July 30, 2020 Rev. Mrs. Bosun Adegboyega

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God has great plans for all of His creation. What He has set for you and me is beyond what the mind can comprehend or the eyes can see. Jeremiah 29:11; 1 Corinthians 2:9. However, many Christians today are living below their potential because of the works of glory killers. It is time for you to arise and say like David, “Arise my glory,” as you confront the glory killers in your life.



Glory is that which makes you unique.

Glory is that which shines when you fulfill God’s given purpose.

Glory is that which radiates when you fulfill destiny.

It is in fulfilling God’s purpose that His glory is released in your life. 

In John 2:11, Jesus performed the first miraculous sign and the Bible says “…thus revealing His glory.”  Unless there is fulfilment of purpose, there cannot be manifestation of glory.



Glory killers are the things that can hinder the glory of God from manifesting.

The things that can hinder your intimacy with God.

Those things that can make you fall short and not meet up with God’s expectations for your life. 




1.          Disobedience

Disobedience can be outright refusal to do what the Lord wants you to do

Disobedience can be delay in acting on God’s instructions for you.

Disobedience can be being selective of what to do and what not to do

Adam and Eve disobeyed the Lord by eating of the fruit of good and evil- Genesis 3:6-7

Saul disobeyed by sparing the king of Amalek and leaving some choice animals- 1 Samuel 15:7-9

One moment of disobedience can have long lasting consequences not just for the persons concerned but also the people connected to them.

The disobedience of the children of Eli led to “Ichabod,” the glory departing from Israel and from the family. 1 Samuel 2: 30-35; 4:21

In what areas are you disobeying God’s instructions?

In what areas are you doubting God’s instructions?

The effect of the disobedience of Adam and Eve caused man to fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23.


2.         Anger- 

So many would have gone far and achieve more but for their inability to control their anger. 

Many have destroyed what they labored for because of anger. 

Lack of self-control has led many to truncate the plans of God for their lives.

Moses was a man known for his anger. Exodus 32:19; Numbers 20:9-10.

Anger can lead to regret when actions and words spoken at the heat of the moment become irreparable and irreversible – Ecclesiastes 7:9; Proverbs 29:11- “A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control.” (NIV)

Anyone who can make you angry can control you- Proverbs 16:32

Stop making excuses for your anger- James 1:20 ‘For the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.”


3.         Immorality- 

Many glories have been destroyed on the platter of immorality.

Many have sold themselves to the devil and become crippled emotionally and psychologically as a result of sinful and filthy acts of immorality.

One does not even have to leave his room these days to get into all kinds of immorality. 

The internet has made it open to all and sundry and only those who are disciplined and committed to the Lord can overcome.

Samson’s glory was destroyed abruptly because he refused to keep himself in check. Judges 16:19ff – “She lulled him to sleep on her knees…and his strength left him.”

The relationship of a man and woman can only be consummated in marriage. Hebrews 13:4. 
