The Crucified Life

July 14, 2019 Rev. Mrs. Bosun Adegboyega Season 1 Episode 1

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Please open with me to Galatians 2 vs 20 I have been crucified with Christ...Here Paul the apostle was narrating what happened to him...We are going to tie this chapter with Romans 6 vs 1-11...When Paul said i have been crucified with Christ he was talking about his experience, what happened to him...He was talking about the day he gave his life to Christ...The crucified life is a life that has encountered Jesus Christ...To be saved means to surrender your will, meaning you no longer have your own will...They have publicly come to tell everyone that Jesus is their personal Lord and saviour...Colossians 2 vs 12 Bury with him in baptism in which also you were raised with him through faith in the working of God who raised him from the dead. Baptism, is for those who have given their lives to JESUS, That is why in the Baptist denomination, we believe that before you are baptised you must have encountered salvation. So Baptism is also a mark of our authenticity as believers, what authenticates you as a christian.