Victory Over Barriers

August 16, 2020 Rev. Mrs. Bosun Adegboyega

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Topic- Victory Over Barriers

Text- Joshua 1:1-4

Message Preached by Rev. Mrs. Bosun Adegboyega on Sunday, 16th August, 2020

Life is a pilgrimage. Most times, this pilgrimage is not like a straightforward graph. Life’s journey is full of ups and downs.

It is a scriptural truth that for every new level, there is a new devil. This implies that we shall face resistance as God’s people at every time we desire to advance with God’s agenda for our lives as individuals, families and church - Dan. 10:13; 1 Cor. 16:9.

A. Definitions 

i. Victory is the act of defeating an enemy or opponent in a battle or game or other competition. It also means success.

ii. Barrier is a fence or other obstacle that prevents movement.

B. Some Examples of Barriers in Scripture and How to Overcome Them.

  1. Physical/ Natural Barrier - Josh. 1:2; cf. 2 Kg. 2:8, 13-14

Even though it had other usefulness, the Jordan River was a natural barrier.

How would the Israelites cross the Jordan without a ship or boat, etc. 

Even for those who could swim, how far could they have gone swimming?

2.         Personality Barrier - Ex.23:22; 1 Cor.16:9

E.g. Pharaoh - Exodus 5:1

Pharaoh was a personality barrier.

He would not let Israel go from serving Egypt.

He was very cruel to the people of God and would not let them go.


3.         Systemic Barrier - Esther 4:9-11

The system says you cannot see your husband except he stretches the scepter to you.

How many women would like to marry this type of husband?

The type you will have to gather the whole community to fast for for you for 3 days and three nights before you can see his face.


4.         Blood line barrier - 1 Chr. 4:9-10

This relates to family and ancestral curse.

Many of us are still having trouble with the bloodline barrier even after we have given our lives to Christ.

We can cry to the Lord like Jabez did and He will deliver us in Jesus Name.


5.         Denominational Barrier - 

This barrier makes it difficult that you can’t go beyond a particular level.

Once you get to that bar, no more progress.


6.         Traditional Barrier - Gen. 29:25-26.

We don’t allow younger sister to marry before the elder sister.

How many young ladies have been kept single as a result of this barrier.


7.         Racial Barrier - Jn. 4:9-10; Acts 10:28-29.

This is another terrible barrier.

This is currently ravaging the whole world.

The church is not immune from it.

May the Lord deliver us from this in Jesus Name.


8.         Satanic Barrier - Zech. 3:1-2; Dan. 10:13

This the one commonly associated with barriers.

Even it is physical, we blame it on Satan.

Christ has however given us victory over satanic barriers.


9.         The flesh barrier - Rom. 7:15-17.

Until the barrier of the flesh is removed, the human spirit can not be liberated.


10.   God’s barrier - James 4:6-7.

God detests proud people.

God cannot tolerate pride around Him.

If you would not enter into trouble with God, run away from pride.