The Fruitful Vine

Rev. Dr. Olusegun Adeleke Season 1 Episode 1

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The Lord designs every Christian and Church to be fruitful. Fruitfulness has to do with a life of positive impact. It is a life that counts. It is a life that flows with God’s blessings. Such life is characterized by genuine Christian Character and soul winning.

Seven insights we can glean about the fruitful vineyard from our text include:

  1. God has zero tolerance for fruitlessness - V.1-2a.

It is evident from both the Old and New Testament that God has zero tolerance for fruitlessness.

The option for a fruitless vine is to be cut down.

Judgment awaits every fruitless vine.

Don’t be a fruitless vine;

God will cut down every fruitless tree - Lk. 13:  

  1. She enjoys divine privileges - V.2b; Isa. 27:2-3; Lk. 10:17-20; 13:6-9.

The divine privileges that go with fruitfulness are many.

It is my prayer that we all shall begin to enjoy the benefits that go with being fruitful.  

  1. She must constantly depend on the Lord - V.4-5, 6.

It is great folly for a believer to depend on self or any other thing or person other than the Lord - Jer. 17:5-7.

The truth remains that APART FROM CHRIST, we can do just NOTHING - V.5.  

  1. She has the capacity of reaching her highest potential - V.5; cf. V.2, 8.

From no fruit, God expects us to move to the next level of one fruit, many fruits and much fruits.

We can reach that highest potential if we would abide in the vine.  

  1. Being fruitful provides a platform for praying to get results - V.7.

Prayer is the live wire of the believer/church.

We are all to be praying Christians/Church.

Meanwhile, it is not all prayers that get answered.

One way to secure a platform to praying to get results is to be committed to soul winning. 

  1. Being fruitful helps us to glorify God -   V.8a.

The climax of the experience is to bring glory to the Almighty God.

One way to do this is by a fruitful life.

Soul winning helps us to bring glory to the Almighty God.  

  1. Being fruitful is one of the evidences that you are a correct disciple - V.8b.

How do you proof that you are a correct disciple?

One of such ways is to bear much fruit.

May the Lord help us to be correct disciples in Jesus' Name.

Beloved, this is time to justify God’s investment in your life and family. Failure to be fruitful may be very dangerous. Don’t be like Mephibosheth, who despite eating always at the king’s table, remained crippled on both feet. It is time to go out and proof to be a fruitful, grateful and useful Christian/Church.