March 27, 2020 Rev. Dr. Olusegun Adeleke Season 1 Episode 1

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It did not make much sense when the Lord spoke to us on the eve of this year that gross darkness shall cover the earth and thick darkness shall be over the people - Isa. 60:2.

This truth has now become a reality with the ravaging effect of Corona Virus which started in a small village in China, but has now spread all over the world.


Available information as at today reveals:

It is obvious that the government of the world has no answer to the Corona Virus challenge. The only dependable and reliable source of intervention is God. We who have a covenant relationship with God therefore need to arise and call on our God who is more than able to deal with this challenge.

Meanwhile, we all must be rest assured that this plague will stop. When and how, I don’t know. But based on the word of God, I do believe this plague will soon stop.


A. Reasons Why This Plague Will Stop.

  1. Every plague in the Bible stopped - Num. 16:41-50; 25:8; Psa. 106:28; 2 Sam.24:25.                                                
  2. The present world would not be destroyed by plague but by fire - 2 Peter 3:7, 10,12; 2 Thess. 1:7.                            
  3. God’s servants and children around the world are daily crying to Him in prayers - Numbers 16:46-47. He will respond because He answers prayers.                        
  4. The assurance of the word of God - Psa. 57:1                      
  5. Light will always triumph over darkness - Jn.1:5; 8:12.


B. What We Need To Do.

  1. Get the word of God for our situation - V.11; Psa. 57:1.
  2. Heed the prophetic - V.11-14.
  3. Operate in the knowledge of God - V.13-14.
  4. Take responsibility and repent - V.17.                     
  5. Build an altar to the Lord - V.25.


It is an open secret from the word of God that the present disaster has not come to stay. It is also not the end of the world. It will surely expire very soon in Jesus' Name. We should therefore enjoy this season of stay at home. Let’s make the best of this season. Let it be a season of refreshing, renewal, meditation and receiving fresh inspiration for greater accomplishments in the coming days.




  1. Bring repentance to the Lord for every sin in your life, family, church and Nation.
  2. Ask the Lord for forgiveness for the sins of rebellion against the leaders God has set over us - Num. 16:41; 31:15-16.
  3. Ask the Lord for forgiveness for every sin of idolatry as individuals, families and as a Nation Psa. 106:28-31.
  4. Bring repentance to the Lord for our sins of prayerlessness- 2 Sam. 24:21.
  5. Begin to plead for God’s mercies over your life, family and church - Num. 16:47-48; Psa.57:1.
  6. Plead with the Lord to rebuke the Corona Plague to stop - 2;Sam. 24:16; Zech. 3:1-2.
  7. Pray for the wind of the Holy Spirit to blow away the Corona plague across the entire world tonight - Exod. 14:21-22.


  1. Plead the blood of Jesus Christ over your life, family Church, Nigeria and the entire world - Rev. 12:11
  2. Decree that our lives and tent shall be secure and nothing shall be missing in our camp in Jesus' Name.
  3. Release the peace of God on your life, family, church, Nigeria and the entire world.
  4. Pray that your life, family, church, Nigeria and the entire world will be filled with His Li