Rev. Dr. Olusegun Adeleke

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IKOYI BAPTIST CHURCH5/7 Lateef Jakande Avenue, Ikoyi LagosNIGHT OF SUPERNATURAL HELP – AUGUST EDITIONTHE GRACE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT - NEH. 6:1-16.A Message Prepared and Delivered By Rev. 'Segun Adeleke, DMin., On August 31, 2018, During Her Night of Supernatural Help. It is not all who set out to pursue an objective in life that accomplish it.Some start very well, then something happens’ and they never finish what they set out to do.Some start school, but later drop out.Some start a business, but had to abandon it for some "good" reasons.Some get married, then had to run out of it.Some have had cause to abandon their children and family.It is not starting that really matters, but finishing what you start.This however, most times, requires the God factor.It takes the divine to consistently succeed and finish whatever in life you start.The special grace of the Almighty God is required.May the Lord release that grace on all of us in Jesus’ Name.In the light of the above, serious thought should be given to the following issues in order to experience divine accomplishment in whatever you start to do in life:1. Learn to always be in the will of God.This is the starting point to finishing whatever you begin.Being at the center of God's will is the first critical step to finishing your project in life.So, before you start that building; that business; that trip; that marriage; etc, make sure you are in the perfect will of God.Without this, you would struggle and suffer.Worse still, you may even bring shame to the Name of the Lord.A major reason for Nehemiah finishing on his mandate was because he was at the center of God's will.It was God who recruited and commissioned him for this work.And God was solidly behind him from the beginning to the end.May God help you and me to always be at the center of His will in Jesus’ Name.2. Watch out for Satan’s schemes - V.1-9.A great man of God once said: “For every new level, there are new devils.”For every new project in your life, there are new devils to be confronted.Ignorance of this on our part could result in one giving the devil a foothold that may eventually become a stronghold.To be ignorant of Satan's schemes implies planning to start a project without finishing it.It is therefore necessary to always prepare for the satanic dimension in every project you plan to implement.Nehemiah was not ignorant of the schemes of Satan through Samballat and Tobiah in the rebuilding process.He engaged them physically and spiritually through bold confrontation, physical confrontation and prayers.God gave him victory over them all and he was able to complete the project.May the Lord help you complete all that you have started in Jesus’ Name. 3. Resolve never to give up - V.3.I am yet to see a project that will not face one challenge or the other.As a student, you will face challenges with your studies viz. difficult teachers, difficult subjects, bullies, etcIn marriage you will face challenges;On your job there will be challenges;Even in the church, you will face challenges;However, no matter the challenges in life, you must be tenacious.You must never give up!Winners don't quit. It is quitters that don't win.Be like Nehemiah and refuse to give up on your dreams - 4. Learn to draw strength from God - V.9 cf. 1 Sam. 30:6.Another secret to divine accomplishment is the need to learn how to draw strength from God.Nehemiah practiced this principle in V.9 of our text.In the face of pressure from his foes and the threat to abandon the work, he prayed.Prayer is one of the means by which we draw strength from the Lord.Once Nehemiah prayed, the Lord baptized him with new strength and he was able to press on to the point of finishing his assignment. 5. Learn to be courageous - V.10-13.Courage is another requirement for accomplishing your goal in life.Courage is strength in the face