All About Digital Marketing Podcast

Episode 113 - Look After Yourself & Your Marketing

January 14, 2021 All About Digital Marketing Episode 113

Today's episode is all about looking after yourself. 2021 is off to a strange start. Feels a little like we never really left 2020. There have been a ton of memes and gifs expressing how people are feeling so far this year. And I guess it's completely understandable.

Today I wanted to share that it's ok not to feel great. Heck, I know that I don't always feel great. In fact, so far this year (yes, all 2 weeks of it) I've had 2 days of feeling like I just wanted to sit in a corner, in the dark and do nothing for a hours on end.

It's normal to have ups and downs in life, but at the moment, life almost feels FLAT. Like there are no ups or downs to speak of, it's almost worse. The lack of variety in our surroundings, environments, activities, etc makes things even more challenging.

Well, I just wanted to say that when it comes to you, your business, or your marketing, right now, don't be too hard on yourself. Do things that make you smile. Try new things you've never done, or simply take a break away from it all for a while and then come back to it when you're ready.

Either way - if you need it, we're here too. Feeling down - get in touch. Want to chat - get in touch. Not sure what to do next - get in touch. Fancy a game of FIFA - get in touch.

Seriously - this is who we are - you can find us live every day on Social INK's YouTube channel - or simply reach out to us directly on any of the All About Digital Marketing Channels.

One way or the other we will reply and we will be here to help out.

Stay strong, stay safe, and look after yourselves. Physically and mentally.

A huge thank you to Campaign Refinery for sponsoring this episode. Check out the amazing email marketing automation tool they've created.

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The All About Digital Marketing Podcast is brought to you by Social INK, a digital marketing consultancy on a mission to put the social back into social media.