Maximizing Life Opportunities for Fulfilling Our Calling

December 04, 2016 Rev. Olufemi Babalola

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OUR MANDATEThe church is God’s relief to a sick and hurting world both physically and spiritually. All through the Bible, we see that God is deeply concerned with the poor, widows and the orphans. He is the God who always rescues the needy. Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ came to the world and was highly compassionate with the sick and needy. Jesus was mindful to meet the greatest need of mankind which is the spiritual depravity of man.As Jesus did while in this world so He sent His church to do. The preaching of the Word is very important but the task of helping the poor and needy must not be neglected. Obviously the church cannot adequately do this task alone. We must, however, be found doing the will of God no matter how little we are capable. We must live out “pure religion”. We must be involved in this task because God commanded it, Jesus exemplified it and we need to be connected to it. The world is watching to see who truly loves others enough to take action. God is counting on His church and we must not disappoint Him. James 1:27 says “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”Ikoyi Baptist Church members, let us rise to this challenge because people are hurting in Nigeria today.