Brilliant Breakthroughs Business Podcast

BB109: Bringing Peace to Work featuring Attorney Diane L. Mader

November 21, 2019 Hosted by Maggie Mongan: Featuring our #1 Bestselling Business Authors Episode 109

Bringing Peace to Work 

Spend time imagining a fulfilling work life. What brings you joy in day to day life? What brought you joy as a child? If there were no limits, how would you spend your life?

Have you discovered your life purpose? What were you meant to do? If the world ended tomorrow, what would you wish you had contributed? What would you be most grateful for?

How does your business support your dreams and how does it impede them? Do you create opportunities for your employees to make meaningful contributions to your business and community? 

Is the saying, “create a job you never have to take a vacation from,” achievable? 

#1 Amazon Bestselling Business Author Attorney Diane Mader challenges you in this podcast to explore these concepts and achieve a fulfilling work life congruent with your personal values and mission.