Books Are My People

Books Are My People - Episode 51 with Missy Dunaway

May 31, 2021 Jennifer Caloyeras

This week, Missy Dunaway, author of The Traveling Artist: A Visual Journal , visits and talks about writing and some of her favorite books, including Astray by Emma Donahue.

Books Discussed:

The Journey is the Destination: The Journals by Dan Eldon

Bluets by Maggie Nelson

Griffin and Sabine: An Extraordinary Correspondence by Nick Bantock

My Name is Red by Orhan Pamuk

Astray by Emma Donoghue 

Other Books Discussed:

Thousand Cranes by Yasunari Kawabata  

 A Touch of Jen by Beth Morgan

Other Things Discussed:

LeVar Burton's Book Club

Find Missy Dunaway  on Social Media:

Instagram @missydunaway

My Book Giveaway forThe Hunting Wives closes on Tuesday, June 15th. Enter by visiting my Instagram account @jennifercaloyeras Scroll to find the book  giveaway photo and makes a comment. It’s that easy! Open to U.S. mailing addresses only.

I'm prepping a summer Q and A episode. Send any and all questions to Please let me know if I can use your first name on the podcast. 

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I hope you all have a wonderfully bookish week!