The Lord's Prayer (Part 2)

July 24, 2019 Rev. Dr. Olusegun Adeleke

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Let me ask you how has you prayer life been since we started talking about prayer? The same spot or you have moved forward? Have you grown taller or shorter? How has it been? Halleluyah!!! We are not just taking this teaching for its sake. Jesus Said my house shall be called of all nations. Ans the burden is God would make all of us Men and Women of prayer in Jesus name. AMEN!!! So tonight we want to move further I don't know how God is going to do it, if He allows us to finish the entire study plan or if it is just one point He allows us take all well and good. 

Matthew 6 vs 9-15 Our Lord's prayer...The Lord Jesus Christ is a man of prayer...He was committed to prayer during His life on earth, Scripture attest to the fact that he is still interceding for His Church...