Fat Loss Success Stories

02: Whole Food Nutrition: The Foundation of the FASTer Way

October 15, 2019 Veronica Hugger & Le Bergin

On the FASTer Way, we focus on clean eating...avoiding foods that are processed and packaged. We reduce inflammatory foods like dairy and gluten, and foods that don't make us feel good. Instead, we focus on foods that promote your best health.

When you’re eating whole foods, you’re eating real food. The bulk of your nutrition should consist of foods found in their most natural state. Think about fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, nuts, and whole grains.

Whole foods have few ingredients. They are easy to pronounce, and they have not been modified or processed. They have no added sugars or chemicals. 

To help you when shopping in the grocery store, stick to the items on the outside perimeter of the store, like the produce section. 

Avoid the center sections of the grocery store, like the cereal and soda aisles. 

Be wary of food that comes in a box or a bag. It likely is processed and filled with hard-to-pronounce chemicals and additives like refined sugar.

Whole foods provide more fiber and important micronutrients, like vitamins and minerals, that are good for our bodies.

To tell us more about the importance of whole food nutrition is Le Bergin, a FASTer Way to Fat Loss head trainer.

A fitness professional since 2004, Le and her husband own and operate a fitness center in Galveston, Texas. She’s a former teacher, and she has a long list of certifications, including a FASTer Way to Fat Loss certified coach, in fact, she's my personal FASTer Way coach!

Some of the topics Le covers in this episode...

  • Avoiding gluten and dairy
  • Carbohydrates = energy we need to fulfill our purpose
  • Short-term restrictive diets
  • SAD vs. European food sources
  • Adapting to a whole food diet ( 🍷🧀)

Check out these FREE resources:
Fat Loss Quiz
How to Lose Belly Fat FAST
Beginner’s Guide to Counting Macros
Introductory Guide to Intermittent Fasting
Sugar Detox Guide
Carb Cycling
What are MACROS and Why Do We Track Them?