All About Digital Marketing Podcast

Episode 124 - A Slight Disruption To Our Usual Program

All About Digital Marketing Episode 124

Today's episode is a little bit different. Yep, "again?" I hear you say. But it really is.

You've probably noticed a bit of disruption to the podcast recently. Fewer episodes going live, not our usual cadence of 2 episodes per week, and maybe even I've been sounding a little under the weather for lack of a better description.

Well, all of that comes down to feeling pretty much fed up with the current situation. Lockdown here in the UK is now well into week 9 (I think - I can't even remember) and along the way, it's become harder and harder to stay energised, to look after myself and continue to produce more and more content.

So I've decided to take a step back. Take a little time away. Refocus my attention, and try to make sure that I give myself some time to re-energise.

If you've been feeling like this, I hope you now know that you are not alone. In a large number of conversations I've had recently, A LOT of people are feeling the same way. But it's as if we're not really supposed to talk about it. Like it's some kind of taboo subject. Or that if you tell your audience you're struggling, they'll simply run away from you and never come back.

I disagree.

Rather than trying to cover up what's going on, I wanted to talk about it. Instead of pretending I'm too busy, or that life is too awesome, I'd prefer to share the reality with you.

These last 9 weeks have been brutal. The monotony, and repetition of a daily routine, without much interaction, have proven very hard. I've done my best to look after myself and along the way, I've experienced ups and downs.

Well, I've reached that point now where I just need to take some time away from everything. Re-assess my goals, objectives and where I want to focus. Take some time to build up my energy stores and be able to come back with a new focus and energy. So that's what I'm doing.           

Hopefully, all of you will understand, and in 10 days or so when we come back, you'll be here ready to check out the new episodes and to continue to listen, learn and enjoy the podcast. If not, that's ok too.

If you don't look after yourself, you definitely can't look after anyone else. And that's the position I'm now in.

If you're feeling the same way, I'm happy to chat. You can hit us up on any of our social channels, links below, and I'd be happy to talk to you about it too.

in the meantime, look after yourself, those around you and stay strong. We'll see you soon.

Stay safe everybody.

A huge thank you to Campaign Refinery for sponsoring this episode. Check out the amazing email marketing automation tool they've created.

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The All About Digital Marketing Podcast is brought to you by Social INK, a digital marketing consultancy on a mission to put the social back into social media.