Live Blissed Out

061 - Finding Your Purpose

November 03, 2020 Marisa Huston & Luke Burrows Episode 61

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Joining me is Luke Burrows, founder & CEO of Grow2Gether, Growth Strategist & Consultant, Content Creator, and Entrepreneur whose mission it is in life, to support people and businesses to accomplish the ultimate goal... a better version of themselves.

Luke is also an optimist who's passionate about everything personal growth, entrepreneurship, and football and supports Liverpool FC.

 Since stumbling across personal growth and entrepreneurship Luke’s life has changed for the better and forever and he’s now sharing that with the world.

 To learn more, visit

In this episode we will cover:

  • Why Purpose Matters
  • How Do We Start?
  • More Than One Purpose
  • Our Choices
  • Job Security
  • The Game Of Entrepreneurship
  • Simon Sinek
  • Making Decisions
  • AB Marketing

Thanks so much for tuning in again this week. I appreciate you  :)

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Special thanks to Luke Burrows for being on the show.

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So long for now and remember to keep moving forward!

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Marisa Huston  0:00  
Welcome to Episode 61 on The Live Blissed Out podcast.  Did you know that the book titled The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren is one of the best selling nonfiction books in publishing history? It has sold over 50 million copies and has been translated into over 70 languages. Hello, action takers! Welcome to Live Blissed Out. A podcast where I have inspirational and informational conversations with business owners and subject matter experts to help us get the scoop and the lowdown on a variety of topics. Tired of hesitating or making decisions without having the big picture? Wanna be in the know? Then this is the place to go. I'm your host Marisa Huston. Helping achieve bliss through awareness and action. Thanks for joining me. The information opinions and recommendations presented in this podcast are for general information only. And any reliance on the information provided in this podcast is done at your own risk. This podcast should not be considered professional advice. Joining me is Luke Burrows, founder and CEO of Grow2gether, Growth Strategist and Consultant, Content Creator and Entrepreneur whose mission it is in life to support people and businesses to accomplish the ultimate goal...a better version of themselves. Luke is also an optimist who's passionate about everything personal growth, entrepreneurship and football, and supports Liverpool FC. Since stumbling across personal growth and entrepreneurship, Luke's life has changed for the better and forever, and he's now sharing that with the world. To learn more visit Denver's building code requires egress windows to be installed in basement bedrooms on all new homes or in homes where remodeling is being done. Denver Egress Window TM is the premier window contractor to call when it comes to installing egress windows, basement windows, window wells and walkout basements. If you're looking to install quality windows at affordable prices, no one beats Denver Egress Window. In a matter of days, Denver Egress Window can turn your basement into a bright, comfortable office, family room or bedroom. The natural light allowed in by egress windows also brightens your home which enriches your home's value, both visibly and financially. Call 720.626.4221 for a free estimate or visit Hi, Luke, it's so nice to talk to you.

Luke Burrows  2:38  
Yeah, thank you so much for inviting me onto your podcast, I'm really looking forward to this. I have been all week. I'm happy to be here and talking to you.

Marisa Huston  2:45  
Me too. And I'm glad you reached out. I think your story is amazing and I think you're very inspirational person. And I just can't wait to talk about what we're going to be talking about today, which is finding your purpose. It was a foreign word for me for a very long time because it's not a topic really that I heard when I was growing up. There was just a set expectation. You get an education, you work hard, and you just find the job that will want you and that you can do well in and you just do it. And there really wasn't much thought given to anything after that. And I find that nowadays, purpose is a buzzword. Everybody always talks about it and talks about how important it is. Why does purpose matter? Why is it so important in our lives?

Luke Burrows  3:28  
Yeah, it's a fascinating question. A great question. I think I kind of look at it a different way, maybe in terms of what's life, like without that purpose. And for me, if I'm being honest, that kind of scares me, you know?  Like not waking up every day with that purpose with that kind of mission almost as well that I kind of refer to it as something bigger than yourself that you're working towards and striving for. I've always been someone who was focused on, although again, I didn't kind of identify as a purpose, where's my place, if we kind of put it at that. What do I want to do, etc, etc. And for a lot of that, late teens into early 20s, I was searching for that and looking for that myself. Going back to that fact that actually, What's life, like without that? And I experienced a bit of that, you know, waking up going to a 9to5 every day and just realizing that actually, I don't want to do this for the rest of my life. You know. I'm not interested in it, the job etc. I'm not passionate about it. But the question that always went through my mind was surely there has to be more to life than what I'm experiencing but also then what meets the eye type of thing. And so then I embarked on this personal growth and entrepreneurial journey to ultimately find what base for me and I encourage everyone to also go on that journey. I was talking to someone, must have been last year now. Probably gonna mess this up, but he was kind of talking about human needs. We all kind of look at it and you know, food, sleep, water, like all those things. But actually, he was referring to something that I think he learned as well. Actually, purpose is one of those things as well, ultimately. That actually human beings need as well. It was actually called something, but I can't remember what it was. And it made sense to me. I think for our time, we've always, in a way, as human beings, like, had a purpose. But maybe we haven't been as conscious and awakened to what that purpose is. I think, for our time, and especially going into 21st century, people have just became more awakened, became more conscious of that and that's a lot of what I try and do. Integrate that personal growth into there, that conscious personal growth. You know, where you're waking up every single day, and ultimately turning the subconscious into the conscious, you know. I think when you do that, you're much more able to actually realize not just what you're doing, and maybe how you're doing a bit, but the deeper level of why you're doing it, as well, you know, and I think that just leads to a much more fulfilling life. And I feel like as we you know as human beings are living longer, and why wouldn't you want to lead that fulfilling purpose for life, ultimately?

Marisa Huston  6:14  
Yeah, it certainly sounds way better than the alternative. I hear people say, well find your purpose. How do you find it? That's a journey unto itself I think for most of us, don't you think? There's a lot of thought that goes into. It's not like you wake up one day, and you go, I know my purpose. Some people are lucky enough. I remember, as a kid, I knew people who knew at a very early age, they wanted to be a lawyer or a doctor or a business owner. I wasn't one of those people. I was interested in a lot of different things and I was always intrigued and open to new ideas. And so seeking your purpose, to me is a lot more complicated than it sounds. How do we go about that? How do we even start?

Luke Burrows  6:55  
Yeah, so I think one thing that I want to touch upon is actually the examples you gave like lawyer etc, etc. I actually believe that those are, in a way, like what ultimately. You know, I actually feel like so they are a what to our purpose. So our purpose isn't necessarily in a job title, or in a job role. I feel like it's much more deeper than that. I kind of see it as like a mission, something bigger than ourselves, that we want to contribute and have an impact on the world. Now, it doesn't have to be like this huge, huge thing. For some people that might scan them. But uh, you know, it's not necessarily found in the job title. I'm going to become a lawyer, and then you know, guess what, I'm gonna find my purpose, you know? I feel it's much more bigger than that much more deeper than that, actually. But secondly, also, and I realized this at the beginning of this year. I feel like if we focus on purpose, and think of it as one singular thing, that also creates tension and anxiety, stress. Because we're like, well, I just got to find this one thing, then my whole life is gonna work out. 

Marisa Huston  7:53  

Luke Burrows  7:53  
It doesn't necessarily happen like that. For me, beginning of this year, I actually realized that I have more than one purpose, right? My purpose isn't just necessarily like this overriding purpose as my mission, per se. You know, my why and, and kind of all these things that just give purpose to people's lives and can help them to lead more fulfilling lives. And again, with that, we create that ourselves, you know. That's not necessarily something you find. We can create that from ourselves through more experiences through trying different things. And I will say, like, try things from your interest, things, you know, like, you know, you're interested in, then we can kind of come across and create that for ourselves. But secondly, we have more than one purpose. I realized this at the beginning of this year, that actually, my purpose isn't just in my why or my mission, it's actually to be a better brother, right? It's actually to be a better entrepreneur. It's actually ultimately to be a better human being. I broke it down into smaller bite sized kind of purposes, if you will, because I feel then it kind of creates that less stress and that less anxiety for people to feel like, okay, I just need to focus on this one singular purpose. And when I find that, I'm going to be happy and everything's gonna be okay. You know. It's actually about having that gratitude in that happiness and everything before you create that purpose for yourself, that leads to much more fulfilling life. So that's kind of my approach to it. There's a few different bits there. I realized for myself for the experiences that I have had through the ups and the downs, this is my why, right? This is why I do what I do. This is my mission, which then feeds into that bigger purpose, if that makes sense.

Marisa Huston  9:29  
And honestly, I'm glad you talked about that. I think we do tend to think that we have to hone in on that one purpose. And we are complex beings. And there are a lot of different things that we want to accomplish in this world and a lot of different ways we can impact ourselves as well as the people around us. I think if we went into that mindset, like you said, which is I just got to do this one thing all the time it does cause stress. Because you almost feel like you don't have other options, or there's only one face that you have to put out there, and really, that's not reality. That's not how it works. But you know, I hear stories, especially from older people that talk about, they never found their purpose. They felt like they just woke up in the morning and did their duty. Whether that was go to work, and pay the bills and take care of my family. That was really their main goal and they never really achieved fulfillment. They were doing the job because it was required, and they felt pressure that, you know, if they lost their job, how are they going to take care of their basic needs, right? And nowadays, I consider this a privilege where we actually have choices and we can think about things further than that. What are some of the challenges that people have, when it comes to trying to get to that purpose, become aware of the things that really fill their cup, make them happy, and allow them to make a difference?

Luke Burrows  10:48  
We all have them you know.  Myself included. Limiting beliefs and things that hold them back that often do come from their childhood and upbringing and their environment, and just kind of what they've been exposed to which you can change at any time. Obviously, you can change your family. I get that. But like, you can change your environment. You can stop watching the news and start listening to educational podcasts or watching educational videos. You know so actually, as you said, we've got a lot more control. And I think the biggest shift in that was obviously the internet and now having more of that choice, ultimately, of where we direct our attention. I didn't get brought up in the 70's 80's 90's, like or whatever it is. So obviously I don't know what it was really like. But, you know, I can imagine that people would have had books that they could have read and just all these different things. I feel like we always potentially have that choice. But I feel like the internet just made it more accessible maybe to people to be able to expose themselves to new information. And then that goes into in alignment with what I was mentioning before about becoming more conscious and awakened to purpose and wanting ultimately more from a contribution point of view and impact point of view.

Marisa Huston  12:02  
Somebody said to me a long time ago, if you look at somebody's credit card invoice, it tells a lot about a person. And I do believe that the same thing applies for social media. So for example, if you look at somebody's history on YouTube, and what they watch, it says a lot about who they are and what they value. And I'm not saying right or wrong, but I'm with you. I think that part of my objective every single day is to learn something new and learn positive things and connect with nice people that can inspire me and teach me and help me inspire others. That matters to me. And so all the things that I watch, reflect that because like you said, if we focus on the negativity, or the terrible things or the judgment that people can do on themselves, it brings you down, and it almost takes away hope. The way you view the world changes. And even your mindset changes in not a good way and not a way that is helpful for anyone. Given that if we're talking about, let's say entrepreneurship, and you were to look at somebody, let's say who wanted to break out and do something that really makes them happy and they're scared. Because people who consider starting a business or being an entrepreneur in general, there's a lot of risk involved. And you don't have that sense of security that you normally do when you have a nine to five job. What are some words of wisdom that you could share with entrepreneurs who are starting out that you wish you knew when you were starting out?

Luke Burrows  13:26  
First point is really on that security point is that while you know a job is probably a bit more secure than starting your own business. I think if this time is showing anyone, anything, its everyone is asked that question is your job as secure as you think it is? I think the major difference between the two is actually when you run your business, entrepreneurship, everything falls on you, you know. If you're working for somebody else, and there's nothing wrong with that, you know, people can definitely choose what path they want to go in. For a lot of professions not all, you can maybe go home at night and spend time with family and kind of switch off, ultimately. Anyone who's in this world of entrepreneurship knows that really, it's a 24/7 gig, oh really. 

Marisa Huston  14:13  
Never ends, right. 

Luke Burrows  14:15  
And so it is more of just a part of I feel, once you get into this or like who you are, you know? Now that comes with its ups and that comes with its downs. But when you get into this game, like that's what you sign up for. So I think the first thing is to kind of make people aware of that if they're getting into this game, then it's something that they're signing up for is that everything falls on you. Of course you can build a team and put processes in place, and all of that. I just believe if you're the main leader, it falls on you. You have to set the culture you have to set the principles, the values, everything. I think that takes a certain type of person, I feel like that person can be developed. Like I'm a huge believer in the growth mindset. I recognize that maybe people are more tuned to that than others. For example, in business, like finances is a huge weakness of mine. I don't necessarily understand all that. So I find the right people who has that's a strength of theirs. I'm kind of more on like the marketing side, the creativity side, the strategy, kind of all those things. I feel like that's more my strength. And so you know that self awareness is huge you know. It's huge anyway, for anyone. I think in terms of tips, em. One mistake-ish, I kind of made in the beginning, was I didn't do enough research. So in my first venture, t-shirt brands I tried to build, I just dived straight in, did hardly any research, no wonder failed. With that being said, another project I was involved in, I feel like I'd done too much research and delayed getting started. So it's finding that right balance between actually having the information and the knowledge that you need to start to take action, but not doing research for research sake, can never get inside, because you're always trying to get more research. You can learn as you go, as well. So that's a lesson that I've kind of learned is like trying to find that right balance, really, and I think most of the lessons actually just come back to like life as well. You know, by surrounding yourself with the right people and developing your mindset. And then one thing again, this year, surprisingly. This has been quite a good year, in terms of looking deeper in everything that we're doing. It's actually finding that purpose of what you're doing. also finding that why of what you're doing. I don't know, are you familiar with Simon Sinek? 

Marisa Huston  14:15  

Luke Burrows  16:30  
Yeah, you would kind of know his about start with why, the golden circles, you have like, what on the outside, how and then why. I think for any business owner or entrepreneur, if they're just getting started is to kind of research that. Read the book, watch the TED talk, and start from there. Because when I started, like, I just started because I hated my nine to five and wanted to get out of that. But I was maybe focusing too much again, on the what. What business models or what we doing that I did not focusing on the why and now it's changed for circle where I'm much more kind of a deeper person, I suppose. And always look deeper now.

Marisa Huston  17:08  
Everything you're saying is spot on. I believe that you start with why. Like you said, all the details will follow. You really need to know where you want to go first. All the rest is just semantics. And we can figure that out as we go. To your point, and boy, can I relate. I truly believe what you said, because I experienced it myself. It's that balance, we want to plan. Some of us are total planners, and we plan so much that we never get anything started. And by the time we get ready to start, our minds already on something else.  And we move on and then we do the same planning over there, and we just jump from one to the other and nothing ever is accomplished. And then you have the flip side where you get so gung ho. I'm just gonna do it. Nothing's gonna stop me. I am motivated. I'm going to do this. And then you jump in with both feet without even giving any thought to it. And there has to be that happy medium there. You have to balance it out. Where you know that you're never going to be fully ready. That's not realistic. But at the same time, you have to do due diligence. You have to at least start somewhere. And then you realize that most of the process too will be trial and error. And you just have to be open and willing to experiment. Let's be honest, in business, it's a big experiment. Like we don't know all the answers. And you learn as you go, and you get better and you grow and you know, the mistakes that you've made, and you go, Okay, that's not gonna work. Let's switch gears. And that's really what you do every moment in business. And you have to be willing to do that otherwise, it will never work. And so I'm so glad that you mentioned those things. If there was one thing I could think about as a new entrepreneur, when I started was that exact thing?

Luke Burrows  18:43  
Yeah, definitely. And I think I've been trying to develop more of the mindset that Gary Vaynerchuk talks about in terms of decision making. So he talks a lot about just making a decision, ultimately. You know, where a lot of people can just debate with themselves? And I see it in life as well, you know. And to be honest, to show like smaller things that really does my head in.  Just make a decision. Let's just say you have two paths. Path A Path B. You choose Path A, you're never going to know what Path B is going to bring down the line. So stop dwelling on it. Focus on Path A. If it doesn't necessarily work out as you want to, then you can just make another decision and go on a different path and continue to move forward. And you know, this is something that I'm trying to develop myself here. It's all part of that personal growth journey, I feel. Because it feeds really well into like the Grow2Gether messaging kind of ethos of a focus of supporting and educating and inspiring people to become that better version of themselves. You know? It's not about being perfect or the best or all of these ideological or things. It's about being better, right? It's about developing that mindset of better than yesterday. Goes into that like. Okay. So you made a wrong decision yesterday, fine. Make a better decision today, you know? And I feel sort of getting on that path of personal growth and personal development really feeds into everything that we're talking about.

Marisa Huston  20:03  
I agree. In fact, have you heard of AB marketing? 

Luke Burrows  20:06  

Marisa Huston  20:07  
So like when you market, nobody says, we're just gonna go with this one thing. They do tests. And there's a reason for it. You tweak one word, you tweak one picture, you even tweak when you send it, and it makes a whole difference in terms of the response. And I think business is just AB marketing.

Luke Burrows  20:23  
Life as well. 

Marisa Huston  20:24  
Yeah, I love what you're doing. And I would love it if you could share exactly what you're involved in with our listeners, and how they can learn more about what you're doing.

Luke Burrows  20:34  
Yes, so founder of Grow2Gether, which is a personal growth platform that pretty much helps people inspires and also educates. Sharing that knowledge and that information to become that better version of themselves. I've been doing that for three years now, alongside podcasting, as well. I have two shows. And yeah people can connect with me on pretty much every single social media platform going to be honest. My handle is @ realluburrows. But to learn more about Grow2Gether. Well actually is really interesting point where we're currently going for a rebrand. So really looking to see what to relaunch, ultimately. But just feel free to connect with me on social media and I'm always like to have that human touch that personal touch. And you know, we can have conversation there. And I can share more about Grow2Gether and what's next, really. But yeah, that's pretty much my main focus and supporting people to become that better version of themselves. Because for me, it's like the ultimate goal. We may have different goals, but I feel the connection between those is that we want to become the better version of ourselves. And I feel like if we all do that, it feeds into our why, it feeds into our mission mission. And I describe it as like a conscious personal growth road. Where pretty much we're all like much more conscious and awakened to the things that we've been talking about today, and so much more as well.

Marisa Huston  21:45  
That's one of the reasons why we're sitting here talking today. Taking time to share everything with our listeners as well. Is because that is a purpose of ours, right? We want to help people. I get inspired when I talk to people like you because I learn but then I also get to share it with everyone else. And that is part of the joy. It's like a big gift that you get to put out into the world. And that's why I think that what you're doing is so critical for people because I think that's the missing element. And like you said, often times we're just stuck in the how, and we forget that there's so much more to it. And once we awaken that in ourselves, everything else just falls into place. Luke, I so appreciate you coming on the show. Thank you again. That's all for this episode of Live Blissed Out. Thanks for listening, and thanks to Luke Burrows for being my guest. If you have a question or comment for a future episode, all you have to do is go to www.speak or click the link in the show notes to leave a brief audio message. If you find value in our show, please visit to reach out subscribe and share on social media. This show is made possible through listeners like you. Thank you. So long for now and remember to keep moving forward!