All About Digital Marketing Podcast

Episode 119 - Consistency, Patience and Owning Your Marketing

February 04, 2021 All About Digital Marketing Episode 119

Today's episode is all about understanding a fundamental principle for success in marketing, and anything else for that matter. You see, trying something once, and saying it doesn't work simply isn't a good strategy.

As with most things in life you need to consistently show up. Doing something, again and again, to make sure that it has a fair chance of actually getting some results. And then, and this is the really hard part for most of us, you need patience.

Guess what? It's not going to happen overnight. There are no overnight success stories that don't start with years of effort and hard work. At least none that I know of.

And all of this was inspired by a recent article I read by Seth Godin titled Chasing The Cool Kids.

Stay safe and enjoy the episode.

A huge thank you to Campaign Refinery for sponsoring this episode. Check out the amazing email marketing automation tool they've created.

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The All About Digital Marketing Podcast is brought to you by Social INK, a digital marketing consultancy on a mission to put the social back into social media.