The Good of The Land (2)

Rev. Dr. Olusegun Adeleke Season 1 Episode 2

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The Almighty God delights in the well-being of His people - Psa. 35:17. God desires that His children enjoy the good of the land. Unfortunately, many of God’s children are far from experiencing this divine provision. 


It is my prayer that everyone of us would come to experience the fulfillment of God’s promise in our lives. May the Lord help you to locate your promised land, access it and begin to eat the good of that land in Jesus Name.


A.         From Isa. 1:19, which land is the Bible referring to? Gen. 11:31; 12:1-5; 49:29-32; Exod. 3:7-8; Deut. 8:1, 7-9;


B.         What do you understand by the phrase- “good of the land?” Gen. 45:18.


C.         What are the conditions for eating the good of the land from Isa. 1:19.


D.        From Gen. 26:1-35, point out some additional principles required to possess and eat the good of the land. 


E.          What is Rehoboth? What is its implication for us as individuals, families and a church?


F.         What is the importance of well and water to Isaac in our text? Gen. 26:32.


Dearly beloved, I sense the Lord is about to usher us into ‘something’ that is great this year. It must not be business as usual. We must break barriers and all forms of lethargy. We must be bold to confront systems and structures that would not allow us to arise and shine! May the light and the glory of the Lord that has been released upon us not be wasted in Jesus Name.