Rev. Dr. Olusegun Adeleke

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There is no doubt that prayer remains an indispensable tool for personal, family, congregational and national transformation. A notable feature in the lives of all that God has used to bring about transformation is prayer. If IBC will experience an enduring transformation, all of us – Pastors and members, should make prayer our priority.In other words, we should all become the House of Prayer. We should resist all forms of prayerlessness, and begin to make conscious effort to grow in our prayer lives. We should take advantage of every opportunity to pray. May the Lord pour on each of us the Spirit of prayer –Zach. 12:10.What is prayer?Why do you think prayer is considered indispensable fortransformation? V.3What are the four elements of effective prayer?How many of these can be seen in Nehemiah's prayer in Verse 5-11?How many of these do you practice?Beloved, the Lord is inviting you to a life of consistent communion with Him in the place of prayer. The best way to learn/grow in your prayer life is by praying. There is no better time to pray than now. Let us confront the decay of our lives, family, church and nation with the weapon of prayer – 2 Chron. 7:14. The Lord has committed Himself to answering our prayers. Let us go back to our Bethel. May the God of heaven send us help from His sanctuary.