The Spirit Empowered Woman

Rev. Dr. 'Femi Okunlola

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John 2:5, Luke 1:38,45 Available in the School of Obedience 
Mat 6:9-13- Available in the School of Prayer to get Equipped
OUR- Available to promote unity at home, church, workplace, community
FATHER- Available to raise altars to the Trinity and cultivate his Fatherhood
WHO ART IN HEAVEN- Available to attract opened Heaven
HALLOWED BE- Available to establish Holiness values for answered prayers
THE NAME- available to keep the Name of the Lord working in prayer
THY KINGDOM COME- AvailABLE to handle Kingdom key of dominion
THY WIIL BE DONE- Available to establish God's will through pray
ON EARTH- available to keep the earth working, be fruitful, multiply, have dominion
AS IT IS DONE IN HEAVEN- Available to bring Heaven to Earth
GIVE US- Available to receive
THIS DAY- Available consistently
OUR DAILY BREAD- Available by Faith and Trust 
FORGIVE US OUR SINS- Available as intercessor
AS WE FORGIVE THOSE WHO SINNED AGAINST US- Available to be equipped for reconciliation
LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION- Available to be equipped to defeat temptation