Recovering Lost Ground In Post Covid-19 Economy

Ayo Gbeleyi (GA Capital Limited) Season 1 Episode 5

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•Indeed it’s not all gloom and doom as Green Shoots are emerging in the NEW Normal Economy

•Concerted efforts globally towards developing a vaccine - Remdesivir Drug by US, Gilead ($4,460/patient), Moderna; Sanofi, Paris-based firm with US Research Funding, Madagascar’s Herb, UK training Sniffer Dogs that could handle 250 tests/hour, UK provided £84m funding to accelerate development, etc  

•One of the first fights will be over access to any lasting treatment or vaccine. Many global leaders contend that any vaccine should be viewed as a “public good,” though some populations will have delayed access

•EU gradually opening up regional movement, tourism, retail, cafes, restaurants, churches, etc some States in the US too while China resumed regional travels a while back with factories ramping up production again

•German Bundesliga back in action last weekend after months of stoppage, as EPL weighs options

•Oil has started a modest recovery as demand begins to rise on back of lockdowns lifting. Opinions vary it could likely take more then a year before oil demand goes back to pre-pandemic levels

• The “Great Lockdown” has likely tipped the world into its deepest economic contraction since the Great Depression. Some forecasters say a bottom is near, but few expect the economy to snap back to the way it was before the pandemic. Get ready for massive debt relief, more government intervention, heightened China-U.S. tensions, and—on the bright side—more women in the workforce - Bloomberg