Brilliant Breakthroughs Business Podcast

BB179: Adding Value to Everything featuring Dr. Dennis Hill

Hosted by Maggie Mongan: Featuring our #1 Bestselling Business Authors Episode 179

Adding Value to Everything
featuring Dr. Dennis Hill

Dr. Dennis Hill is a #1 International Bestselling Business Author and editor of a number of publications.  He is the “go to” computer expert with forty-seven years of hands-on experience for many business owners and corporate officers. He leads several companies, including EXACTA Corporation, which will be recognized in 2021 for Personal Technology of the Year by the Business Journal, as he continues pioneering the field of user-focused solutions.

#1 International Bestselling Business Author, Dr. Dennis Hill, Answers:  

  • Why do you say, as the podcast title states, we should add value to everything? 
  • Please give an example in light of your chapter on integration?  
  • I feel like we’re at the entrance of a rabbit hole – again.  What do you mean by seamless?
  • Are you saying: integrating is an approach that offers a business owner a means to add value? 
  • Sounds like you won’t being doing business with them again. Will you? 
  • How does all this impact our bottom-line?

Dennis' Special Invitation For You:
To learn more about integrating your business systems for well-managed, intentional growth, and information, get the guide "The Small Business Recipe - Integrating ideas and Information" by clicking:

Chapter: "Integrate for Well-Managed, Intentional Growth"  in the book: "Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner - Volume 4".  Click here to get the book on amazon:

Listen to Dennis' Previous Episodes:
BB155, BB164, BB172

***You can find all our podcasts episodes on our Mobile App: BrilliantBizBook

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