Fresh Take

Strengthening Local Food Systems Through Urban Farming

Florida Certified Organic Growers & Consumers, INC.

Zion Farms & Market started in 2016 on a 20-acre farm in Apopka, Florida, with a mission to establish urban farms throughout Central Florida and be an affordable source of organic produce and education to the community at large. Registered as a 501(c)(3) organization, through collaboration with other urban farmers in the Central Florida area the alliance was able to break ground on Infinite Zion Farms in the Parramore neighborhood in 2019.

In this episode, hear about: 

- Infinite Zion Farms’ approach to supporting the local community and food system 

- Success stories from the farm 

- How the farm has overcome unique challenges  

- Recommendations and resources for farmers and consumers 


Learn more about Infinite Zion farms on their website: 

*Photo Credit: Special thank you to Infinite Zion Farms for allowing us to use a photo of their farm! 

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