theDIHEDRAL Podcast

Arnie Kander- Staying Strong

theDIHEDRAL Season 2 Episode 205

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Arnie Kander, NBA physical trainer and consultant, goes over his physical therapy experience and its application on climbing and professional basketball.

Join us as Arnie teaches us some of the best ways to stay active and flourish during COVID-19 season.

Hosts: Gaia and Carrot

Producers: Gaia, Carrot


Gaia:   0:00
If you enjoy listening to adventure stories, then you should visit the day hegel dot com. You will find stories from other members of the community and readable climbing life and the outdoors. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Let's connect and climb on.

Carrot:   0:24
So welcome to the day he drove podcast. This is Carrot, and I'm really excited about today's guest. I'm gonna jump right in with a little background on the legendary Arnie Candor. So I grew up a huge piston fan, and as a little kid, I knew everyone on the team, from the players to the scouts, the physicians. I was a gigantic fan of people like Will Robinson and Dr Ben Paolucci and the longtime Piston trainer Mike Adenauer. I was kind of young, so I didn't really understand the inner workings of an organization. But I think it was around 1995 that a new strength and conditioning coach named Arnie Candor joined the team. At first I was kind of like, Who is this guy? I thought he was gonna take my cabin, our sot, and as a little kid, my cabin, our is a dream. He looks exactly like super Mario, So I'm just like, Come on, you can't take Super Mario Spot Evan Hours a legend. But Arnie Candor one over the entire city of Detroit, which is not an easy thing to Dio. I learned pretty quickly that Arnie Candor wasn't taking anything away from anybody, he was adding more than anyone could have ever guessed. Including a 2004 NBA championship, Arnie became known for his creative uses of everyday objects in order to build strength, endurance, teamwork, compassion and mental health. He is so creative and unique that I do not hesitate and calling him the Leonardo da Vinci of physical therapy and training. And I know this intros a little bit longer than unusual, but I want to say one more thing. My aunt and I, my Aunt Buffy, we used to joke around whenever something happened out of the ordinary. That that was how Ernie candor would develop his exercises. We'd imagine Arnie dropping an orange or some kind of fruit on the ground by accident, and when he bent to pick it up, he'd feel a stretch in some particular muscle, and all of a sudden you see a circle of seven foot tall, eh? NBA players dropping and picking up oranges 20 minutes before tip off. Arnie Candor is the best in the business. And today he joins Guy and I on the day he drel podcast. So, Arnie, welcome to the show.

Arnie Kander:   2:20
Wow, that was pretty amazing. I'm taking that all in.

Gaia:   2:26
Of course. No problem.

Carrot:   2:28
So t everybody listening. You guys might be wondering why a podcast that focuses on climbing is talking to an n b a physical therapist. Well, about a month ago, a scrolling through instagram and rock climbing legend Lynn Hill posted a short video featuring basketball legend Arnie Candor. And for me, it was just watching two worlds collide. My love of basketball. In my love of climbing, I couldn't believe Arnie Candor was a rock climber. So by the time I was done scrolling through his feed, I knew we had to get him on the show. So, Ari, I want to talk our start off talking about some of the creative ways that you've sort of developed for people who are stuck at home due to the current issue of physical distancing, um can get exercise and utilize resource is in ways that they might not understand. And if you could also talk a little bit about why exercise is so important for not only our physical health, but also our mental health in times like these,

Arnie Kander:   3:27
Sure, yeah, that's a great, great question. And for me, I take it way back to sports. When I was working, the room was never the limitation, meaning that we didn't have to have fancy equipment. We created our own equipment from wood from metal Way made everything specific. Yeah, treats. But probably the most important thing was creativity. What could you do that represented what an aptly needed when we would travel? Imagine you're in a hotel room with seven but athletes and 6 11 6 10 There's no bike that fits them. There's no machine. So we use the room. Anything. We used hallways I would usually ask for a ball from. And the reason is I just needed space. So in that room we would go to movement. We would go to breath work. We would go to flexibility. I appreciate the intro, you know, saying orange drop. Well, it wasn't that so much, but kind of similar. We would watch how a basketball player move and we would try to create a fluidity, a a learning method of making them better at their process of movement of that sport. So during these times, kind of bring it to the here and now. It's exactly what we used to face with athletes is what can we do every single day to get better? What can we do to get stronger? What can we do to be consistent as people sit home? I started doing instagram. I've never done posting and all of my years in sports and decided the time was now, you know the time is now and that's pending. My phrase is the time is now to be strong, and what I mean by that is what can you do every single day? We're sitting longer for longer periods of time than we've ever done were under more stress. We're dealing with it, whether it's on TV, a computer, a phone call, a loved one's dealing with things. It's not normal times. And so what can we do every single day from that standpoint? From nutrition standpoint, it's interesting. I think you watch a lot of the scientists and a lot of the epidemiologists and the people that are leaders. This thing we're dealing with is based upon immunity as a baseline, meaning that, of course now you want to be able to have the appropriate medical care. But kind of at the root of everything we always do with athletes is look at every aspect. So the one thing I've been preaching a lot is movement is staying flexible, and I just not just being physically flexible but mentally flexible nutrition at the highest level tons of research coming out. I'll get more into that as we get further along in the things you could do. But anything you can do to make yourself stronger to look at what we're being faced with as a community as a society is what can we do to be strong

Gaia:   6:13
mentioned? Um, staying flexible and not only physically flexible but mentally flexible? Can you expand a little bit on that? And what does that mean? Entrance late to?

Arnie Kander:   6:25
You're So that's appreciate. That's a great question. It's expanding, like most of us are fairly limited and what we do unless you have a meditation practice of mindfulness practice. If you're doing some other things. Yoga, um, other. We'll call it a spiritual practice or something you do for yourself, but for a lot of people they do not have all. So they are glued to a TV or they're glued to what they see every single day coming to them. So what I'm telling people is I started You could look up, aren't a candle with the K instagram post. We started simple things like simple movement patterns, things you can do every single day. Movement to me is kind of at the foundation, not just of immune elk, but of mental health meaning. Sit for a long, long period of time and see what it does to your body. How literally freezes your body. And if you start to move, you start to create a for model change. There's a hormonal ship. So the endorphins being careful ins, epinephrine, norepinephrine, serotonin. All the things that we do, what we exercise now are happening as much. We're not getting the gym's. We're not getting outside climbing, uh, or maybe drink some things, but minimal compared to what we're doing more. But to be able to get up and move, you should not be limited by that. If you have enough space, if you have four feet by four feet by you, you can do move. You can dance, you can breathe, you can jog in place. You can follow some of the things I've been recommending. I'm talking a lot about fashion and fascist, something I've been working with for probably 35 years of what it does in the body and sitting really shortened special, that tissue that sits between skin and muscle. So I getting up and moving your body. You lubricate Pasha, you literally move skin. You move muscle, you create all these. Incredible, as I said, for model responses in the body, I just started recently a speed challenge speaking to a couple former athletes. And, um, I said, What are you doing to stay strong? Or like, I have had a whole lot of Sarai challenges, as did you remember way, way back? Every player that came in, I used to do a lot of testing, but probably at the root of all, my testing was a simple little step. And you would have to go up, up, down, down, up, up, down, down, up, up, down down. I would give you 20 seconds to do as many as you can sew up, up, down, down as one. My all time record is 38 so that's literally to up, up, down, down every second. That is like fire. That's flying. So right now I got a ton of people responding. Athletes, climbers. Lynn did it today. Anderson did it, and I had some other climbers that it's a top NBA. Players do it arranges 13 37. That's the range right now, and I'm inviting more, more, more on love to see 300,000 people do the 22nd challenge, and you could work at it. You can do steps every day to build up strength and stamina and part of what I'm saying. This isn't just I called it a test and I pulled that back. That word test could be a trigger for a lot of people. No test. This is a challenge, right? And I think that's at the root of that question. Were literally challenge challenging what we're used to, what we've done and what we're so familiar with, and that's kind of breaking that code. Familiarity and Most people like to do what's familiar. And in all of this we're asking them to mentally, physically and spiritually do some things that are not totally familiar. And let's see where we come out again. This will at some point will be done right. This this will be done. Do we come out stronger to be come out better as a community, we come out better as a society. Do we become better as individual people? That's to me is the ultimate goal.

Carrot:   10:21
Yeah, I think interesting is not This is not just something you're saying. Like you said in the beginning, you've never dealt with Instagram and in your life. And so you're not just saying Try something new. You're trying something new. You know, you're trying to push people to be better, but at the same time, you're pushing yourself to be better by sort of stepping outside of the box. I I was thinking as you were talking in this particular instance, you need a step right One step up and down, up and down in 20 seconds. And I was wondering if you could sort of imagine the scenario. Let's that you're locked in an apartment and it Z just you isolating. And you have your normal furniture, your normal groceries, but no exercise equipment. You weren't expecting this to happen. If you could recommend to that person three exercises to do what would be your top three recommendations?

Arnie Kander:   11:12
Yeah, so great one would be stretching. That would be one of the keys. Because as we sit, several things happen. You know, hip flexors, those muscles in the front of the hip. They get really, really short. They backed breathing. Uh, this is a respiratory situation going on. So we want to maintain full lung capacity. So stretching, hip flexors and again, you can look on my newly found insert him toe how you could stretch it flexes with second would be core work. And I demonstrated that also, that means muscles around your abdominal area, your low back your sides to keep those strong and pliable. And then probably the third would be some form of breath. Work would be really working your lungs. You really full inhalation. Full X elation. The one thing I've been telling people not to do is distress their bodies and extremely so. For example, if you're somebody that has not been doing a lot, and then all of a sudden you do a lot more than what you're used to, even if it's at home. If you start doing 25 pushups times 10 because you know nothing more to do and I'll say to the person, Well, what do you normally do? Well, 10 pushups times three. And I'm like, OK, so you're gonna raise the inflammation bar. You're going to do a lot of things that actually compromise your immune system because we know an inflammation goes up, Amuse system goes down. It's like what you do when you go on intense high corn, intense climate, you've got done it, and then a day later, you get a sore throat or you get a runny nose or you get a slight cough. Small levels. Now these air all smoke. But we're trying to look at every possible way to keep your immune system this powerful and strong as possible. Well, I'll be exposed to this at some boy. The key is, I'm telling people is keep everything consistent with little changes in juts, little changes in jumps a little more stretching, great for the extra break it affects white blood cells in case cells. T cells B cells by sprechen by doing simple core work against. You're familiar with simple crunches. Small little leg. Let's nothing crazy with the legs out from really hard patterns. Very simple little movements like that and breath work. It's calming parasympathetic, which means really put you down to the good part of the nervous system. We're mostly in that fighter, your flight thing going on right now, almost like we're seeing lions all the time. You know there's no lions out there, so we literally up cortisol running our system right now, that stressful on cortisol is wonderful. Hundreds normal situations like, Oh, shoot. I've got something I got to do. Cortazar goes up a little bit. Oh, I'm driving a car and somebody cut me off a little bit of cortisol. We have way more now than we know it even do with breath. Work is phenomenal and helping to eliminate cortisol and to release it brings the heart rate down, brings the blood pressure down, put you into a good could you zone in your brain brain frequency. See, I would say those three, some type of core some type of stretching and some type of breath work.

Gaia:   14:13
But then, for example, people who were already very active and had a high level and they're worried now or let's say, elite climbers or basketball players. And I worry that Oh my gosh, no, my level's gonna go down. And whenever we go back to normal, hopefully sooner than later, I won't be necessarily. There were normally And what workouts could they do to at least keep their strength? They're or to stay strong leg. You're coining it on your instagram,

Arnie Kander:   14:39
I'm sure some childhood for another courses. Len, Len Hell. So we started putting together on her and she's just got a lot of follows. Sit book. We started incorporating Mia's a physical therapist. Whatever performance person with her is this incredibly brilliant, gifted climber. Things to do for shoulders, things to do for core there, climbing related things to do for pro PRI exception, alignment, balance and then target areas, you know, and it's interesting that your people's responses like wow, never thought about that. Never thought about the shoulder blade, how it relates to climbing. Never thought about the hips. Me now that I've been climbing liking three years When I go to the gym, I mean, it's fun for me because everyone's got an S. I problem. Somebody's got a finger Perfect, cause that's what I do, you know, all the time and every single day. I probably when I go to the gym, spend 28 to 40% of my time treating and teach him and the other 60 I'll get on the wall, and I'll do. But that's my passion. Fashion's teaching and giving people understand. I see people in bands doing all sorts of crazy rotator cuff. Stopping him like I let me show you something a little bit different. That you can do that won't inflame that shoulder. It won't make it unstable, probably will help you on the climbing wall. A little bit will keep you on so you can get better by getting stronger. But probably the most important thing is get over injuries better and not get injured. And if that's the case, climbing automatically gets better, right, because you're on that wall a whole lot more.

Carrot:   16:09
It's like you're really there's two questions I have kind of regarding climbing and training and staying healthy and things like that. Um, I guess we'll start off with, um, it's as far as climbing. You know, we get this lactic acid build up in our arms that we referred to his pump, and there's a lot of information out there about what to do when you're on the wall and you're trying to eliminate that when you have to make another move and you know some people put your hand up in shake it, put your hand down and shake it. Breathing probably comes into play a lot, but I was wondering if you could maybe offer some advice for climbers who are on the wall in their forearms. Start to pump out how to store to get some of that strength back.

Arnie Kander:   16:48
Yeah, for sure. So obviously we trained lack played a lot with athletes. I'm climbing a little bit different because of the nature of how much stress is in the hands. Risk forms all that until activities lacked eight still won't. So the best way to got a lack date is to learn how to tolerate lack treat, train within lactic, so literally training your body on the threshold. Finding out when is that point even if you're keeping track of time and clients and when it seems to occur on particular climbs and then training just in that level and not above it. So really learning how to stay sub Brescia lactic and actually use lack take as an energy source. The problem is people it's into when they're just getting on the edge of black tape. Keep pushing. And when you keep pushing and lactic becomes the dominant energy source, I don't care who you are. Your arms are gonna shut off. But if you find you're just beginning to get the pump and you keep yourself there or at that point, take a slight break, allow yourself to get into a different energy system and then get back in the lack tape. Again, you'll learn how to actually use lack tape more efficiently and how toe remove, lack. Take recover from black tape A lot of different theories on the lymphatic systems. If you raise your hand, they believe lymphatic flow is towards the heart, so supposedly it's more effective if your hands up in your shaking it. But most climbers were tired, so they put their hand down and shake it well it lymphatic flow. It doesn't go anywhere. It stays down in reforms. I recommend Put your hand up and shake it out. But again, probably the key of all of it on. We know Also prolactin Louisville just massaging. So you'll see. Also, a lot of people will shake mental, but if you're holding one hand, you can't beside right. But I'm talking about if you can actually learn to train it. There'll be times where if you're on the road, you lean back, you rub it out. We actually train your lymphatic system to flow out. You actually train lymphatic system, toe pull, lack. Take a way. So when your hands on yes, put your end up. Shake when your rope that you can lean back and take a break massage to get it to clear quicker so your body learns how to remove lactic. So I also believe a lot of times training your arms and various so people do a lot of reflection and climb right. It's a lot of election finger flexion risk collection. It's a lot of shoulder internal rotation, so training opposition is really, really clueless. It's important way I was here about muscle balancing oppositional work. I'm keeping strain counter strange things and a good plan in the room. Reason for that, too, is you'll produce less lackey when the opposing muscles have enough strength. So extensive keep you strong even though you're flexing. But all you train is one side of the body, you will automatically produce more lactic, so counterbalance work is important to help your body process elected and produce less of it.

Gaia:   19:45
I think the technical and the scientific explanation of all of this common things that we deal with. And if you're not majored in in any health related field, then you won't understand what you're doing, the things that you're doing them but we also here you have to breathe. Breathe this important end in. We've mentioned this before, and of course you have to breathe because if you don't breathe, we know the consequences. But in climbing or in sports, it's very it's emphasized a lot. Why is breathing very important for this process and any recommendations to remember to breathe because, for example, and this is my example? When I climb where I dance and I'm doing on our dress movement, I hold my breath immediately, Alec, And that's not the most efficiently.

Arnie Kander:   20:28
So that's called Bell Cell of Al Salam. Maneuver is, for example, I'll use it with a really powerful movement, like a bench press. Right? That's an easy one to see. So if I go to do a bench press, there is a short period of time. We hold your breath for a short period of time to stabilize your spine, and now you can push off a stable spine. The same thing occurs inclining. There's a short period of bell cell, but where you do hold your breath for the movement. The problem is, we stay longer in that Bow Salva technique of holding so wine lack Take. It's produced. It's an anaerobic, basically, activity that produced lacked. It is an energy slow. So you stay in a holding breath pattern. You will produce way more lactic, so there's gonna be a short there's a jump that there's something extremely powerful. Sure, there's gonna be a moment of that Val Selva technique holding of the breath that produced the spinal stability to allow the movement. But at the same time, you have to then allow yourself to breathe. Teoh get into a different energy source. You're not primarily producing lactic, so so so it's important when people do breath work. You. I'm glad you brought that up. They'll often do it sitting right, Kill off the practice breath. Work sitting well. The problem is, it doesn't relate to the sportsman. So a lot of times you'll tell an athlete. Practice breath, work even before you're on the wall at various angles so it could be with your hands. Why could be with your hands up? It could be on a diagonal way harder to fully ventilate your lungs. When you're on a long diagonal with the foot, cross the body. So is creating this cross angle positions. It's harder to use your diagram, your inner hostels, your breathing muscles. So the better we get it practicing when you're not just in a loaded position of climbing. So the typical breath work doesn't really train you. As an athlete. I nothing not Don't do it. I think it's wonderful and it's great so we could do it. Sitting weaken, Do it standing. We could do it with various movement patterns, like a tight she or create your own movement patterns. You can literally is really good climbers mimics, um, finding patterns and practice breathing while you're doing these patents before you ever get on the wall. What happens? Because you might find if you reach with one hand versus the other. While I noticed a little harder to use my loans when I'm moving in one dive vs the other when you cross one leg across your body when you're standing versus another across it behind like you flag Wow, I noticed with my right, it was a little bit harder to take a full breath. So to really practice and buying the limitations gives you the gets to people to then have the strengths which now make your breath match what you do.

Carrot:   23:13
Can you possibly just go a little bit deeper into just what oxygen does to your body and why it's important to breathe?

Arnie Kander:   23:21
Sure, so oxygen is the key, basically everything. It's the the substance of light with oxygen. You're talking about hemoglobin, which got a floater muscles. It's gotta floated the brain. It's what creates a TP. It's an energy thing. So our mighty Condrey have produced this all these energy cycles. The end It's TC, a cycle to produce basically oxygen energy, 80 p. And so what we're trying to do with this is to move our bodies without oxygen. It's the one pretty much nutrient which is in water, which is in when you thinks in air quality. Everything we have is based upon oxygen. So if we cannot get oxygen, that's why we put these little leaders. And it's interesting all these both Saxes measuring basically the oxygen blood flow in the arteries. Put down a finger and it's measuring what it should be. We like it to be around 98 99% elite athletes. And then we go to these movement patterns, and we will find that a certain movement pattern will reduce oxygen and as they get better earth, those movement patterns less restricted in those movement patterns, we can have that move. And usually as we move, 02 drops a little bit because we're using oxygen and we're not saturating. We're not pushing it out as much because they're breath patterns. Get as you go harder. We don't breathe as well, so we literally don't move oxygen as well to tissue. So we're trying to move it toe organs were trying to move it to the brain, being one of the most important organs, trying to get it to muscle, to do what it has to do. So it's at the root of everything.

Gaia:   25:00
What's the name of the device again that you put in your finger?

Arnie Kander:   25:04
A pulse oximeter

Gaia:   25:06
opposed oximeter. And you just mentioned it. And this is a typical question that I stood Intuit ask in a classroom. Could you please repeat that? Because I remember the other day we did it in my numbers were like 19 900 made 100 and something, But it would go like this. 99 108 102 9700 and something And I said, I'm gonna die. What is this happening

Arnie Kander:   25:28
now? You just sitting when you have this on?

Gaia:   25:32
We were talking. I headed on and we were talking, but I was just I was standing, was not rocking out or anything

Arnie Kander:   25:38
where you were you at a doctor's office? Or were you just saw a friend had one and they try and

Gaia:   25:43
we were home.

Carrot:   25:43
Yeah, my mom's a nurse, so she's just like here, take this poll socks, keep it around, tested every once in a while,

Gaia:   25:49
and I sent a picture to her and she She's like, You better take it every morning and night just in case,

Arnie Kander:   25:55
you know, that's very normal. Our oxygen levels vary. They vary all the time. They go up and down the very based upon again. I mean, it's interesting. Everyone's getting into H R B now heart rate variability. We used to think that a heart rate should be the same all the time. But in the last 15 to 20 years, we realized that that's not the case. Our heart rate is literally like a ban. It goes faster. Sometimes it goes smaller sometime, and that's even without activity. That's just the way the heart rate is actually meant to be. It's not meant to be it 63 all the time, so it's meant to go up. It's meant to go down and his heart rate goes up. What are we pushing out oxygen so it will go up and down, match the heart rate to think old stroke volume. It's what's leaving the heart that's giving us oxygen to the arteries, which then give it to the tissue. And so no, very, very normal for it to go up and down. But it's interesting to see you don't need a pulse oximeter. They're kind of cool. They're kind of fun. But they can freak people out to right like I got What's wrong, all of that. But you pay attention to your breathing as you're going to simple movements. They could be low movements. They could be cross movements. They could be high movements. They could be feet across. They can defeat behind the body. As climbers, I really say Go and try some dry land climbing movements just of your hands in your feet mimic what you're doing and really try to meddle it. Really trying to use your lungs effectively. Don't over Marie. You know, let the breathing match what you need, because sometimes you'll say this to people in the hyperventilate. It's enough like that. That's not what I'm saying. Breathing matched the movement. Let yourself really breathe. Not you don't need that for that. What do you need to accomplish that room? The key is don't hold breath. Hold it. If it's gonna be one quick short power movement in spinal stability and then make sure you're back in some rhythm of breath again. So it's really a feel thing. It's paying attention to how the body responds. The great part about climbers. They're really in tune right, the really in tune with their bodies in some ways. And then I've also noticed in other ways, not so into right, Like you'll watch them just kind of do some things and cross training. And I'm like, I wonder why there's They beat their bodies up on the wall, climbing and all that. They're beating themselves up fitness room. So it's to me. It's an interesting correlation. You know, Maybe it's not only climbers. ITT's people in general of the train really, really hard, and sometimes the training should get you really good at what you want to be. If that's a climber, great. If that's just being with your grandkids and being able to get down low to the floor, that's great. We'll find methods or ways to make you really good at that stuff,

Carrot:   28:49
but I kind of have Ah, it's a little bit self interested, this question, but I think it is going to apply to a lot of people. Normally I teach I'm a classroom teacher and I'm walking back and forth all the time up in front of board. I'm never really sitting sitting still, And last night my computer let me know how much I was on the computer cause I'm putting on my classes transitioning toe online. And so I'm just in front of computer. I was on the computer yesterday for 10.5 hours working on this, which it's depressing. I'm just like, Oh, my God, I need to move. And so I'm wondering if you can give me personally, but more generally, everybody, some advice that people who are stuck at their desks for these huge amounts of ours that they're not used to like some simple stretches that we don't have to, like, change our clothes in order to do these exercises, you know, jump off the death for a little while exercise and get back to work.

Arnie Kander:   29:42
Absolutely. Right. So think about when you sit. What happens when we said, First of all, we're never symmetrical where we sit. You ever looked down at your feet. One foot will turn right. One

Carrot:   29:52
reminds me right now. Yeah,

Arnie Kander:   29:54
right now, I guarantee you something's gonna be because there's, ah, leg in the way. You know, there's something that we've learned to just We have sitting patterns. So when you sit, you literally remodel your knees and to sitting. And so that's why when people first get up, it's almost like home. You count, let me start to move around your reprogramming your body. So part of what happens was sitting his mala line. Not just your posture, Peanut. Me posture is a whole different. You just set up.

Carrot:   30:26
Remind me I feel so much better.

Gaia:   30:28
You have no idea how many times I fix my posture or being aware of my breathing through this attack. True,

Arnie Kander:   30:34
we're not always done for athletes. I'll sit like I'm sitting now, and that'll stand up and I'll say, Imagine if I stood with this posture I had when I was sitting around. Wow, you look like you're like 95 years old with your back light, I said. Now tell me most of us sit as it were very, very old, because its gravity and gravity pulls us down before. But also what happens with the screen were always drawn towards the screen So we get a forward head posture, Kaif. Oh sis, or a rounding of the back. We round our shoulders forward. We shorten the hip flexors we rotate one foreigners we create a symmetries at the knee joint are groin and hip isn't balance is usually one legs out further than the other. So what you're doing cured by getting up in walking, crucial. You're mobilizing your body. You're kind of reprogramming the nervous system, saying, Okay, this is what normal is sitting is not normal. You know, they say, sitting the new smoking we've known this for a long time. Sitting is not normal, I would say with NBA players, basketball players. One of the biggest things I dealt with is long flights, long bus rides sitting on a bench. There's it, don't play. So the hazards of sitting and making sure that during every time out we would do activity if the guys that weren't playing to get their hips flexible to get their cabs flexible. If you sit in your legs out in front of you, your ankles air constantly locked down, so you lose the ability to get your heels low on the climbing wall. You start to lose ankle forces election, you start to again lose strengthen these and the hits the answering. So by walking, that's number one. Number two. That little wall stretch we used to do you go to the wall inspection calves. They call it kind of a running such wonderful. But the only problem with it is when you go to the wall, you lean forward again. So you're mimicking what you doing? You sit So I always tell people imagine there's an imaginary wall and as you stand, your hands don't have to go forward. They could just stand your waist, see it, put your hands in your ways to put your foot behind you and you see, really talk. Yeah, just like that. Really talk and you'd hold your elbows back low like that for 10 seconds while you're stretching one cat. But you're also stretching your hip flexor because it's behind you. Then you put your hands up like this so you start to stretch the upper chest. Well, that's also been pulled forward from sitting for a long time. And if you happen to be on a computer and you use one hand, that pet Wallace finer or if you write, not many people write anymore that are more internal. Rotator is Spider were never symmetrical in her arms. One elbows out a little bit more so that internal rotator detect the Latin sub scout, the terrorist major all that short. So by doing these simple little mobilization stretches while you're in a stride and then you switch to the other, you might say I'm gonna hold this for five seconds. I'm gonna hold this for five. I'm gonna reach straight above for five. I switch feet. I do aside, I continue to look again. You can look, I put out a whole thing on bash if you look under my name already. Candor. And it talked about. That's about one part about this in sports, we never share. It's sad to say for that. Was the Pistons secrets, right? We didn't want to share with the Cavaliers of the boxer, the Bulls, the Lakers one was ours. And, uh so now I'm able to say, you know, this is for as many people as I can share it. It's the gifts of understanding the human body. We all know different things, right? You can teach me a lot about climbing that I wouldn't know. So I figured this is my opportunity. If the share those things that we wouldn't get to the opposition, there's no opposition is that none of that. This is all about us again. Is a society unity being able to give and share? So, yeah, that would be things. Charity, your great question, because sitting is happening way more now for everybody. And then here's the other thing, too. We're not just sitting like we used to sit, were sitting with stress, and that's a visceral thing, right? That gets in themselves that gets into fat cells that literally changes. The body changes fashion, like, I guarantee, if used to phone role and you remember what that I t band used to feel like Or a little bit of that you l a great man. That's tight. Go phone role. Now if you haven't done it in a bit, and you'll be shocked how sore you are with phone role, fashion or stress Fascist store stress. So the importance of doing fascist stretches and again you can look that up on my INSTAGRAM account and doing system bone rolling during some self massage. I've been reckoning, even if you want to increase like magnesium, which gets minerals get chewed up under stress. So selenium, magnesium, one of the greatest ways to get that back again and to assist sitting for long periods of time. If you have backed up the old school Epsom salt baking soda, stoking in that will restore magnesium levels back, it helps. Pasha. It's calming. It's relaxing. Do some breath work while you're in there at the same time. So I mean, there are so many cool things that could be done, not just now. I mean, I think with what we're dealing with. But when this is all done, hopefully we've all learned new things, right counters just to sit counters to stress counters to the unknown. I mean, we're gonna face that in other ways. We just happen to be hit ace on with this thing right now,

Gaia:   36:02
things that there are several things that are changing, not only were spending longer periods of time sitting and with dress also laying down and with a pillow like this, because we know that there's a a lot of people doing Netflix or other cool or whatever they're binge watching and at the same time that comes with food. So diet or changing lifestyles are changing towards the beginning. You mentioned that there's a strong relationship between the physical activity and then also the diet, and you incorporate that as well. Any recommendations in regards to that?

Arnie Kander:   36:37
Yes, absolutely. So I started recommending, and this is something a long time back. This isn't anything new, but you get get nutrition to food that's at the baseline of all of this. But one of the things that we're not getting is getting out to a grocery store which were recommending Dunk. A lot is often We do get get stuff for two weeks. And the problem, too, is now reading certain foods that we probably haven't eaten before. I I'm eating Maura. I'm gluten free. But I'm eating more pasta now than I think. I'm costed out because it's box foods. It's stuff I'm not used to eating. I've actually started drinks like canned beans, which I've never done. It's always fresh. Everything is always organic on GMO, so we're even like you just said, we're eating differently that we did before eating in different postures, different positions all of that is different. I've made recommendations for people. There's a lot of data coming out. Virus doesn't do well with certain nutrients anybody, So I know this is a different virus, but it's still a virus. They started in China. They did Canada. Another during your chi knows vitamin C, right? That's one. But you can't take a high dose vitamin C if you're getting the typical ascorbic acid. So that typical one when you get to the one I'm recommending is called lightbulbs Noble. It's a fat emotion form of vitamin C. You can take a ton of that and have no skin reaction. Donate your skin. No bottle effects with high dose. Wait and see. Ascorbic acid is water soluble. It runs through you. You don't absorb much of it like was only absorb the majority of so they're using that now ring in New York. You're using it. You're doing IV's vitamin C high dose, having really good results from the data that's coming out there using Also, it's interesting. So I I've been using red light infrared light for a long time, 35 years, so I used near infrared light far for a light mirror amid infrared light. So far, infrared like is a heat. It's away blink that penetrates the body. We've been using it Brett for virus For years and years. There was a study that came out the sickness. Buyers could not survive in a Petri dish that's still in a Petri dish above 1 33 1 33 will kill it. So I did a post saying, Yeah, you might not be able to get to an infrared sauna because they're not. I haven't have one, but they're not available to too many people. But definitely the way blinks penetrating at 1 55 deep into the body can be really effective. I love to see data on that. When this is all set done for people, they say that it won't change when it gets warmer. I am will be interested to see, because most viruses and I get this Coronas a bit different. But usually virus doesn't do well. We're Keat Normal Virus doesn't do well with humidity. They do really well in cold and dry. So most of us are Colorado's cold and dry. So I told people to do, and again, this is just a home remedy and that the worst is going to do is make your nasal passageways feel way better. But I used to do this with athletes that had Sinus stuff going on. They had killed the typical 90 teapot, but when I would just sort of teapot on it really hot warm. Take tea. Tree a drop of tea. Tree a drop of eucalyptus. Put it on a little sheet. Cover my head. Find with steam is comfortable with my hand. First, put my face there and inhale it for a good minute. An incredible tea tree. Eucalyptus is antivirals. It just runs out anything that's in that hospital. So we know it's an entry coin, right? We understand the noses. And if true, point salt water is wonderful for virus for bacteria, we know what it does for sort roasted gardening, spitting out saltwater again. Another entry point. Zinc. We're hearing with hydroxy claure queen. One of the meds they're using an anti anti malarial meth hydroxy claure queen works is it takes your own sink and moves in interest. Cellular Well, there's also data and studies showing the green tea and course intent, which is the Inter peal of apples course assistants that green leafy things like kale. It's in onions, so taking core sittin with green tea become basically carriers of zinc to move it inside the cell membrane. So those that can't get hydroxy chlor queen through a prescription. That's gonna be really hard to get since the president of our country put it out there that that's secure for this right now. It's very hard to get. But if you take green tea and you use course in 10 an apple a day amazing right next, the doctor away and green tea. We knows a powerful antioxidant, but it's a transporter of zinc in the body, into cell membranes so well worth it to keep your immune system struck. Vitamin C oranges all sorts of get it through fruit, Citrus fruits, all of that get it from vegetables in many ways of getting our nutrients continuing to eat well, as best as you can time, I think for supplements. Also vitamin C. Zinc. Vitamin D It's interesting with this that they're finding that again. Virus. Usually people that are vitamin D o H 25 they call it deficient. Don't go out, gets done Well, we know what the sun has the sun has. UV C raised son also has UV, A UV B and UV B is for vitamin D. U V C. Kilts virus. Well, raising your vitamin D three levels up to a higher level, and most of us are very, very low. We don't get sunshine. What's happening? We're staying indoors even more so. Vitamin D is one of the baseline, basically vitamins fat soluble vitamins. It's almost like a hormone at the base of the immune response. So for staying indoors less sunshine, we'll have way less vitamin D in our bodies so we can get it through food. But really the best way. It's a simple supper to improve your vitamin D levels. I'm telling most of my friends to go up to 10,000. I use a day, uh, traditionally will say, 2000. I've had athletes on 20,000 today, so throughout an n B a season, So 10,000 for almost everybody for a week or two and then drop back to 5000 is made and again all these different nutritional components to keep your immune system. It's your army. It's what you have to fend off not just this virus, but it's every other thing that we're exposed. You every other toxin were exposed to

Carrot:   43:13
valuable information. Um, yeah, we're kind of winding down here. Are you know, I was wondering if we could ask you if you lighthearted questions to sort of finish up the show? Um, the 1st 1 I was gonna ask you if you think back in all of your nb experience, if you could think of one athlete in the N b a specifically that you've worked with that you would think would make an amazing physical therapist. Is there one person's ago this person at all the gifts, They'd be great.

Arnie Kander:   43:42
That's a great never thought of that. That's that's a great question. I would say, Grant Hill, you have to be to meet really good therapists. You have to be creative. You have to think outside the box. You know, many people think inside the box we have to think outside of the box, and you have to have fun. If you can't have fun at all of this, I think we're really missing the point. But especially great pt's you think about. If you have to go to therapy. Usually it's not a lot of fun, right? You're coming in with a spoon or near a hip. But if that therapist can make those appointments could make those days really creative, you know, really make it make sense. And if you leave with a smile, that's a heck of a therapist. They've really done their job. And, yeah, I would say, Grant, grab the, uh, would be one of them.

Carrot:   44:34
That's really interesting. Especially kind of what you were talking about earlier. I mean, kind of smiles are medicinal, right? We have, ah, evidence to think that it raises endorphins and dopamine and serotonin. And so I mean, it makes a lot of sense to you to think that you'd want your physical therapist to make you smile for reasons that go above and beyond. Just enjoying your time at physical therapy. Um, guy and I put put together a list and we're just gonna ask you if it's possible. If you need to think you can just to answer yes or no, we have a list of nb A athletes. Some of them you've definitely worked with others. Maybe not. We want to ask whether or not you would think they would make a decent rock climber. So we'll ask. The question will say name. All you gotta do is say yes or no. If you want to quantify or qualify any of your answers, you're more than welcome to

Arnie Kander:   45:22
Can I add anything to the Yes. No. Or just Yes. No.

Carrot:   45:24
You can have anything you

Gaia:   45:26
want. You can at whatever you like. Teoh. Yeah.

Carrot:   45:28
All right. So the first the first name that came to my mind was, um Rip Hamilton.

Arnie Kander:   45:35
We've had many conversations about this. Yes. What is extremely afraid of heights.

Carrot:   45:40
Oh, all right, Fair enough.

Gaia:   45:44
Ah, it was Ben Wallace.

Arnie Kander:   45:47
You be the best rock climber of any basketball player. Oh,

Carrot:   45:51
wow. That was actually one of our questions. That's great to know.

Arnie Kander:   45:55
No fear, no fear.

Carrot:   45:58
And you mentioned him a little while ago. Grant Hill.

Arnie Kander:   46:00
Uh, he would be a really fluid rock climber.

Carrot:   46:05
Will bind him.

Arnie Kander:   46:08
I just talked with him, actually, this afternoon, I they will would be Yeah, you'd be a great climb.

Carrot:   46:19
This one might three off a little bit. We can go with a younger version of Larry Brown.

Arnie Kander:   46:25
Uh, it would challenge his hips a little bit. I'm gonna say this Larry Brown and his hippie days also helping the a b a awesome climber. Uh, Larry Brown when he was my coach. When? When I worked with them. Yeah. Yeah, he would get after you get after. If you couldn't do it, you would definitely give it his best effort. And, uh, if I said to him now, Coach could be a great climber. I know. Isn't spots aren't any. I'll give it a shot.

Carrot:   46:55
S okay, so just a couple more. Um, Isiah Thomas.

Arnie Kander:   47:00
Well, I did put this challenge out to him two days ago. He just laughed. He had that Isaac. But that big went now, you'd be a great climb. He'd be a great climate.

Carrot:   47:12
All right, so two more Karl Anthony towns,

Arnie Kander:   47:16
we just got off a workout off the phone. It's a bit ago. He would be a great climber, but somehow I don't see why. Says since he goes. But I'm afraid of bare, i e I don't quite get the connection, but I don't think betters climb those walls. So anyways,

Carrot:   47:36
all right, The last one is kind of a bit of. Ah, curveball. So we'll go again. Younger days. It could be long ago. Um, George Blaha,

Arnie Kander:   47:45
I I'm gonna give you a funny story about George. Back in. We were in a preseason game and they took my first client. Actually, my first climb, we went up on the president's heads. What's that monument called?

Carrot:   48:01
Russian work?

Arnie Kander:   48:02
Yes, we happen to be there. They behind the mountain on a special tour because we had our whole team. Uh, well, not a whole team. About 2/3 of our team cause the ones we're gonna play in that preseason game I didn't bring them. But I had Chauncey Tayshaun, then Wallace. George Blaha. I ate other guys on that trip. So the only thing they told us was if you come on this trip, you have to wear tennis shoes because we are gonna be on some scramble on some rock. So George brought any low forms. George is sliding down. So I had to take my tennis shoes off. I ended up going barefoot. You're my tennis shoes. And he made it on top of Washington's head. Oh, that being said, yes, George really climb.

Carrot:   48:48
That's a spectacular answer. So why don't you ask this question?

Gaia:   48:53
So if you had to go primitive camping with one of the n b A players, who would you pick?

Arnie Kander:   48:58
Um, the one else taste is young issue wrecker Jonas. So Jonas is from Sweden, and the only reason why he lived in my house for three months and he had to eat what we ate at the time, I was a raw foodists. And so we had to live off raw food for three weeks and his eyes often look at them and say, you notice your refco from Sweden.

Carrot:   49:23
That's amazing. Answer.

Gaia:   49:25
Yeah. If he passed that test of eating wrong foot all the time, he'll be good.

Carrot:   49:29
Yeah, right. So, um, one more thing that I just kind of occurred to me as we've been talking. Um, is there any chance that you and Lyn Hill get together to write a book for rock climbers? Kind of expanding on some of the things that you've been doing on your instagram and things that she's been doing on her instagram. It's a book that I would read it in an instant.

Arnie Kander:   49:52
Well, she's got so many cool adventures that you know, she lends Always one never toe put out much, right? She doesn't post. She doesn't do that. So I think this has been fun because we'll sit there together. Hey, what are you gonna post today? Maybe I'll be in this one. Maybe not. And so it's really been cool. Um I mean, anybody who knows Lynn, she's not just an incredible athlete, but just such a passionate, caring person. And, um, I told her some point, we're gonna do a camp, and we're gonna invite athletes from all different sports together. Climbers, basketball players, soccer players, football players, baseball players, you know, outdoor adventurous. And we're gonna have a huge camp, and we're gonna bring in all sorts of you guys will come. You will bring it all sorts of people, and we'll all work camp together.

Carrot:   50:43
That's amazing. Arnie, thank you so much for joining us. If we ever make it out to Colorado, we're gonna have to hit some walls together. So you

Gaia:   50:52
have to be aware that half of my questions will be like my neck. My back is killing me

Arnie Kander:   50:58
with one of my time at the gym. So I'm available

Gaia:   51:02
source. E and we always ask our guess. Is there anything else I'd like to add? Anything that like to like, plug in project Something coming up? I don't know. Or anything else that you would like to share.

Arnie Kander:   51:12
Well, the only one would be if you check out my stool. Be going. Hopefully this for the next month. It's called Be the step up challenge. And I'm putting that out there for every person to see what they can do with an up, up, down, down step. Up, up, down, Down For 20 seconds you go as fast as you can go. You know, you can take your time and build up, but I want to see what you're able to do if you can send me a video. Awesome. I'm sharing it with everybody I know. So we all get to see everybody do this 22nd day.

Carrot:   51:44
Yeah, You heard it. You guys step up. Challenge. Follow on. The candor on instagram or any Thanks. A 1,000,000 for joining us.

Arnie Kander:   51:50
Thank you. Guys must place since Mom.

Gaia:   51:54
Thank you