Freed To Enjoy Life In Abundance

Rev. Dr. Jide Abimbola

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True freedom is found only in Jesus and the freedom offered by Jesus is spiritual. His freedom supersedes political revolution. Your circumstance does not influence the freedom Jesus can offer you. Saul was on his way to Damascus when he met his freedom in Jesus. The prodigal son was in a pig pen. The Samaritan woman met her freedom at the well. A thief was on the cross of execution when Jesus set him free. The first hindrance to consider is IGNORANCE: whoever lacks the knowledge of Jesus Christ is “living in darkness” and Jesus came to give us light. Those in Christ shall not stumble because the light shines for them. The second is ARROGANCE: In John 8:33, the Pharisees showed their arrogance by saying to Jesus that they have never been slaves to anyone. As at the time they spoke, they were under the Roman slavery apart from the Assyrians, Babylonians and Persians. By this they rejected Jesus’ offer of freedom.Another hindrance is RELUCTANCE: Some believe in the teachings of Jesus but are not willing to respond to His truth. Unwillingness to accept Jesus will debar anyone of God’s kingdom.The last hindrance we shall consider is COMPLACENY: Many Christians are content with “mercy drops” freedom when “showers of blessings” are available. Let us stop dragging our feet but run to embrace what Christ has to offer. He alone can give us abundant freedom. Amen.