Orthobiologics Podcast

005-Too Young To Fail

Trevor Turner MD, RMSK Season 1 Episode 5

In this episode, our host Dr. Trevor Turner, RMSK interviews Dr. Thomas Nabity Jr. MD, a physician board certified in physical medicine and rehabilitation and pain management, about his experience banking stem cells at the Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine: (https://regenerativemedicinemichigan.com/).

In this episode, we discuss the reasons behind why patients use a company like Forever Labs (https://foreverlabs.com/) to cryopreserve or freeze their younger stem cells for use at a later date. We talk about the 100+ clinical trials currently underway with the FDA for the use of stem cells to treat age related diseases and why younger cells may be superior to older cells. Dr. Nabity also describes his own experience getting his bone marrow sampled as well as those of his children. We also highlight ways patient may consider getting the best yield of cells when they have the procedure done. 

Have more questions? Do not hesitate to check out our updated research based library where we accumulate the best scientific evidence from around the world for orthopedic applications of PRP (https://www.georgiaboneandjoint.org/prp-educational-library/) and stem cell (https://www.georgiaboneandjoint.org/bmac-evidence-based-literature-library/). Or check out our blog (https://www.georgiaboneandjoint.org/blog/) or book online: https://www.georgiaboneandjoint.org/book-appointment/