite Alex Terraza play is playing Alex on curve for the 88 when your opponent is at less than 15. Health. So you're, like, 30 health, and you know, you got 15 health, and you put yourself to 50. Like, to me, that's just asserting your dominance is an extra strategy. Oh, I've been down. Oh, it's my favorite play. I'm like, I am gonna lose 14 health just to get this a date on board. Have fun. Yeah, I love plays like they feel so wrong, but that's what makes them feel so right.

spk_1:   1:5:10
Yeah. I don't think I was trying to think about, like, you know, So Paladin or shaman? Nothing. I can't. The only class I feel like that needs to really have anything rotated right now. Would be would be rogue. Um, I can't do anything for May Daly. I'll be really interested. More like

spk_0:   1:5:29
how long people are enjoying gal around. Um What? We have rotation? Yeah, Gallic runs good. It will be better. And that's I love the flavor of cocoon. I love the flavor of gala crime. The play patterns I don't like whatsoever. They're so boring to me.

spk_1:   1:5:52
Well, in your play patterns, um,

spk_0:   1:5:54
yeah, and and Gala crone warrior has been really fun to me. Um, but that's more to do with, like, the

spk_1:   1:6:01
bunch of them in the face.

spk_0:   1:6:03
No, like theater homage, and then copy with with merc. And then, like where the new bomb minions and the risky skipper whatever.

spk_1:   1:6:12
So So what? It's really fun is your favorite part about warrior right now is that you get to pretend that you are a druid from five years ago.

spk_0:   1:6:22
I know is that I get to like, playing road like I wanted to. I'm like, zero cost rage a minion. Okay? And I'm gonna play this next, and I don't want to trigger the risky skipper until after this. You know, I was, like, scratch. You know, I missed lethal the other day because I, uh, played risky, skipper. Just, like slightly in the wrong line. And it was just the wrong area. I was excited. I was like, Man, I was obviously mad at myself for half a second, and then I was like, no houses the deck. I want to play like where my lethal out on this turn was playing like minions in the direct order to clear the taunt without having to run into it. But for my Corcoran elites, tohave one health remaining, it was really fun. Like, those are the kinds of patterns I really like. And maybe it just feels like rogue right now or something. I don't know. Yeah, those parts and then the gala crowd part is like, 07 fully. It's like invoke together crime. He's an

spk_1:   1:7:18
architect. Reaper and freedom in the inventor movie buff Warfare to lose the

spk_0:   1:7:22
game. And look, I got I got I got a 37 or 34 minutes. Four man a 376 is next turn with Russia. Hey. Used

spk_1:   1:7:33
to have the same turn, which, you know, remember that,

spk_0:   1:7:36
You know, it's brutal. So that's one. No, no, no. I'll just be interested to see how long people people like playing against Gallagher around. Um, yeah, yeah. Okay. I like that. We're seeing Gallic. Rhonda, get some play and priests has value engine. That's pretty cool.

spk_1:   1:7:55
Which is, like, should be a no brainer. Right?

spk_0:   1:7:57
I told you all it was gonna be dominant. So

spk_1:   1:7:59
did you did. And you know what? It's it is easily. I mean, probably that the ninth or 10th best thing you could do in that deck. So once again, you are spot on with your card evaluation, So good work. Good work. So do you think we get the adventures next season next year?

spk_0:   1:8:18
Um, okay. You're definitely not. I heard they're doing new things So this is my I. I think they're going to start with a card throwing challenge where you like throw cards. Virtually like Gambit. You know, your kids like, yeah, practice throwing cards. But you're gonna try and hits our generous in the eye with our stone cards. That'll be, like, one game mode. Maybe they're thinking about Okay, Competitive eating challenges might be a thing or soul train dance offs instead

spk_1:   1:8:48
of okay, Maybe they're all in game.

spk_0:   1:8:51
Yeah, yeah, yeah. They're like they're late game version. So, like, in the soul train dance off, you know, they're gonna, like, have some sweet music from the seventies. And then you pick like your two characters, so you'd be like, I'm gonna be Sylvanus and, like, Malfi booze. And then it would like, come forward and they would kind of be like a competition, but really just a celebration of dance. Yeah, I think that's what they'll do instead of adventure.

spk_1:   1:9:13
Yeah, that's a good idea. And you know what vice part is? All three will be in place of tournament mode, you know, no tournament way. Do you have a dance dance? Revolution? Cat. We

spk_0:   1:9:23
do have a seventies Soul train dance in celebration mode. We know you were asking for tournament mode, but trust me, you don't want it.

spk_1:   1:9:32
You know? Want to speak to the Hall of Fame cards? Ragging arose. I feel like needs to be back in the game. I love rig. It's just it's just it's kind of like it's like of Leroy. Jenkins makes aggro possible, and Mala Ghost makes combo possible.

spk_0:   1:9:50
Then rag make salt possible. Is it Z mid

spk_1:   1:9:54
range? Right? Ragnarok is just like mid range, right? And like, I feel like mid range is just miss that thing. And then when we got raggedy Rose back like mid range felt viable until, like, dissolved ruin, Everyone's

spk_0:   1:10:06
people even play rag. When it came back, it

spk_1:   1:10:09
was played in Reno, Mahe, JJ and I kind of like a minion based not even controlling but kind of mid rangy, um, and say and statement. It was also the Highlander hunters. Well, both of them played it. It was, um yeah, it was. It was also hide under. It was also the Highlander. Paladin. Pretty sure too, right?

spk_0:   1:10:28
But I also I think what were people playing Highlander politician?

spk_1:   1:10:32
Oh, yeah. 100 power was super good for awhile. You missed that. It was a lot of fun, actually. I miss how that a pile of him Because you got play that new Finley, which is a Superfund card to play. I like having you around and

spk_0:   1:10:43
good. What? I remember that being good.

spk_1:   1:10:46
Yeah. Yeah, it was like a thing for a while. Like a month or so Where people like this actually good. And people like now I can't be good. I think it's actually the stats say it's good. And then, well, the HSE replay stats were generally over inflated with, like, the This is my hat impression over inflated if you, Ah, because of how they work their algorithm for which doctors just

spk_0:   1:11:05
said, uh, I didn't believe you were hot. As soon as you said,

spk_1:   1:11:09
It's good point. You guys have any filler words? It's just, like, right to the point, huh? But ah, but no, it was a Highlander. Powell was a lot of fun. Actually, I really enjoyed that deck. And I wish it were Bible.

spk_0:   1:11:23
Um, it definitely spelled out the power creep when Sylvanus and Rag came back

spk_1:   1:11:29
because they weren't just all that crazy. Powerful.

spk_0:   1:11:31
Yeah, yeah, yeah. And power creep is gonna happen. It should happen because

spk_1:   1:11:35
I have no,

spk_0:   1:11:35
probably isn't happening. Then it means that you're not making cars that are good enough to see play. It's gonna happen. That's what Standard is for.

spk_1:   1:11:42
I would like to see Hall of Fame card rotate back if we like, you know, especially if you like, try it out. And they don't seem totally busted bonkers like they did. I totally goofed up within his off, Um, if rag and sell it back and they don't seem crazy like rotating background. See how it goes. You can always send them back to the Hall of Fame like

spk_0:   1:12:03
I totally agree. But you know what? I said that. And then when they did it, it made me cry.

spk_1:   1:12:09
So ragged year old line about the Hall of Fame

spk_0:   1:12:12
Just doom and the tombs was just so painful.

spk_1:   1:12:14
Well, it's because of evolving is off like it was just too hard. I mean, it was just so painful. It was so So you don't think we get adventures, so

spk_0:   1:12:23
I don't know, man, like my answer is, I don't I have no clue what we're going to get. I feel like they're caught between the space of the dungeon runs being so good and the adventure being like It's pretty good, but like, But they don't just want to do a dungeon run. Every single set one of the things actually want to do is go back and do the puzzles from recipes. Rumble. I never did those, um, see what? Those air about what

spk_1:   1:12:48
I did, Some of them. They're kind of fun. I went back into that recently. Um,

spk_0:   1:12:51
do you have to pay for, like, the wings? The same you would with an adventure? I

spk_1:   1:12:55
don't think so. They were just I think you were just like I don't think so. I didn't, uh, for anything. I

spk_0:   1:13:00
will go check it out, but so what do you think

spk_1:   1:13:05
we were getting adventures. I think we get one adventure. I think it makes him a lot of money. I personally hope we don't get more than one a year. I'll be honest. It was like having them met a shift every week. Waas Maur that I really can say I honestly enjoy like, I really I really, really, really like the mid that the mid expansion shake ups like I think that helps the game immensely, like bringing some buffing some cards or bringing some cards back. Like I understand. Like, both times they got it kind of wrong, but, like, they got it mostly right. And it was just like, unfortunately with, like, you know, they just kind of moved too slowly or didn't move it all.

spk_0:   1:13:48
Well, I actually think that if I wasn't playing in th l If I wasn't playing in a league, I think I would have loved that for weeks. And instead, I really didn't like it because I felt like I had to have a line up every week with the new cards. And I had to figure out if they would fit or what other people are playing because the new cards air out. And it just made it more stressful. I honestly believe that if I wasn't playing in a league, I really, really would have been you in that

spk_1:   1:14:12
league format. Siri's, you mean?

spk_0:   1:14:14
Oh, sorry we weren't playing in a league. Oh, Dad, you've gotta clear that out. They're gonna be onto us.

spk_1:   1:14:21
Yeah. Oh, yeah. You know me. I'm just gonna edit that right out. Go ahead and consider it done. So, you know, I didn't I didn't find it so hard. Really? For THL so much as I found ladder incredibly stressful just because I didn't know I could not keep up with, Like I just didn't have, like, the time in the day for you to keep up with with meta chefs. And so it was just hard I would log on. I'd be like, Wait a minute. What is happening now? Ah, like So it was just It was just a lot for me to even, like, keep up with. And I kind of do a lot in this game, so I don't know if they were to do it again. I would rather, like, just give us, like a I don't know. I don't know about a car dump, but try and, like, make us so it's not know four weeks of this, maybe, but, like, try and, like, have no

spk_0:   1:15:13
Yeah, I another way of filling time during the

spk_1:   1:15:17
Yeah. Yeah, I get it. I really like the I would like to do something, though. I don't want to go back to just having like a stale medal. We haven't a stale meta in a while, except for except for when they ruin the best meta the game ever saw? Um,

spk_0:   1:15:32
human, the tombs like, whatever the amount of time that that actually took, Was it a month? Was it two months

spk_1:   1:15:37
was two months? Yep.

spk_0:   1:15:38
In felt, like four months.

spk_1:   1:15:40
Yep. Yeah, um, but it was I I want, like, those men, but give us, like, give time for the meditation I would. What I want is, like, if I had, like, you know, in a magical world make everything that I think be perfect and wonderful. Always work, you know, like, just plan out, like, you know, even if it's just like, internally, we're gonna have a nerve patch, you know, two weeks in. So we need tohave. We'd be prepped and ready to go, and, like, we need to be in the numbers the first week. See what? What Seems too good? Okay. How could we hot fix us what we need to do to get this done? We want to get this Nerf. We want to get like, you know, the meta stable as possible right away, right? Like, move quickly to get like whatever deck is just blowing everybody away like fix. And then if, like, if, if there is a perfectly is one, then don't right,

spk_0:   1:16:30
sometimes sometimes there definitely is. I guess I don't need to say this. We'll know this, but there definitely is an overreaction in Lake. You give, like the best players in the world a couple days to figure out how to counter a meta, and sometimes it takes a couple days and then they figure it out. And then we're all like, Oh, this deck was super Opie in, like, a week later. You're like, remember when that deck was good and they have unnerved anything, right? And it's like

spk_1:   1:16:55
and then they sometimes have

spk_0:   1:16:57
time for that. And sometimes sometimes you make you print spreading plague and and you just needed to deal with it. And instead you leave it for eight months. Or

spk_1:   1:17:06
sometimes you nerve every single shaman gala crown card in order to make that deck Not crazy. Powerful. Um, it's so like I mean,

spk_0:   1:17:16
I wonder, just show up to work with, Like, Shaman is my favorite Class T shirts. Well, it's balanced things again today, nose to the ground like that, just like be proprietors, jockey.

spk_1:   1:17:33
And then I have something planned for like the mid I would like to see them return to the Buffs. I really enjoyed that. I didn't like Luna's was really, really good. Yeah, you know, I

spk_0:   1:17:45
wasn't here for the Buffs.

spk_1:   1:17:47
So Luna's Papa galaxy was really, really good. I love playing Reno mation, so it didn't drive me insane. But I know a lot of people. They really, really hated it. I enjoyed it. I didn't think it felt broken necessarily, but it was super duper good. Um, so I

spk_0:   1:18:06
can card. It's It's not my mind. The ramp strategy is never quite

spk_1:   1:18:11
Yeah. Yeah, but like in some of the changes, one

spk_0:   1:18:14
of its a one of two, though, right?

spk_1:   1:18:15
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, that's so kind of felt like a winner lose card at a certain point. Like, you know, you had it on five or you didn't. And especially the mirror. It was kind of crazy, like if one does that feel? Yeah. Yeah. So, like, some of the cars they buffed have just been really solid changes and have kind of shaped two men in a really good way. We're like, I think, like certain trying some Some things are just better and not broken because they were visited cards a year later and said, Yeah, I think we can adjust these things by, you know, a little bit here and there and and we'll just kind of tweak these cards And there we go fixed all of it better and and you shift the metal because now they're new cards. People are trying new things which have the half the half of like shifting. The meta is just convincing people to try new things right. Lose part of Galaxy is still played at seven. If they had never buffed it to five, nobody be playing this card right now. It's still playing.

spk_0:   1:19:14
It's an interesting coming,

spk_1:   1:19:16
so I think, just like convincing people to try new things, even like I think it's very valuable. So I don't want them to go back to the way things were before, at least where we have, like just stale Metas were like stuff would just sit and kind of fester because that will

spk_0:   1:19:31
you know it really boring. You know what? The best way to get people to try new things is to give an offhanded comment about Unicorn priest like that was

spk_1:   1:19:39
the Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

spk_0:   1:19:41
Isn't that the best to invent Broad? Yeah, Yeah, Maybe older reaches out there. Yeah.

spk_1:   1:19:48
Yeah, it was impure. Drop in. There

spk_0:   1:19:51
was a full month of, like, the ball last names and hearthstone trying to make priest. Turns out it was terrible.

spk_1:   1:20:03
That's what excites been doing lately, though with his little like Medoc stuff, though, right? It's just like, Hey, this is good right now, but no one's doing it. So why don't you try it?

spk_0:   1:20:12
Probably sitting Mary. Be like, what should we tell the dummies is good this week. Don't couple pushes a priest? Yeah. Dragon Palate and Tellem Dragon. Paladin, this

spk_1:   1:20:28
man this last weekend thl I had I played Quest. Paladin would have Would have worked too, but I didn't have my cue. Order right? Which is super unfortunate.

spk_0:   1:20:39
It wasn't for those pesky kids.

spk_1:   1:20:41
Hey, I'm more We should move on. Give me a quest s o If you want to request tweet the show at Squelch Cast sent an email the dragon box as coach Katsuji mo dot com or the best place to go is our discord. We have We have Ah, question Anil there. That is where people are posting requests and they posted deck lists. So if but so we're currently working on are all epic, Dex, if you still haven't put your all up object together Ah, for a current quest, you still have time. We're going to be going over the lists and talking about what we did and what everybody else did next week at this point. And then we'll either introduced a new quest quest to something good's come up or, ah, palette one. If I don't next week. So put your all epic deck together. Every single card needs to be an epic. It does not have to be coherent. Um, but they do all have to be epics. I it's cause kind of awesome.

spk_0:   1:21:37
Make a purple deck.

spk_1:   1:21:39
The the nonsense that gets like that goes to your head. We're trying to figure out like all the epics, it's ah, it's kind of wonderful fun, lots

spk_0:   1:21:47
of fun. It's definitely a fun process to build because, like, I have no clue what rarity cards are beyond legendary Tze and I'm like sitting there and I'm like, Oh, I could build this kind of deck and then I'm like, No, no, I can't. Oh, I could build this kind of No, no, I definitely can't. And the epic cards are also weird. And this city, like together, they don't fit together. But then they kind of do. But the note What kind of wonderful? That's really great.

spk_1:   1:22:16
So that's it for this week. Thank you so much for listening. You confine dollars. What was it? You can find all our social mediums and caught a contact information at www dot squelch cast dot com.

spk_0:   1:22:28
Uh, yeah, I'm not a part of that, do you? It's just I thank you very much. And remember, this is a game, and games are supposed to be fun. Okay, so this is the part of the show where you play Craig Sonner. Other times you said while we cried because we're missing the booth

spk_1:   1:23:01
times you said, Well, when I'm wrong for all those years, it's good starting a long way from a month thing. So we were at, like a dollar 20 right now, almost is getting Oh, a little like, you

spk_0:   1:23:29
know, everybody's getting a tow like? Well, it's just I don't like to. There was a lot less arguing

spk_1:   1:23:38
Exit. I got way arguing with playing Go. You have the right idea. I know God's honest Julia Sheldon, if you keep e mo penguin so much well, you convey

spk_0:   1:23:55
Go squelch yourself. My kids love it If I played it white kids I haven't told my family that my daughter was singing and dancing allowed an hour later like Thanks for reminding us. Squat

spk_1:   1:24:09
swells cast. You're doing God's work. Thanks, man. I love you, Craig. Ah,

spk_0:   1:24:18
Levy, Everybody later.