Bearing the Light, Shining His Glory

Rev. Mrs Bosun Adegboyega Season 1 Episode 1

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-          Praise God it is another Sunday, the second Sunday in the month of May.

-          Praise God it is another Mother’s Day.

-          Praise God we are all surviving Covid-19 and we shall all see the end of it in Jesus name.

-          The fact that we are on lockdown does not mean we cannot celebrate Mother’s Day.

-          Father’s and children make sure you do something special for her today. 

The Lord will be speaking to us from our theme text for the year- Isaiah 60:1 and Judges 4:4-9 as we relate the passages to Mother’s Day. Though the focus is on the women, the message is for all because we have all been called to bear His light and shine His glory. 

Our focus is on the life of Mrs Deborah Lapidoth. She was first a lady, then a wife and a prophetess and judge. Being a woman should be a thing of joy and pride. Bearing the title “Mrs” is God’s desire so you should cherish it. It is part of projecting what God has created you for. The following are some of the lessons the Lord will like us to see from the life of this great woman.


1.        Mrs. Lapidoth was a woman of God. Verse 4- “Now Deborah, a prophetess...”

-          She knew God.

-          She had personal encounter with God.

-          She had a genuine relationship with God. 

-          It is not an easy thing in a Jewish culture for a woman to serve as a prophetess and also a judge. 

-          You cannot be a prophetess without knowing God.

-          A prophetess is one who hears from God, speaks for God and for the people of God. 

-          If you do not know God, you cannot shine His glory in this area. 

-          Real women have genuine relationship with God.

-          Real women are serious in their walk with God irrespective of their position or cadre.

-          Real women know that they came from Him and shall return to Him, hence their seriousness in serving and walking with Him.

-          It is the light that you have that you can bear and show forth. 

-          Mrs. Lapidoth’s relationship with God was what made a difference in her service to Him and the people.

-          It is honourable to bear the glory of God and shine His light. It is sweet to serve Him.


2.      The Bible Called her the wife of Lapidoth- “...the wife of Lapidoth.”

-          The wife is a home maker.

-          The wife is a support to her husband and vice-versa.

-          Lapidoth was blessed to have her as his wife.

-          She bore the name of her husband well. 

-          She did not lose her home because she was serving as a prophetess and a judge.

-          Your career must not affect your home negatively.

-          Your light must first shine in your home before it can be seen in the society. 

READ MORE @ https://bit.ly/2WGbyvM