Steps to Regular Personal Encounter with God

January 22, 2020 Rev. Olufemi Babalola Season 1 Episode 1

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Consistent encounter with God is not cheap. You must be ready to pay the following price if you would enjoy regular and consistent encounter with God:

1. Daily communion in prayers - Mk.1:35. The price of early rising to meet with God. Some of only pray when we are in trouble.

This is very dangerous.

 2. Daily communion in the word of light - Psa. 119:105; Jer. 23:29; Heb. 4:12; Lk. 7:2-10. The word of God is very powerful.

3. The word of God has the power to arrest (like a soldier) and set people free - Jn.8;32.

We often encounter God through His word.

4. Reading the Bible through provides us opportunity to hear God and encounter Him.

5. Regular fellowship with the children of God - Heb. 11:25

Regular fasting - Isa. 58:

 6. Discipler - Matt. 17:1ff. One who can take you up the mountain of transfiguration.

 7. Discipline - Matt. 17:1ff. Climbing the mountain is not easy but it is a glorious experience up there on the mountain.

 8. A pure heart - Matt. 5:8.

Only those with pure heart can see God.

9. A hunger for God - Psa. 42:1; Matt. 5:

Books written by genuine Christian authors - 2 Tim. 4:13.

Personal Retreats -