December 16, 2018 Rev. Dr. Olusegun Adeleke

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NEH. 9:38 - 10:1-39

 It was mentioned last Sunday that revival is not a program; neither it an event, a crusade, nor a crowd pulling event. Amongst others, revival has to do with spiritual awakening, divine visitation and divine arrival on the scene of our lives. 


It is important to emphasize that no mortal can predict the extent to which a revival would impact a people, group or nation when it comes. Most times, we only see its beginning but not its ending. The Water Gate revival had such a great impact on the people of Jerusalem during the time of Nehemiah that they issued a communique. This communique save the details of detailed the resolutions they made in order to sustain God’s dealing through the revival.

I strongly believe that God would send revival to IBC as we intensify the ongoing prayer efforts in the church and as we consistently hunger for God and His word, God will visit us in Bible days. The revival that is coming will go beyond this church to the State, the entire nation and the whole world.


However, for us to see revival and sustain it, we need to make the Water Gate Revival resolutions our own resolutions as well. May the Lord help us to do this in Jesus Name.


What is a Resolution?

“A firm decision to do or not to do something.”


Some things to note about the Water Gate Revival resolution:

  1. It was a collective decision - 9:38.
  2. It was a binding agreement - 9:38; Amos 3:3.
  3. It was a written agreement - 9:38,meaning that-
  4. It was properly documented.
  5. It was sealed/signed by the leaders, Levites and Priests - 9:38.

 Some of the resolutions they made include:

1.     Resolution to Follow the Law of the Lord and to Obey It - 10:28-29.

This is a very cardinal resolution. 

It is interesting to note that the Water Gate Revival started with people crying out for the word of God. It is also interesting to note that the first resolution the people made to sustain the revival fire was also in regard to the word of God. How wonderful it would be if we will all also resolve to follow the Law of the Lord and obey it? No doubt, the blessings that will go with it would be great and beyond imagination. Josh. 1:8; Lk. 5:5; Jn. 2:5:

2.     Resolution not to intermarry with the unbelievers -V.30. This resolution borders on the Marriage and Family Life of the people. A revival that will last for generations must have deep roots in the marriage and family life of the people.

The people jointly resolved not to give their sons and daughters in marriage to “outsiders.”

The problem here was not with intertribal marriage.

The problem was giving out their children in marriage to unbelievers.

This was another serious resolution with great implication for the people of God. You may not know the weight of this resolution until you listen to the testimonies of those who violated it.

We all must also resolve not to intermarry with unbelievers. This is a timely warning to Parents and young people that are trusting God to enter into the marriage institution. Why Parents and Young People should heed this Resolution:

·         It is a divine instruction (command and not an appeal - 2 Cor. 6:14

·         It is for your own good- Amos 3:3; Psa. 133.

·         It will spare you a life of unending and unimaginable grief - Gen. 26:34-35.

·         It will save you from the likely and painful option of separation and divorce.

·         God overlooks the time of ignorance - Acts

·         There is no forgiveness for deliberate sin - Heb