Brilliant Breakthroughs Business Podcast

BB116: Believe In Yourself featuring Debbie Leoni

Hosted by Maggie Mongan: Featuring our #1 Bestselling Business Authors Episode 116

The Small Business Owners (SBOs) who believe in themselves are the ones who are willing to take risks for the sake of success. Successful SBOs believe their product or service IS good enough. They've learned to let go of self-doubt and take the necessary actions they need to take without allowing their fear to get in the way. 

This podcast will address how SBO's can be their most unique self that will attract even more business.

 In this episode, #1 Bestselling Business Author, Debbie Leoni, answers: 

  1. Why writing this chapter, The Top 3 Fear Busters: No More Playing Small, is important.
  2. How believing in yourself is related to fearlessness.
  3. What prevents SBOs from believing in themselves.
  4. Tips to help SBOs believe in themselves - especially if they've failed in the past.
  5. A stat that reveals why we are wired to focus on the negative.

Of course Debbie's chapter in "Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner - Volume 3", goes into greater detail on this topic. Click here to get book on amazon:

Want more? Listen to Debbie's previous episode: BB104 and BB113

Debbie’s Special Invitation for You:
Register for Debbie's 3-part video series, "Busting Through the Top 3 Fears for Small Business Owners", at:

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