Skillful Means Podcast

#13 Compassion Guided Practice

February 27, 2020 Jennifer O'Sullivan & Sarah Jane Shangraw

Karuna, or compassion, is the second in the series of the four most highly regarded qualities, or “sublime states,” in Buddhism: metta (loving-kindness), karuna (compassion), mudita (sympathetic joy) and upeksa (equanimity). 

Compassion arises when loving-kindness meets suffering and stays loving. It's more of a process than a static quality. In practice, we call upon this natural capacity of the heart and purposefully sustain it through the repetition of phrases. 

In this guided meditation, Sarah Jane encourages you to draw on the natural care that arises when considering a beloved person’s measure of suffering. You'll take that energy and direct it to you both before expanding in all directions to include all beings.

Skillful Means Podcast offers these guided practices to help you deepen into your yoga and mindfulness journey.

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