All About Digital Marketing Podcast

Episode 132 - Creating Content With Purpose

All About Digital Marketing Episode 132

Today's episode is all about creating content. We talk about it all the time. You've no doubt heard "content is king". Gary Vee even talks about creating 100 pieces of content every day.

The reality for most of us is that it's just not possible. It's hard enough to create a couple of pieces of content per week let alone per day. So when it comes to creating content, what should you be doing?

Here's something to think about.

Would you prefer to have one piece of content, that people really engage with, that they watch, share, like and comment on, or would you rather post 5 times a day without any real purpose?

Our marketing efforts should always be objective-driven, although most people forget about this when it comes to social media content. Posting on social media for the sake of it is a waste of time.

You should be trying to provide real value or insight to your target audience through your content.

Once you understand the 3 fundamental points below, you can set about planning what content you want to create.

  1. Where does your ideal audience hang out? (Which platforms?)
  2. What sort of content do they like to consume? (Types of media?)
  3. What are their issues/problems that your company is trying to solve? (Your purpose?)

If you've listened to this episode, and you'll still not sure what you should be creating content about, I'd love to have a chat and help point you in the right direction. You can book in a FREE session with us, using the following link:

I hope you all stay safe. Enjoy the episode!

A huge thank you to Campaign Refinery for sponsoring this episode. Check out the amazing email marketing automation tool they’ve created.

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The All About Digital Marketing Podcast is brought to you by Social INK, a digital marketing consultancy on a mission to put the social back into social media.

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