In Such A Time As This

Rev. Olufemi Babalola

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Esther is one of the two Books in the Bible named after a woman, the other is Ruth. Esther lived in a time of powerful empires and ambitious, cruel, egoistical despots. The Jewish exiles among whom Esther lived in Babylon faced a tumultuous and dangerous times of their lives. Haman, the enemy plotted against the Jews. This conspiracy was well orchestrated and its execution was also sure not to fail except for the divine intervention through Esther the Queen.  

The experience of the Jewish exiles then is very similar to our present situation today as a nation. The various evils we have witnessed in the past and the experience of this past one week are enough proofs that there are evil conspiracies against us. However, the boldness and courage displayed by Esther in the face of sinister enemies and potentially dire consequences paid off eventually for the deliverance of the Jews. She was challenged to consider all her previous life experiences and her current royal position as God’s preparation “for such a time like this.” Likewise, God is ready to set Nigeria free from the bondage of our oppressors if we will also know the things that are required in such a time as this.


1.              We must understand and never trivialize the grand plan from the pit of hell against us. Esther 3:8-11

l  Obviously, there can be no smoke without fire and no evil of such magnitude can occur without the backing of the king. But there is the King of kings who rules and reigns forever. He will rise to expose and destroy every evil plan against us (Psalm 2:1-6).

2.              We must cease from ostentatious lifestyle and humble ourselves before God. Esther 4:1-4.

l  Humility before God is one of the preconditions for experiencing divine intervention that brings revival, restoration and refreshing (2 Chronicles 7:14).

l  Replacing fine clothing with the humble apparel and covering oneself with ashes were acts of utter humility and dependency on God.

l  The drastic change in the outward appearance was also a sign to the onlookers of a deeply serious situation. The hope then was that others would see and sympathize with their plight, and that God would be moved to action.