Sustaining The Spirit's Fire


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The Faithful God has done it again. He has helped us through another time of waiting on Him. To Him be all the glory.

The Lord has released on us as individuals, families and church so much this past week. It is my prayer that we shall all be able to sustain the various experiences, endowments, giftings, empowerment and encounters.

I pray that we will not quench the Spirit’s Fire in our lives, families and church - 1 Thess. 5:17

I pray that the Spirit of the Lord would remain on us as He did on Jesus, the early church and the Apostles - Jn.1:32-34; Acts 2:42-47.


For us to sustain the Spirit’s Fire, we all need to make the following commitments:


1.       Commitment to Righteousness - Matt. 3:13-17

     Righteousness has to do with right standing relationship with God.

     It also has to do with doing the right thing at all times.

     Righteousness is what made Jesus to be anointed above His fellows –  Psa. 45:7

We also must love righteousness and hate wickedness for the Holy Spirit to remain on our lives.


2.      Commitment to Holiness - Ecc. 9:8; Heb. 12:14

    Our God is as pure as light.

    He is impeccably Holy.

    He has commanded us to be holy as He is holy.-1Peter 1:15-16

    Holiness is not just a requirement to make heaven.

    It is a requirement to live a good life.

    It is a requirement for the Supernatural Power of God to be sustained in our lives.

    King Saul lost the power due to bitterness – I Sam. 16:14; 18:8-11

    Solomon and Samson lost it due to immorality – 1Kings 11:1-13; Judges 16:17-21

3.      Commitment to the Word of God - Col. 3:16; Acts 2:42

The word of God is a divine fuel for the fire of the Holy Spirit.

Where there is no wood, the fire goes out - Prov. 26:20

Spend time daily in the word of God 

Don’t forget the “reading the Bible Through” challenge.

You can still join. It is still possible if you are determined and disciplined.



4.      Commitment to Prayer – Col. 4:2-4; 1Thess. 5:17; Acts 2:42

Prayer is a vital requirement for the power of God to remain in your life.

This is why Jesus would not joke with His prayer life - Mk.1:35.

Apart from maintaining a regimented quiet time schedule, he also had time of personal retreats – Lk. 4:1-2, 42;9:28-36

These were period of being alone with God.

No man can sustain the Spirit’s Fire without a rich prayer life.

Can I challenge you to grow in your prayer life this year?

Can I remind you of the “One Hour” Prayer Challenge?

You can pray for one hour! IT IS POSSIBLE.

You can join the 12.00 - 1.00pm Daily Prayer Encounter. 

It will strengthen your prayer life.

You can get a prayer partner to help your prayer life.

We must resolve to be a Praying church.

We refuse prayerlessness in this church.

Jesus said, My House Shall Be called the house of prayer of all nations”- Matt. 21:12-15

The early church was a praying church.

They prayed until the Pentecostal fire fell on their heads.

They developed a regimented prayer program to sustain the fire of God in their lives. They prayed at the third, sixth and ninth hour every day. 

I trust God for a time when we shall increase in our prayer life as a church as the early church did.

May the Lord help us more and more in Jesus Name.

5.      Commitment to Fasting – Acts 13:1-3

Fasting is one way to deepen your prayer life.

The early church also had days of fasting -

It was their practice to fast every Wednesday