All About Digital Marketing Podcast

Episode 115 - An Experiment Talking About An Experiment (LIVE Episode)

January 21, 2021 All About Digital Marketing Episode 115

Today's episode is all about experimenting. Yes, I know what you're all thinking, "he's talking about experimenting AGAIN!" But that's what digital marketing is all about. It's about constantly trying new things to see what works and what doesn't.

In this episode, James O'Donnell and I (Chris Bruno) are trying something new. An experiment of sorts. We recorded this episode of the podcast LIVE on the Social INK channels. We want everyone to try different things. Use the word experiment - so everyone else knows that you're simply trying something out.

What's the worse that could happen? No one listens, watches, or engages? No worries, move on to the next experiment.

But don't let "fear" stop you. Don't let other people's opinions influence you. You're doing great, and most people won't even try.

Stay safe, look after yourselves and remember to start experimenting. 

A huge thank you to Campaign Refinery for sponsoring this episode. Check out the amazing email marketing automation tool they've created.

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The All About Digital Marketing Podcast is brought to you by Social INK, a digital marketing consultancy on a mission to put the social back into social media.