You will be A Blessing

Rev. Dr. Olusegun Adeleke

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“...YOU WILL BE A BLESSING. Zech. 8:12 - 13.
A Message Prepared And Delivered By Rev. ‘Segun Adeleke, DMin On August 11, 2019 During her Worship Service.
It is the pleasure of the Almighty God to bless His children.
A major reason for this in the heart of God is so that His children could be a
blessing to their world - V.13.
The truth of the scripture is that you cannot be said to be blessed until you are a
blessing to your world. My prayer today is for the Lord to work in our hearts and
make us a blessing indeed in Jesus Name.
A. Dimensions of God’s Blessings. Gen. 22:15; 24:34;
• Spiritual Blessings
• Physical Blessings
• Financial Blessings
• Materials Blessings
• Marital Blessings
It is the will of God to bless us in every way as He did to Abraham. May we all
receive access into the multidimensional blessings of the Almighty God in Jesus
B. Gateways to God’s Blessings
1. Commitment to the kingdom of God - Matt. 6:3; Jn. 3:3,7; 1 Pet. 1:3 - 4; Jn. 12:26.
2. Prayer - Matt. 7:7; 1 Chr. 5:9; Gen. 34:22 - 28.
3. Divine presence - Gen. 39:2 - 6, 19 - 23.
4. Inheritance - 1 Kg. 21:1 - 3; Prov. 13:22.
5. Obedience to divine instruction - Gen. 26:1 - 6, 12 - 16; Deut. 28:1 - 14; Lk. 5:1 - 11.
6. The Right Location - Psa. 1:1 - 3; Gen. 26:1 - 6, 12 - 16.
7. Favorable & Diligent labor - Prov.22:29; Ecc. 9:11.
8. Generous and sacrificial giving (tithes & offering, donations to God’s work, poor,
widows, orphans, fatherless, ministries, ministers, fellow brethren; ) Acts 4:36-37;
20:35; Gen. 22:1 - 2, 8 - 11, 15 - 19; Prov. 22:9; 28:27;Mal. 3:6 - 12; Philippians - 4: 14
- 19; Gal. 6:7-10; James 1:27;
9. Bestowal - Gen. 1:27 - 28; 49:22 - 26; Isa. 51:1 - 2; Num.6:22 - 27.
10. This can be done verbally and by laying on of hands.
11. Etc.
The Lord, our God, is faithful. He will surely fulfill His promise to make us a blessing.
It is therefore imperative that we all take take God at His word. We must trust God
to perform what He has promised. May the Lord bless us with overwhelming
blessings today and the rest of this year. Amen.