Joseph as a Glory Carrier


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INTRODUCTION- The life of Joseph is a practical example of a man that was set for glory. God’s presence and power was with Joseph and that made the difference and helped him to achieve glory in spite of all he went through. Joseph went from the pit to Potiphar’s house; he went from Potiphar’s house to the prison and from the prison to the palace and eventually he became a Prime Minister in Egypt. We can learn some powerful lessons from the life of Joseph as we trust the Lord to take us to a new realm and help us to attain glory by His grace. 

The following are important lessons from the life of Joseph

1.         His beginning- Genesis 30, 37

a.         Joseph was the son of old age- It took many years before his mother had him. He came after years of delay. Glory carriers can only  be delayed but cannot be denied. Genesis 30:22-24. Glory carriers may not appear early, but they cannot be stopped at God’s appointed time.

b.         Glory Carriers are not lazy people- 37:2- Because you carry glory does not mean that you will do nothing, even the Bible says “Arise, shine…”

c.         Glory carriers must learn to manage spiritual information- 37:5

-               Joseph told his dreams to his half brothers and they hated him for this. “...So they hated him even more for his dreams and for his words.” verse 8c

-               Be mindful who you share your “dreams” with. It doesn't matter who they are- family, colleagues or close friends. 

-               You do not have to share in public what the Lord showed or told you in secret. 

-               It is important to know when to share your dreams and where.

-               Dream killers can come in any form and their aim is always to make sure that the dream does not see the light of day. Joseph’s brother’s said, “Come therefore, let us kill him and cast him into the pit...we shall see what will become of his dreams.”verse 20

-               Joseph’s dreams would have been truncated and his glory destroyed had the Lord not been on his side.