Brilliant Breakthroughs Business Podcast

BB173: Build a Community Rather Than a Network featuring Mark Boeder

Hosted by Maggie Mongan: Featuring our #1 Bestselling Business Authors Episode 173

Build a Community Rather Than a Network
featuring Mark Boeder

If you want to be a successful business professional, it’s far more important to develop a community than a network. Most accomplished business professionals have an origin story, which harkens back to when they first started working, entered a particular industry, or found their niche. Often, origin stories go back many years or even decades. In my case, even though I have worked in and around this industry 25+ years, my origin story came to life in October 2016.

 Commonly we learn: One’s success will typically be a function of the people in the community you create and serve. You should build your network with intentionality and purpose. Then learn how to serve THEM well. If you do, they will return your efforts tenfold. 

#1 International Bestselling Business Author, Mark Boeder, Answers:  

  • You often talk about community being more important than a person’s network. What do you mean? 
  • Have you ever benefited from having built a community? 
  • This is a great example of The Law of Reciprocity in Action! What astonished you the most about your community showing up similarly to the way you do for them?
  • Besides your accident recovery, do you have further proof that building relationships and community is worth the investment? 
  • How do you recommend people go beyond simply building a network to building a community? 
  • Clearly, one must see the value in building a community and be dedicated to this. What are the top 6 insights to build a strong community?

Mark's Special Invitation For You:
Learn more about how to find The Indispensable Key Talent your business needs to grow to achieve your goals for yourself or with Mark's assistance.
Click here: https://warhorse

Mark's Chapter: "Uplevel Your Business by Replacing Irreplaceable Employee: Move to Indispensable Key Talent for Ultimate Success" in the book: "Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner - Volume 4".  Click here to get the book on amazon:

Listen to Mark's Previous Episodes:
BB159, BB166

***You can find all our podcasts episodes on our Mobile App: BrilliantBizBook

#BrilliantBizBook #Small Business  #IndispensableKeyTalent  #KeyTalentMindset #CommunityBuilding #1BestsellingAuthor #1InternationalBestsellingAuthor