Brilliant Breakthroughs Business Podcast

BB155: Systems - The Competitive Advantage featuring Dennis Hill

Hosted by Maggie Mongan: Featuring our #1 Bestselling Business Authors Episode 155

Systems - The Competitive Advantage
featuring Dennis Hill

Dennis Hill is a true polymath – a background in engineering, business, and law coupled with lifelong experience in solving technical and business problems for companies, large and small, in the US and abroad.  He sees the need for business owners to recognize the value of taking time to setup an integrated information structure for daily operations, and in doing so, realize great gains in time, productivity, and ultimately the advantage over the competition.

Upcoming Business Author, Dennis Hill, answers the following questions:  

  • We’re going to dive deeper into integrating information systems that you outline in your chapter – where’s the best place for us to start? 
  • Don’t many entrepreneurs go into business understanding all the barriers to success?
  • If the frustrating business issue can potentially involve any part of any specific company, why focus on systems in your chapter?
  • What can a small business owner do to simplify their business's systems? 
  • Assuming the small business owner is convinced and intentional about integrating information across their business, what then? 
  • Why is it so important for small business owners to integrate their systems? 

#BrilliantBizBook #Small Business #ContactRelationshipManager #CorporateOrganizer #CompetitiveAdvantage